Edition 32 - October 1994

Artwork by: Debbie Cook


The tawny owl, Debbie's choice for the cover, is the most common owl over much of Britain, though absent from Ireland. A bird of copses, well-wooded parks and gardens, like most owls it hunts by night and roosts by day. But, if hard-pressed for food when it is nesting, it will hunt in broad daylight. Often, when roosting, it may be located by the parties of smaller birds - jays, blackbirds and chaffinches - which seek it out and mob it. But the owl is not disturbed by their noise! Its flexible neck allows it to turn its head almost full-circle, so that its face can be kept towards an observer moving round it.

According to bird books, when Shakespeare wrote the call of the tawny owl as "tu-whit, tu-who - a merry note", he was, for once, being a poor naturalist. For what he heard was not a single owl, but two birds - one of them giving out an eerie 'hooo, hoo-oo-' and the other, probably a female, answering with a sharp "kee-wick" . Both sexes make these two sounds, but they are never uttered together by the same bird.

Thank you, Debbie, for another beautiful illustration.


Artwork: Judie Weedon


Before starting on this issue's regular and special articles, I should like to take the opportunity to thank Graham and Maureen Jones, not only for their encouragement and support of the Newsletter, but for their friendly help to all of us in the Village. We shall miss you, but wish you and the family well in your new home at Lower Dean Farm. Thank you.

Looking after us now at the Post Office are Alan and Nora Rowlands. A very warm welcome to you both. Alan and Nora have moved, on Alan's retirement, after 36 years, from the R.A.F., from St. Athan's in South Wales. They have two sons - Kevin, who is a Policeman, and his wife Sam, and Tony who is an Aeronautical Engineer with Rolls Royce. Good luck in your new venture!

There has been considerable interest shown in Bishop Jewell of late and I am very grateful to Sheila Brain, of Jabob's Well, for her article which appears later in the Newsletter, the result of her research whilst working at Sussex University. By the time this goes to print, Sheila will have left the University to live permanently in the Village, and in her own words, "after 30 years of travelling backwards and forwards, it will be a relief not to be constantly checking my tyres and oil levels." It will be good to have you with us, Sheila.

Sylvia and Nick Cataldo send their best wishes to all their friends in Berrynarbor and hope to visit the Sterridge Valley before too long. Sylvia says that Sam, their white cat, does NOT sit in the middle of the road outside their new home!

The next issue will be for December and Christmas. Please keep your articles coming and spice them with a Christmas flavour . Items for inclusion should be at the Post Office or Chicane by the middle of November - Monday, 14th November, please. Ed.




Recyclinq Pavilion - Further congratulations to all the village recyclers! The recycling pavilion is performing so well that the authorities want to exchange it for one double the size. Hopefully this should happen within the next couple of months, meanwhile, please keep up the good work. The pavilion is normally open from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. If you do find it closed, please do not leave newspapers, etc., outside.

Bulky Household Rubbish - A skip for the disposal of bulky household waste will be in the car park in Castle Hill over the week-end commencing Friday, 11th November, and again on Friday, 10th March.

Parish Council Grants in 1995 - Any local organisation wishing to be considered for a grant from the Parish Council is invited to make application by the 31st October 1994. A copy of the latest accounts should be submitted, together with current levels of income and expenditure, details of the sum requested and the purpose for which it will be used. Applications should be made to John Vince, Clerk to the Parish Council Holly Lodge, Horne Park Road, Ilfracombe, EX34 8JT.


Artwork: Steve Angold [Aged 10]



Illustration by: Paul Swailes

Summer Events

Our grateful thanks to all those who have helped us during the summer with our fund-raising events and to all those who have supported us and given so generously. Gift Day donations totalled £536.74 and the Summer Fayre raised a further £776.71, in spite of the rain. Profits from the Flower Festival and Concerts came to £459.40 [well up on two years ago], and a donation is being made to the Fortescue Ward at the North Devon District Hospital.

Harvest Festival

Harvest Services will begin on Sunday, 2nd October. There will be Holy Communion at 8.00 a.m. and a Family Service at 10.30 a.m. Everyone is cordially invited to this service: there will be Harvest hymns and prayers and a short address, and the Sunday School will take an active part.

Hopefully you will all have bought your tickets by now for the Harvest Supper and Barn Dance, to be held in the Manor Hall on Wednesday evening, 5th October! The supper will be preceded by Evensong at 6.30 p.m. There will be a sale of produce in the Church on Thursday, 6th October, at 10.45 a.m., after the mid-week service. Profits from the sale will go to the Primary School charity - the R.S.P.C.A.


The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m

Evensong, Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m. [once a month the Christians Together go from Church to Church, and there is no Evensong]

Holy Communion
Thursdays, 10.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday each month, 8.00 a.m.

The Rector, the Rev. Keith Wyer [883203] and Prebendary Eppingstone [882802) will discuss Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Bereavements and SHOULD be invited to come and pray with the sick.

Prayer and Bible Study, Combe Martin, every Thursday, 7.30 p.m.



As mentioned in the last Newsletter, an Exhibition produced by the Devon Record Office to celebrate the Parish Councils' Centenary Year will be on display in the Manor Hall on the 13th, 14th and 15th October. The Exhibition will be open at the following times:

Thursday, 13th October
Friday, 14th October
Saturday, 15th October
10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
2.00 to 4.00 p.m.
7.30 to 9.30 p.m.
10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon

On the Friday evening, Linda Blanchard - the Heritage Officer of the North Devon District Council - will be giving an illustrated talk on North Devon Landscapes and Local Distinctiveness. This will start at 8.00 p.m. and admission is free.

Anyone possessing old photographs or postcards of the village is welcome to bring these for display. Refreshments will be available both on the Friday evening and the Saturday morning.



Claude's six surviving brothers and sisters, several of his nieces, nephews and families, together with Mrs. Ivy Richards and family, friends, members of the Parish Council and people who had been involved in the planning and planting of the garden, gathered on the cold, dry evening of 22nd April for the formal Opening of the Garden by Mr. Mike Edmunds, Past-Chairman of the District Council and a personal friend of Claude, and a dedication by Preb. Eppingstone.

Claude's Garden - 2022

The Garden is quite a transformation from not so long ago, when I remember picking sprouts on a cold winter's day, but it was compensated by the view over Berrynarbor. Now the Garden is open, many people will, I am sure, find pleasure in enjoying the view and the tranquillity of the Village.

Jill Sidebottom

Commemorative plaque - 2022

Photographs by: Judie Weedon


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


Best wishes to Tanja Jost of Hillside, Sterridge Valley, and Mark Hill of Brisbane, Australia, on their recent engagement. Plans are already being made for their wedding, here, in May 1995, but in the meantime, Tanja is still globe-trotting as a Marketing Consultant.

Celebrations have been in order for Colin and Doreen Harding and Family. On the 28th May, Deborah and Gary Baddick produced grandchild No. 2, Alexander Guy, who weighed in at a bouncing 9 lb 14 oz, to be followed on the 8th July by the birth, at 9 lb 12 oz, of Adam James, a second child for Lisa and Kim [Dove-Dixon], a brother for Sophie. Not to be outdone by his sisters, on the 6th August, Guy announced his engagement to Caroline Mee of Braunton. Congratulations and very best wishes to you all.

Degree success for Becky Delve [late of Bessemer Thatch! Becky has just been awarded a 2:1 degree in Human Science from University College, London. Our best wishes go with her to Durham University where she will take a P.G.C.E. course in Primary Science and Special Needs.

Well done to all Ilfracombe College students from the Village on their successful G.C.S.E. and 'A' Level results, and to the following students receiving awards at the College Presentation Evening on 23rd September:

  • Elaine Gubb [Effort in English]
  • Jonathan Day [Effort in Music]
  • Lindsey McDonnell [Excellence in Athletics]
  • Michael Wyer [Special Merit Award for Drama] and
  • Hannah Chantler [The Lethbridge Award for Service and a Special Merit Award for Music]. Hannah is now off to Liverpool University to study for a degree in Physics.


West Country Poets - by Birth


The second poem in our West Country Poets Series


Illustration by: Paul Swailes

Green man in the garden
Staring from the tree,
Why do you look so long and hard
Through the pane at me?
Your eyes are dark as holly,
Of sycamore your horns,
Your bones are made of elder-branch,
Your teeth are made of thorns.
Your hat is made of ivy-leaf,
Of bark your dancing shoes,
And evergreen and green and green
Your jacket and your trews.
Leave your house and leave your land
And throw away the key,
And never look behind, he creaked,
And come and live with me.
I bolted up the window,
I bolted up the door,
I drew the blind that I should find
The green man never more.
But when I softly turned the stair
As I went up to bed,
I saw the green man standing there,
'Sleep well, my friend, ' he said.

Charles Causley





Many of you will, no doubt, have learnt through the media of the death of Rebecca Hewison, just a month before her 113th birthday! Berrynarbor can claim to have been home, for a short time, to Britain's oldest person, who attributed her longevity to a regular glass of port and lemon and whose interest in football, as an ardent supporter of Grimsby Town, never faded.


The village was saddened by the deaths of Kenneth and Lucy Haynes on the 17th July. Although Kenneth had been in poor health for some time, Lucy's sudden death came as a shock. Lucy, a keen bridge player, and Kenneth, an expert ' Scrabbler', will be sadly missed by so many, but especially by their neighbours, Bob and Joan Adams and Pat Reynolds, who has given a home to their dog, Emma. Our sympathy goes to their family, to their son and daughter and grandchildren.




With no official meeting in August, it was a welcome sight to see so many members at the Coffee Morning on the 17th. With the added support of locals and visitors, we were able to send a cheque for £96.60 to the North Devon Federation 75th Anniversary Project - Children's Hospice South West. Many thanks to one and all.

After the summer break it was nice to return on the 6th September with a good attendance, including 3 visitors, one a prospective new member. Business was kept to a minimum - discussion on the party for the Ilfracombe Disabled Fellowship on 20th and a brief account from Win Collins on her visit to the Triennial A.G. M. at Birmingham - a wonderful report, thank you Win. Sir Niall Campbell was the guest speaker and what an interesting one - recalling his early Scottish ancestry and the murders of same! An open discussion on present day law and order, and the too light sentences so often given, brought the afternoon to a close. The competition for Wartime memorabilia was won by Margaret Tyrrell with a Diary of a P.O.W. [Bill Tyrrell]. All entries deserved a prize - thank you for sharing your memories.

The next meeting will be on 4th October when Mrs. Pam Stowe of the National Canine Defence League will be the speaker. With the General Meeting in November, we shall be requiring nominees for the 1995 Committee, but don't forget to ask first if the nominee wishes to stand.

Vi Kingdon - President

Hazy sunshine, bonfires smouldering,
Woodland beauty beyond compare,
Nature's creatures hibernating,
Autumn nip in the air.




No Job Too Small


Tel: (01271) 883150



The Primary School will be holding their Harvest Service in St. Peter's Church on Wednesday, 5th October, at 9.30 a.m. Everyone welcome.

Advance Notice - The United Reformed Church will be holding their Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, 3rd December at 2.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall.

He's Done It Aqain! Yes, our Ron [Toms] has not only once again taken part in the Historic Churches Trust Walk but has surpassed his sponsorship total - this year he collected over £616 and half of this amount will be given to the Berrynarbor U. R. Church. Ron would like to thank everyone for supporting him and his especial thanks to Josef Belka for ferrying him to the far flung ends of his collection patch. Well done, Ron!



From apricot to amber
From bronze to palest gold,
The leaves are falling softly
Their story as of old.
Through the ages seasons change
In England's beauteous land,
Nature wields her paintbrush
With a clear and practised hand.

The stark white brush of winter
The tender green of spring,
All have their special magic
All have their songs to sing.
But a walk along the country lanes,
When leaves begin to fall,
The vibrant shades of Autumn
Paint a picture best of all.

Bettina Brown - Combe Martin



This year's Flower Festival, held from the 12th to 15th August, was without doubt an unqualified success!

'Congratulations!', 'Brilliant!' and 'Absolutely beautiful!' were just some of the comments in the visitors' book and one little boy had carefully written, 'It is the nicest church in the world'!

'This Blessed Isle' was the theme and visitors were greeted in the porch by a beautiful cascade of blue and white flowers depicting a Welsh waterfall, whilst on the other side, tea was being served in an English country garden.

Carrying on inside the church, the imagination, attention to detail, planning, those final little touches and the hard work that had gone into it were all obvious. Amongst the arrangements was London, with the Tower and crown jewels, cars and buses going round Piccadilly Circus and Shepherds Bush [a classic!]; Cornwall with its tin mines; our own beautiful Devon; cider and shoes from Somerset; walking and Beatrix Potter in the Lake District and beautiful shades of muted pink and purple echoing the heather and plaids of Scotland. Shakespeare was there! Beside a superb 'Warwick' pedestal arrangement, and displays of yellow and white flowers framed Chatsworth House and Crown Derby china. Just before leaving the church [and perhaps my favourite] was Oxford the seat of learning, with cap and gown, boater and picnic hamper and a delicate arrangement of white and blue flowers. Congratulations to everyone.

If you missed the Concert on the Monday night, you missed a superb evening . What talent we do have in our village [even if a few intruders were noticed] ! Under the direction of Reg Gosling and compered by Gerry Marangone, the audience of locals and visitors were treated to a rich variety of music and verse.

Singing for us were Barbara Woods, Emily Gove, Bill Smith, Liz Kemp, Elaine Fanner and Peter Hinchliffe, and Gerry Marangone sang the Lord's Prayer, especially for Betty Davis. Julie [Pam Ayres] Moore delighted us with her recitations and the James Family Trio (recorder, oboe and cornet] from Combe Martin played for us, whilst 'The Organists - Anne Pennington, Stuart Neale and Reg - Entertained' . Straight from the woodshed was Alan Prater and his singing saw and we sang-a-long-a Phil, Gary and Nigel, together with audience participation.

The evening finished with the audience joining in with old favourites, led by Sally Barten - a fitting finale to the evening and the Flower Festival.




The Combe Martin Historical Society meets in the Methodist Hall on the third Thursday in the month during the winter - from September to May. Everyone is welcome and the annual subscription is £2.50 per member. For further information please contact:

Secretary: Eileen Hobson [882353] or Chairman: Tom Bartlett [883408]

20th October: Family History - David Ryall
17th November: Historical South Molton - Sally Cotton



The churches of Tawstock & Bishop's Tawton face each other across the Taw valley. Viewed from above, on the road winding down to it, St. Peter's, Tawstock, sited on the slopes of a small wooded combe, creates one of North Devon's most picturesque settings.

Opposite, on the other side of the river, can be seen the church of St. John the Baptist at Bishop's Tawton, with its medieval stone spire [an unusual feature in Devon] and immediately to the south of the church, is a farmhouse with two small towers. This was one of the palaces of the Bishop of Exeter until the time of Henry Vlll. The present building has medieval origins, but the castellations were not added until the late 18th Century.

Tawstock c.1890

Tawstock church, built of the golden Ham stone, from the quarries near Montacute, Somerset, is largely 14th Century. Over the porch is a sundial made in 1757 by a Milltown craftsman, which is designed to show the time in various foreign locations, including a naval base in the West Indies and a trading station of the East India Company.


Bishop's Tawton Church c.1903

As we approached the porch we became aware of a noisy twittering coming from the top of a swallow's nest. The young nestlings did not seem at all disconcerted by our passing under their home in order to enter the church and it had been an unexpected pleasure for us briefly to have shared their company at such close quarters.

There is a lot to see in this church and although restored under the direction of the famous Sir George Gilbert Scott in 1867, its interior luckily has not been spoilt by over-zealous restoration. It is probably most noted for the number and rich variety of its tombs and monuments. In the North transept is a delicately carved and precarious looking wooden gallery leading to the belfry from a spiral stairway.

Here also are boards recording the gifts donated by benefactors to the poor and to the church, and a chained book whose author was Bishop Jewel of Bowden, Berrynarbor This book, a defence of the Protestant faith published in 1550, was so highly regarded by Queen Elizabeth I and the Archbishop of Canterbury, that it was arranged for copies to be kept chained in all parish churches.

Nearby is an unusual carved French Renaissance manorial pew. Tall and canopied, it has been mistaken for a four-poster bed or a confessional. The pretty decorations on the transept ceilings were the work of a 17th Century family of itinerant Italian plasterers.

A later addition, from the last century, is the carved stone reredos, modelled on Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'.

We made our way up through the village which lies out of sight a quarter of a mile away from its church. All along the roadside were elder and blackberries glittering in the burst of sunshine that followed a recent shower. We passed the castellated Tudor Gatehouse, all that remains of the former Tawstock Court which burnt down in 1787 and was replaced by a mansion in the Strawberry Hill Gothic style - now St. Michael's School. Just outside the village and right in the opposite direction to the church, is the village school. Not an ideal village plan, with the two buildings which should provide from its focus, cast adrift from it centre, particularly when they are both especially fine examples.

When the last house in the village has been left behind, down a steep hill, around a bend and across a stream, one comes face to face with the village school. And what a surprise it is too when viewed for the first time! For not only is Tawstock a village of thatched cottages, but its school is thatched as well. It consists of a pair of one-storey buildings adjoining each other, with a row of bay windows and steeply pitched roofs of deep thatch. The whole effect is very pleasant and homely.

Next to the school gate is the Holy Well, believed to be two thousand years old, originally a site of Druid religious rites, later used for Christian baptism.

We returned to Barnstaple - 3 miles away - via the hamlet of Lake. After passing beneath a low bridge [a mere 6 '6" headroom], a blustery storm drove us down towards Shorleigh Bridge, tucked down in a hollow and then up to the strange towered building on the hill near Tallins. More castellations here. It is in the process of being renovated, but I wonder what its origins were - a folly perhaps?

Postcards from: Tom Bartlett Collection

Sue H



It was a SUNNY day In Paris. As he stepped off the METRO, the Italian gigolo, ALFA ROMEO, smiled at his ESCORT for the CIVIC reception. As he held her hand he felt the OPEL and SAPPHIRE ring he had given her. He thought back over some of his earlier conquests that had made him a LEGEND in his own lifetime. The touring holiday In Spain where, after spending time on the island of IBIZA, he flew to MALAGA and then drove to MARBELLA on the Costa Del Sol, before travelling inland over the SIERRA to dance the SAMBA at a FIESTA in GRANADA.

Perhaps his FAVORIT memory was when he was CORTINA compromising position In Jamaica's MONTEGO Bay with the wife of American SENATOR from AUSTIN In Texas. The gigolos life had not been all romance. He enjoyed riding and could EXCEL at POLO. He had hunted for JAGUAR in South America, photographed a giant PANDA in China and ridden wild horses in the CARMARGUE area of France.

But as he drove toward the concert hall, he knew his CAVALIER attitude to life was over. No longer would he play the wild ROVER.

"I am so worried about this performance," she said, "I played so badly this afternoon." "Don't worry," he replied, "ITAL be alright on the night." "YUGO and park the car," she said. Later she came on stage dressed as an Indian PRINCESS, took her SEAT at the piano and gave a faultless performance of Beethoven's Moonlight SONATA, which was a TRIUMPH and was greeted with universal APPLAUSE and ACCLAIM. Later, in her flat, he guessed that there was something wrong. As she prepared food from the LADA, the feeling of moving through life with one ACCORD had gone. He sipped his Captain MORGAN rum, as she flicked a yellow DUSTER at imaginary specks of dirt. "It's not good," she said, "I could never marry you, our whole relationship is a CHARADE. You are far too small for me, in fact you are almost a MIDGET."

He walked around the room in a daze, collected his VISA and his signed picture of Anna FORD. Sadly he kissed her goodbye, stepped into the street and walked towards the blue HORIZON.



We were all very sorry to learn that Betty Davis is once again in hospital but the latest bulletin reports that she is getting better and we hope the improvement continues and you will soon be home, Betty.

Hip ops are in! Vi Goodman and Mrs. Roberts of Castle Hill, have been bed-companions in Bristol. Both are recovering well from their operations and should be home again [and running round!] by the time the newsletter comes out. Brenda Walton has also had a spell in hospital, and we wish her a speedy recovery, as we do Mr. Harris of Orchard Park, who is suffering from a broken shoulder and collar bone.

Our best wishes to you all and anyone else who is 'under the weather' - aren't we all, although it's not actually raining at this moment!


David Beagley


1. Instructed to ring [6]
2. Bad frost 18 evil [6]
7. To kick out [4]
8. A fruit acid [8]
9. First-class opening [3-4]
12. Ram the spoilt clue [3]
14. Planets nearest point [6]
15. The price of freedom [6]
16. A bullock [3]
18. Do trams bring fame? [7]
22. Quite a lot of justice [4-4]
23. Boy in a spin [4]
24. Over 1 million men going round [6]
25. Consolation [6]


1. Not much of a bite [9]
2. The hindmost [4-4]
3. Artificial watercourse [5]
4. Ethical [5]
5. Incline to be thin [4]
6. Our relations are brittle with this Eastern country [5]
10. Squeeze the papers [5]
11. Animal from 6 down perhaps [5]
12. Communications industry [4-5]
13. Upright characters of the Italian type [5-4]
17. Muse of amorous poetry [5]
19. Very small [5]
20. Parts acted [5]
21. Plane surface within limits [4]

Solution in Article 27.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!

Yes, it's been that time of year again! When demure village maidens tear off their clothes and cover themselves with feathers [and very little else], and normally staid village gentlemen [I use the term very loosely], put on frilly shirts and become Limbo dancers! You've got it - it's 'Carnival' time! This year's theme was based on Caribbean Carnival - plenty of colour, plenty of fun.

Shamwick - After a wet day, the procession itself was dry and warm and we were soon in the swing of things, even the generator joined in. In fact it got so hot, hot, hot that it caught fire! But that aside, we managed to come home with a cup for the best pub float and a cup for best in class.

Combe - Unfortunately the signature tune for the float turned from 'feelin' hot, hot, hot' to 'soaking wet, wet, wet' and later 'freezing cold, cold, cold'! Still, one of the amplifiers, not to be outdone by the generator, got so hot, hot, hot that it caught fire. Despite all this, we had a good time and again managed 'Best in Class' and 'Best Overall'.

Barum - Who knows what will happen here, but if you see a float that looks like a Viking funeral coming down the road, it will probably be that our trailer has also decided not to be outdone by the generator!

Gary Songhurst - Berrynarbor Carnival Club

I have since been told by Gary not to mention Barnstaple Carnival!

Pumpkin Competition
In aid of Children in Need

On Saturday, 15th October we shall be having the Competition for the Best Dressed Pumpkin, starting around 8.00 p.m. in The Globe. If Jim Brooks has got a big one, we'll also have a guess the weight competition!

On Sunday, 16th October the racing pumpkins will have their turn, starting at Bessemer Thatch at 3.00 p.m. Competitors should be warned that there will be random drugs testing. Finally [weather permitting] there will be a rounders match in the field afterwards.



V and A of B in B want to say 'thank you' to Les [Jack] Levey for "going up the hill and down with his can of water".


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Miss Lilian Veale and Berrynarbor School

This month I am grateful to Vera Lewis [nee Ley], whose knowledge of Berrynarbor is so vivid and exciting, who came and visited us at Tower Cottage this summer. She gave me a picture of Berrynarbor School in 1928 and she could name every single child, except one, and where they were Iiving at the time. I hope to put this picture, together with the names [perhaps someone will know the missing one?] in the Post Office shortly. In the meantime, Vera has written the following memories of Miss Lilian Veale, Headmistress of Berrynarbor School for a total of 29 years, until her retirement c1950.

"I started school at Berrynarbor in April 1921, just as Miss Veale arrived from Yelverton. She was not very tall and had brown, wavy hair and a bright complexion. She taught me in classes V and VI, and when the large playground was opened in the mid-20's, we had a garden at the bottom for growing vegetables and flowers under her supervision.

"Miss Veale seemed good at everything - playing the piano for country dancing and training us for school concerts that took place in the Manor Hall. The front seats were always reserved for the so-called gentry. Miss Balkwill, who came from Hatherleigh, became Infant Teacher in 1927 and she lodged with my parents at Orchard House until she left the school in 1931. She and Miss Veale became good friends and always spent their week-ends together. When Miss Veale arrived to take up her post, she lodged with Mrs. Bray, who lived in Dormer Cottage [Miss Muffets] and later bought the cottage at the corner of Bessemer Thatch, naming it 'Little Thatch'. After the fire in 1937, Miss Veale renamed it 'Little Gables'.

"Miss Veale enjoyed politics and Berrynarbor Liberals gained a great supporter. Her hero was Sir Isaac Foot, who was a friend of her family. I left school in 1929 at the age of 14, and many changes took place after that. On my leaving, Miss Veale gave me a silver thimble for good needlework, and I still use it after some 64 years. "

In a tribute to Miss L. Veale, it was reported that the Chairman - Miss M. L. Richards - and Committee of the Berrynarbor Old Scholars Association were to be congratulated on the excellent way in which the arrangements for a social in her honour were carried out at the Manor Hall. The Hall was beautifully decorated with masses of tulips and narcissi that presented a festive arrangement.


Muriel Richards - Lilian Veale - Joan Wainwright

In his opening remarks, the Rector, Rev. H. Mylchreest, spoke of the high standard of efficiency the school had attained during the 29 years Miss Veale had been its Headmistress. She had entered wholeheartedly into its activities and the various organisations in the parish. During the War, a number of evacuees came under her care - she had been not only a mother to them but also nurse and friend. She had not been lacking in generosity, and had spared no pains in making their stay in the village a happy one, knowing that many were homeless and motherless. The Rector closed by stating that he was pleased that Miss Veale was remaining in the village and wished her every happiness and the best of health in her retirement.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 1994


Artwork: Harry Weedon


Over 80 parishioners attended the Celebrations for the Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom presentation on the 24th September. Refreshments and raffle prizes were provided by donations from village organisations, businesses and friends - thank you one and all.

Sir John Quicke, President of the Council for the Protection of Rural England, presented the Lord Roborough Plaque, the Pertwee Bowl [for best amongst past winners], a Best Kept Village sign and a Winner's Certificate.

Cllr. Ted Kingston, Chairman of the N.D.D.C., presented Vi and Ann Davies with the Preece Trophy and Certificate for Britain in Bloom. This trophy represents the Runner-up Award for our section in Britain in Bloom. Other special guests were Mrs. Jean Allen, Organiser for the Competition, and Mr. & Mrs. G. Sworder, Chairman, C.P.R.E.

There was entertainment by Jancy Davies, James Martin, Sam Newell, Katie Gubb and Vi Kingdon, and floral arrangements were provided by Sue Wright, Lorna Stowe, Kathleen Norman and Joan Adams. The Berrynarbor Wildflower Recognition Award [from the Horticultural Show] was presented to Ann Davies by David Beagley.

A Best Kept Village and Britain in Bloom display will be left in the Hall until December for everyone to view.

A wonderful village event, but where had all the Parish Councillors gone? !

Joy Morrow



'A master mind stored with the richest treasure, natural and spiritual, of abundant learning' . This was John Jewel [Jewell, Juell], Bishop of Salisbury 1560-1571, who was born at Bowden Farm, Sterridge Valley, in 1522, and became a leading figure in the religious turmoil of the period.

His parents were married for 50 years and had 10 children, John being the youngest son. The family, although not wealthy, were respected and had lived in the parish for 200 years.

His uncle, John Bellamy, Rector of Hampton, recognising the boy's exceptional ability, arranged for Jewel, aged 7, to be taught by Thomas Stotes at Braunton and Anthony Simons at South Molton. Eventually he attended the Barnstaple school established by Walter Bowen, whose care he acknowledged with gratitude. The school day probably began at 6.00 a.m., the pupils studying Latin from written text and from memory. Jewel's photographic memory was useful. One of his 'parlour tricks' later was to recite a list of 40 words in an unknown language, after reading them just once. For sermons he jotted a few headings and then spoke clearly, without notes. Apart from smallpox, his health was good in those early years.


John Jewel

by Thomas Anthony Dean, published by John Rivington,
published by George Rivington,
published by Francis Rivington, after George Vertue
stipple engraving, published March 1835 (1715)
Acquired, 1964
NPG D36520

© National Portrait Gallery, London
Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Jewel went to Merton College, Oxford, when he was 13, as postmaster [impoverished scholar] and pupil of John Parkhurst, late. Bishop of Norwich. With him went 'another youth from his own neighbourhood'. Jewel received help from several benefactors - 40 shillings a year from one, 6 pounds from another, to buy books.

Admitted as a student to Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in 1539, Jewel would walk in Shotover Woods and practice speaking aloud, regulating voice, pronunciation and gesture. Diligent, patient, bright and modest, he became so distinguished that some classmates were jealous. Later, he was a much sought-after tutor at what is now Pembroke College, Oxford.

Studies in the early 16th Century were constantly disrupted by sickness and epidemics. At Witney, avoiding plague at Oxford, Jewel studied Greek, Latin, philosophy and mathematics, from 4.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. , caught a rheumatic infection and became lame. Despite this, he walked miles, even through frost and snow, to Parkhurst's home in the Cotswolds and fortnightly to Sunningdale, Berkshire, when he became Rector there in 1552.

When Mary Tudor came to the throne, Jewel was named as public orator and, despite his own religious beliefs, had to write, congratulating her on her accession. In 1554, Archbishop Cranmer asked Jewel to act as his personal notary when he, with Bishops Ridley and Latimer, had to attend disputation at Oxford. All three were eventually condemned to death by fire.

Mary Tudor was concerned to save people's souls by converting them back to catholicism; other forces prevented this from being a bloodless endeavour. Although she had been nearly 18 months on the throne before reviving the heresy laws, in the last 3.5 years of her reign, 300 martyrs were burnt at the stake.

Jewel signed articles acknowledging the catholic faith, probably hoping to be left alone. In spite of this, he learned that he was to be tried for heresy and fled. He never forgot that he had betrayed his religion and, in Frankfurt, made a public apology. Feeling that his reception was not particularly friendly, he went to Strasbourg. He and other exiles had to rely on lay friends for financial help. In later years, Jewel repaid all his debts, even sending an annual pension of 20 French crowns abroad to a friend, Julius, whom he regarded as a brother.

Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558 and Jewel returned to England, after a difficult journey which took 57 days. He was by now too prominent to be left out of any arrangements made for the settlement of religion.

In 1559, as Royal Commissioner for visitation of dioceses such as Salisbury, Bristol, Exeter and Cornwall, he was responsible for ensuring the Prayer Book was in use and relics, such as 'nails from the cross' , destroyed. In November, he wrote: 'I have at last returned to London, with a body worn out by a most fatiguing journey. You have probably supposed me dead ... the number of witches and sorceresses had every where become enormous.'

He feared the burden of responsibility as Bishop of Salisbury. Disliking ostentation but, conscious of the tradition of his office, he ran a palatial mansion with magnificent silver plate and generous hospitality. Unusually, he observed an old statute whereby 'cope money' [20 pounds or a cope of the same value] was to be used in the church. Similarly, deans and canons had to give money to buy copes.

He did not hunt: 'What pleasure can be derived from pursuing with fierce dogs a timid animal that attacks no one, and that is put to flight even by a noise? '

He built the cathedral library, taught, studied, devoted time to business and counselling and wrote extensively. 'Men acquire more learning by frequent use of the pen than by reading many books.' His Apologie was at first published anonymously before it was ordered that his works should be placed in every church.

In 1563, Jewel took his seat in the House of Lords. In Parliament he was involved with Bills concerning religion and church ministers and others aimed against Puritanism.

He clashed with Thomas Harding, 10 years his senior, from the same Barnstaple school, over the Eucharist and Church of Rome. Harding had been chaplain to Lady Jane Grey's father and became a zealous papist on Mary Tudor's accession. He published A detection of the sundrie and foule Errours uttered by M. Jewel in his Defence of the Apologie. They argued for 6 years or more.

Jewel's letters, many of them to Peter Martyr, professor of divinity and one-time fellow exile, show him to have been a loving friend, playful and shrewd. He invariably began: 'Much health in Christ' and bewailed the lack of reliable couriers to deliver mail safely. He discussed religious and political events in this country and the continent: 'The Queen, [Elizabeth I] to our great sorrow, still remains unmarried, nor is it yet known what is her intention.'

In August 1562, he talked about 'an incredibly bad season both as to the weather, and state of the atmosphere. It has rained so abundantly, and almost without intermission, as if the heavens could hardly do any thing else.' He blamed the elements for the birth of many deformed babies and animals. 'The harvest is now coming on, rather scanty indeed...'

In September 1571, having written that he felt 'he was not long on this earth', Jewel collapsed, after insisting on giving a sermon, and was taken to the episcopal manor house of Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire. He called his household, spoke to them, and together they sang the 71st Psalm. At 3.00 p.m. the steward closed Jewel's eyes.

His Will reveals that he kept in touch with his family. To his 'loving brother, John Jewel, of Northcote in Devon, gent., he bequeathed his new satin gown faced with velvet, his best standing cup and gold signet ring; also 100 pounds, to be divided between the brother's 5 daughters when they married'. Bequests were made to his 5 sisters, friends, students and servants, and to the poor at Salisbury. £6.13s.4d. went to 'Mistress Pickeringe for occupying her linen' during his sickness.

81 of his books have been identified at Magdalen College, Oxford, some marked by his book-stamp [within a circle a hand holding a flower, the stalk dividing the words 'Bel ami'].

Jewel's lameness, even once he could afford a horse, and his busy life, may have prevented his return to Berrynarbor. He was particularly attached to his mother, however, and bore her maiden name on his private seal.

The picture shows a man 'of cheerful disposition, kind and generous - a man who served Queen, Church and state until the end of his life.

Sheila Brain




Once again a full programme has been arranged commencing in October and continuing through to April. Wine tasting meetings are held monthly at the Manor Hall on the third Wednesday, commencing at 8.00 p.m. The programme is varied with a mixture of professional input and presentations by members covering wine producing areas from all over the world. At the A.G. M. held in April, the retiring Committee were re-elected unchanged, and it is hoped to welcome new members at our first meeting on 19th October, when Tony Summers will give a presentation on Wines from Spain. At the November meeting, on the 16th, Pam and Alex Parke will present Italian Wines. Anyone interested should contact the Chairman, Alex Parke [883758] or Secretary, Tony Summers [883600] for information.

Tom Bartlett - Publicity Officer [883408)




The 1994 Show had over 363 entries - 52 people joined in the fun by entering. Mr. Brian Mountain, Chairman of the Manor Hall Management Committee, presented the following awards:

Globe Cup [Floral Art] - Sue Wright
Walls Cup [Home Cooking] - Vi Kingdon
Davis Cup [Handicrafts] - Mrs. A. R. Parkhouse
P. T. A. Cup [Class 3] - Loanna Chugg
Men's Institute Cup [Class 2] - Kelly Brearley
Mayflower Cup [Class 1] - Christopher Baddick
Watermouth Castle Cup [Wine] - Bernard Allen
George Hippisley Cup [Art] :Nigel Mason
Vi Kingdon Cup [Photography] - Tom Bartlett
Derrick Kingdon Cup [Fruit & Veg] - Josef Belka
Lethaby Cup [Potted Plants] - Eunice Allen
Manor Stores Rose Bowl [Cut Flowers] - Joy Morrow
Management Committee Cup [Best in Show] - Mrs. A.R. Parkhouse

This Show has been running since 1978, with the exception of 1984, when no-one came forward to organise the event. PLEASE support the Show in any way you can. The Manor Hall Management Committee assists in the co-ordination of the event, but at the end of the day it takes many people to get it underway. Since 1986 I have 'Chaired' the organisation and this was my last Show. It has been a lot of fun - and hard work - but the rewards of being part of a truly 'village' event are wonderful and make it all worthwhile. So, remember this show is for fun and friendship and think about what YOU can do to ensure its continuity. This year the Village Hall Funds benefited by over £177 raised through the event thanks to your generous support. Thank you to everyone involved.

Joy Morrow

Our thanks to you, Joy, for all that you have done and do, not only for this Show but in so many ways.





1stYou are not too late to take Harvest Produce to the Church!
2ndHarvest Sunday: Family Service, 10.30 a.m.
3rdBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
4thW.I. Meeting: Mrs. Pam Stowe - National Canine Defence League.
5thPrimary School Harvest Service, St. Peter's, 9.30 a.m.
Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
St. Peter's: Evensong [shortened] at 7.00 p.m.
followed by Harvest Supper and Barn Dance [Tickets at the Post Office]
Guy Fawkes Night!
6thSale of Harvest Produce, St. Peter's, 10.45 a.m.
Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
10thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
11thParish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
13thU3A Luncheon: Valley of the Rocks Hotel, Lynton - Linda Blanchard, Barnstaple History
13th- 15th [inc] Parish Community in Devon Exhibition, Manor Hall
14thNorth Devon Landscapes - Linda Blanchard, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m.
15thPumpkin Competition - The Globe, 8.00 p.m.
16thPumpkin Race - Start: Bessemer Thatch, 3.00 p.m.
17thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
19thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
W.I. Autumn Council Meeting, Guildhall, Plymouth
Wine Circle Meeting: Wines from Spain - Tony Summers
20thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
Combe Martin Historical Society: Family History - David Ryall
21stCollege and Primary School: Non-Pupil Day
23rdBritish Summer Time Ends - clocks go BACK 1 hour at 3.00 a.m.
24thto 28th [inc] College and Primary School Half Term
Badminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
27thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
31stBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
Organisation applications for grants from P.C.C. to the Clerk
1stAll Saints Day.
W. I. General Meeting
2ndAll Souls Day - Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
3rdWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m.,
Manor Hall 7th Badminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
8thParish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
10thU3A Luncheon: Watersmeet Hotel, Woolacombe - Frank Kempe, Theatre Critic
Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
11thRemembrance Day Concert - Royal British Legion, Emanuel Church, Ilfracombe
11thand 12th: Skip for Household Rubbish in Car Park, Castle Hill
13thRemembrance Sunday Service, 10.30 a.m.
14thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
Items for Newsletter, please!
15thCombe Martin Historical Society: Historical South Molton - Sally Cotton
16thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
Wine Circle Meeting: Italian Wines - Pam and Alex Parke
17thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
21stBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
24thWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
27thAdvent Sunday: Commencement of the Christian Year.
Christians Together - R.C. Church of St. Mary, Combe Martin
28thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
30thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
1stWhist Drive, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
3rdUnited Reformed Church Christmas Bazaar, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall
5thBadminton Club, 8.00 p.m.
6thW. I. Meeting: Cookery, Bygone Days - Mrs. Keiland