Edition 39 - December 1995

Artwork by: Nigel Mason

Artwork: Judie Weedon


Christmas is coming... but at the time of writing this, the weather has only just become slightly more seasonal after a wonderful summer and an incredible 'Indian' summer. Nature has certainly played a few tricks, with plants flowering out of character and out of season - my amaryllis produced a September/October stalk with six [were they late or early?] blooms, and the normally one-head-a-year yucca has produced seven spikes, with two more still struggling against the cooler weather of the last couple of weeks. There has been a prolific and varied array of fungi and last week I was delighted to see, for the first time ever, a small flock of long tailed tits in the Valley. Peggy Eppingstone, like many other people, wonders "where have all the blackbirds gone?"

Debbie has generously donated one of her Harrods Bear tins of biscuits and this, with other items, will be raffled at the Post Office with tickets available from early December. Proceeds of the raffle will be sent to Children in Need and the Salvation Army. Thank you, Debbie.

My thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue, especially ALL the artists whose illustrations really 'make' our Newsletter and Nigel for the cover. February will be our next issue and items will be needed by the middle of January, but before then have a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

Judie - Ed


Artwork: Paul Swailes


A warm welcome to the new residents at Mill Park House - Leona Ludford and her children Sean, Mark and Fay, and Earl Bramley and Adell Simms.

Leona, whom we congratulate on the birth of a new grandchild, Shotzi, is interested in art and design [especially decoupage] and teaches aerobics and dance [shall we be seeing a new class in the village?]. Earl is a talented pen and ink artist [another contributor for the Newsletter?] and Adell and her friend, Brian, share an interest in "real" motorbikes. We hope you will all be very happy here in Berrynarbor.



It is good to report that Vi Goodman is home again following a spell in hospital acquiring a second new hip, and that Joy Morrow, having had a short stay in hospital after falling down the stairs and breaking her ankle, is at home 'plastered'! Best wishes to you both - keep up the convalescence and keep smiling.

Hugs and kisses and more HUGS to all our dear friends who have been ever so kind to us during the past days since my fall down stairs. As I always say, "Friends are life's most precious gift". Am progressing well thanks to everyone.

Sincerely, Joy and Michael Morrow




Our October guest speaker - Mrs. Margaret Trump - certainly lived up to her name. She enthralled a well-attended meeting with her Edwardian elegance. She became the Lady's maid for the afternoon, getting M'Lady ready for the Ball and bringing in audience participation - much enjoyed by everyone.

The Federation Banner and Book arrived in Berrynarbor at 11.00 a.m. on the 29th September with the West Down members looking splendid in their Land Army outfits. A sunny afternoon and an enjoyable Rolls Royce ride for four of us [followed by two other cars] who took the Banner and Book on to Kentisbury, where a warm welcome and a lovely tea awaited us. Many thanks to everyone who supported us in this venture.

November and Annual Meeting time again, when it was nice to welcome so many members, a prospective one - Heather Wehner - and Doris Upton, who had made a welcome return from Scotland, having decided that Devon is the place to live after all! Most of the Committee were willing to stand again, with two new members - Linda Brown and Joyce Elliott. Trish Hampson decided to stand down for a year and we should like to thank her for her support and for the detailed account of the Autumn Council Meeting held in the Queen's Theatre, when she was our delegate.

Details were finalised for the Exeter shopping trip and names taken for the Christmas Lunch at The Globe on the 18th December.

Our December meeting on the 5th will welcome Joan McCallam who, with Christmas in mind, is going to give us some ideas for decorations. The competition will be two pieces of shortbread, and although the Committee will be providing the refreshments, any mince pies, etc., will be most welcome to make it a really festive occasion. Please bring a small gift for the Lucky Dip.

On 2nd January, a local lady, Mavis Pesic, hopes to tell us how she started making life-size dolls. Those of us who have met the "Hollyhock Family" know that they really are something - so, do try and make the date, and visitors will be very welcome.

In conclusion, the ladies would like me to wish the readers a Very Happy Christmas, and everything that they wish themselves for 1996.

Vi Kingdon - President

Christmas is - A Faith to be kept,
A Hope never to be surrendered,
Something Lovely to be shared



Tenders are invited for the cutting of the grass and general maintenance of St. Peter's Churchyard, Berrynarbor. Contractors wishing to tender should obtain a job specification from the Rector or Churchwardens by the end of December 1995.



Date: Saturday, 20th January Time: 8.00 p.m. onwards
Venue: The Globe
Cost: 50p per player
Families Welcome

In aid of The Village Carnival Float


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


The Blessing, at St. Peter's Church was, for Helen and Peter West, part of a wonderful week-end when family and friends from all parts of the country joined them to celebrate their marriage. It was a truly 'village' affair - the reception held at the Manor Hall with excellent catering by Judith [of The Lodge] and the lovely floral arrangements for the Church and Hall created by Anne Gosling and Sue Clarke.

Helen is into Property Management and Letting, whilst Peter, who has retired after 22 years in the Army and 20 years with the M.O D. at Instow, is busier than ever, amongst other things studying European History and Politics.

Members of the North Devon Ramblers and Exmoor Walkers, Peter and Helen, with their love and knowledge of Exmoor and its flora and fauna, are well into walking! If you want to know 'where to go' and 'what to see' on Exmoor, give them a ring - they'd be delighted to help.

A week later, on the 14th October, St. Peter's was, as the guests all agreed, "the perfect setting, on a perfect day, for a perfect wedding", when Loma Bradley of Berrynarbor Cross married Vincent Serradimigni from Exeter.

Loma, an ex-student of Ilfracombe College, whose school Work Experience placement in an old people's home set her off on a career that she loves. Training "on the job", Loma is now a Care Assistant at a Charity Home for the elderly in Exeter, and Vincent is a builder in Exeter, where they live.

Loma and Vincent are surfing fanatics and spent their honeymoon visiting the surfing beaches of Cornwall, for which the beautiful autumn weather was a real bonus, although they are both prepared to "go blue" in pursuit of their pleasure and even the buffet at the reception was displayed on two surf boards!

Peter and Helen, Loma and Vincent, our congratulations to you all and very best wishes for your future happiness.



As I walk my dogs in the fields and: woods
I savour the changes from day to day
And there are none so sudden and strange to see
As the growth of the fungi upon the way,
In clusters, or circles, or solitary state
There are waxy or fleshy or dry scaly ones;
There are slimy or shaggy, translucent or dull,
Parasols, ink caps or sticky glazed buns;
Funnel-shaped goblets or globular lumps;
They are minuscule, fragile and scarce to be seen
Or vast vulgar excrescences smelling of meat,
They are poisonous purple or virulent green,
Orange or chestnut or pinkish or pale...
In pasture or woodland on rotting tree trunk
By roadside, in garden, up hill or down dale
I got out a book and was going to become
An Expert on Fungi - tell one from another
And label each toadstool with family and name
But alas on perusal I was dashed to discover
I couldn't remember how to tell my craterellus
Comucopiodes from my camerophyllus virgineus and
I'm too old to learn!
But I find on my walks that the pleasure's the same;
As someone once said, I think, "What's in a name?"

P.C.P. of Lower T.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes


Artwork: Steve Angold [Aged 10]


The Harvest Festival was a most happy occasion. The Church was beautifully decorated with an abundance of fruit and vegetables: thank you to you all for your generous response to our appeal for produce. And thank you to everyone who helped with the decorating, especially Anne Gosling, who took on the overall responsibility.

We had a lovely service and the Sunday School excelled! We all enjoyed their songs and the Village Prayer from Katie Gubb. At the offertory, the children took their gifts to the altar rail. Thank you Sally, Joy and Pat. We are most fortunate in Berrynarbor in our Sunday School teachers and their helpers.

The following Wednesday proved most successful - Evensong was a joyful occasion and then it was over to the Manor Hall for the Supper. The congregation had been asked to take produce with them ready for the auction and within ten minutes the Church was cleared. There was nothing left for the bell-ringers who had agreed to pick up anything remaining!


The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m

Evensong, Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m. [once a month the Christians Together go from Church to Church, and there is no Evensong]

Holy Communion
Thursdays, 10.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday each month, 8.00 a.m.

The Rector, the Rev. Keith Wyer [883203] and Prebendary Eppingstone [882802) will discuss Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Bereavements and SHOULD be invited to come and pray with the sick.

Prayer and Bible Study, Combe Martin, every Thursday, 7.30 p.m.

Over 80 sat down to an excellent meal, all planned and prepared by church members. Afterwards, the Sunday School sang for us and then the auction began. In no time at all, Dennis Collins had the tables cleared and eighty pounds had been raised for charity. Tried out as an experiment, we feel we can claim an initial success for the auction of produce - something we can build on and make even better next year.

The evening was rounded off with much-appreciated entertainment from Phil and Gary. The P.C.C. would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who helped to make the evening run so smoothly, a fine example of team-work in all respects. A total of one hundred and thirty two pounds has been sent to the Church Army.

Some sixty of us gathered for the special Remembrance Day Service on the 12th November, and fifty-six pounds has been sent to the Earl Haig Appeal.

The Church will be decorated ready for Christmas on Saturday, 23rd December. Betty Davis will welcome donations towards the cost of flowers and gifts of white or yellow flowers. They should be brought to the Church on Friday, 22nd December, if possible. Thank you.

Christmas Services:

  • Wednesday, 20th December - 6.30 p.m. Carol Service with Sunday School
  • Sunday, 24th December - 10.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist, 11.30 p.m. Midnight Mass
  • Christmas Day - 10.30 a.m. Family Communion with Carols

Everyone welcome! Please come and join us as often as you can. Collections from the Carol Service and Midnight Mass will go to the Children's Society.

After some twenty years of tending the churchyard of St. Peter's, with only a short break in the late 1980's, Reg Davis has decided the time has come to take a well-earned rest. The Rector and P.C.C. would like to thank him wholeheartedly on behalf of the Parish for all his hard work and dedication.

Flowers in Memory - a shelf has been placed in the church on the wall in the comer by the font. This is for the use of anyone who would like to place a few flowers and maybe a card in memory of a loved one.

Church Floodlights - the church tower was lit all through last winter and during the summer evenings thanks to generous donations. As winter approaches we are looking for new sponsors. The floodlighting is appreciated by everyone, so if you would like to help, please get in touch with Betty Davis [883541] or Mary Tucker [883881].

Mary Tucker



This October, nearly sixty years after his death, Rudyard Kipling was named Britain's favourite poet and his poem 'If' a clear winner to become the country's best-loved verse in the BBC's national poll to mark the second National Poetry Day. Kipling, short storywriter, poet and novelist, was born in Bombay in 1865 and educated at the United Services College at Westward Ho! His children's books include 'The Jungle Book' and 'Just So Stories'. In 1907 he was the first British writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it in one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run;
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!


David Beagley


1. Preferred to a stick [6]
5. One who thinks [5]
9. Devonshire river [3]
10. Welsh lady [7]
11. The way to travel [5]
12. Glycerine based explosive [5]
14. Under great pressure [7]
15. A scab [6,7]
19. Tetanus [7]
21. It glows in the dark [5]
24. A split in the rocks [5]
25. To form a mental picture [7]
26. It's got to be a joke [3]
27. Musical jottings [5]
28. Thick lubrication [6]


2. Near enough [5]
3. Where to put your oar in [7]
4. You need to get stuck into this sport [3,3,7]
5. Kudos [5]
6. Launched 4.10.57. [7]
7. Does this mammal come from a fish? [3,4]
8. Nothing barred in Scotland [4]
13. Suffix denotes agent or believer [3]
15. Element used for cooking chips [7]
16. You get one for payment [7]
17. Raise to a higher plane [7]
18. She arrived late as usual [3]
20. American driven by all 4 wheels (5)
22. Knock these off to get them out [5]
23. Thick grass [4]

Solution in Article 31.




Due to growing concern of crime against the homes and property of UK homeowner and residents, a meeting was arranged where Berrynarbor residents were invited to question experts and specialists in the field of Crime Prevention, Crime Detection and the Installation and Maintenance of Intruder Alarm Systems. The meeting was held in the Manor Hall on 13th October.

Our guests, who agreed to face the public and answer their questions were:

  • Col. Bob Gilliat [Chairman, Ilfracombe Crime Prevention Panel]
  • Mike Lloyd [Shorrock Ltd., Barnstaple - expert on intruder and fire alarm systems]
  • A Crime Prevention Officer from Barnstaple Police, and
  • P.C. Benbow [our Community Policeman]

28 residents attended the meeting at which a great deal of information regarding the advantages and failures of different methods of crime prevention were discussed, together with the pitfalls of D.I.Y. installations. Devon and Cornwall Constabulary recommend certain types of alarm installations which are less susceptible to interference and therefore false activation.

Should a resident require information on how to make their property less vulnerable from intrusion by unwelcome guests, Barnstaple Crime Prevention Officer will survey the property and offer advice. Telephone 0990-777-444 and ask for Barnstaple Crime Prevention Officer. Mike Lloyd would also be pleased to offer a quotation to install an intruder/fire alarm system, which meets with Police approval. A starter kit is available which could be extended at a later date.

For further information and costs, telephone Mike on 01271-71309. Our Parish Council Chairman, Jenny Taylor, thanked Bill Berry and the team of Neighbourhood Watch volunteers for the quiet and efficient way in which information flows, in each direction, between the police and the volunteers. From the number of residents who did not attend the meeting, we know that there is a sense of security and well-being in Berrynarbor that can only be attributable to Neighbourhood Watch.



No Job Too Small


Ter. (01271) 883150


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Soldiers Watermouth Cottage [Hospital]


This photographic postcard was taken by the Ilfracombe Photographers, Phillipse & Lees on 14th November, 1914, outside Watermouth Cottage [the present Miss Annear's house up the private road opposite Sawmills]. On the 24th October, a total of 50 wounded First World War Belgian soldiers had arrived in Ilfracombe. The 10 worst cases were treated at the Tyrrell Hospital, 23 were treated at Westwell Hall, Torrs Park, 5 at the Cliffe Hydro and the 12, seen here, at Watermouth Cottage Hospital, at the invitation of Lady Penn-Curzon of Watermouth Castle.

In this view, Lady Penn-Curzon can be seen in the centre of the back row, whilst one of the soldiers has her King Charles spaniel on his lap. The majority of the soldiers remained here for the duration of the War, and in Ilfracombe many of them were joined by their wives and children, and a special class was set up for the children. Sadly, Camille Kerckvoorde, one of the worst cases at the Tyrrell, died at the end of July, 1915, and his well-attended funeral was held on 29th July. Flowers were sent over annually to be placed on his grave in the Parish Church until just a few years ago.

I have three different cards showing this Watermouth group, as well as others showing wounded soldiers outside the Tyrrell Hospital and the funeral of Camille Kerckvoorde. I should be very interested to hear from anyone who has any further information on the Cottage Hospital at Watermouth.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, November 1995



I've been asked to let you know about my prize holiday to the U.S A [See April 1995 Newsletter].

Our flight took us from Gatwick to Cincinnati, where we caught a connecting flight to Nashville. There, we picked up our rental car [included in the prize] and drove the ten miles or so to our first hotel - The Regal Maxwell, so called because that's where Maxwell House coffee originates from. Both room and food were excellent. Downtown Nashville was a real eye-opener - so many 'cowboys'. We didn't realise people actually wore the hats, belts and boots in everyday life! However, the people were warm and friendly, but the weather was cold and windy.

Part of the prize was a night out at The Grand Ole Oprey - a country and western show recorded live on a Friday evening - and tickets to Opreyland, a huge theme park. The show was most enjoyable and I've never seen Richard take so many fairground rides - it was great for me, as I love them!

On our fifth day we drove 250 miles down to Memphis [using a map lent to us by Joy Morrow - thanks, Joy], where our hotel, the Radisson, was in the heart of the city and two minutes from Beale Street. We took a paddle steamer down the Mississippi, which was lovely, especially as the weather had improved by this time. Memphis is a definite contrast to Nashville, with lots of monuments and parks dedicated to different people.

The highlight of the trip, for Richard especially, was free entrance to Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley. We were pleasantly surprised by how elegant the house is, and how well the exhibits were laid out.

After ten days we certainly didn't want to come home, and America is definitely on our list of places of which we should like to see more. I'm still doing the competitions in "Take A Break" and hope to be lucky again - but I shan't hold my breath!

Angela Lewis



I've tried most of all the handcrafts
That require co-ordination;
I've stitched and sketched and decoupaged
And made my own creation.

But never had I found a craft
That made each moment thrilling,
Until I found these paper strips
And started doing Quilling.

Ken Brown

Quilling, or paper filigree, began over five hundred years ago when it was discovered that narrow strips of paper could be rolled [around a needle-like instrument - probably a feather quill], then scrolled, fluted, fringed and arranged to create beautiful designs. Pictures, plaques, greeting cards, Christmas tree decorations, ear-rings and mobiles are just a few of the things of charm that can be made, and boxes, wreaths, photographs, eggs, etc., can all be made more attractive embellished with quilling.

The first quillers were probably members of religious orders, who used gilt-edged paper strips to decorate niches for statuettes and other religious pieces. Although the art of quilling has existed for so long, little of its history has been recorded and most of the quillwork now in museums dates only from the 18th or 19th Centuries, and includes such things as cribbage boards, ladies purses and tea caddies. In her novel, "Sense and Sensibility" [1811], Jane Austen refers to a 'fillagree' basket.

Quilling spread from England to America and the craft became so popular that some boarding schools listed 'Quill-work' on their syllabus. Its popularity faded during the late 1800's, but has enjoyed a revival since the 1950's.

Many of you will have discovered Marion Billett's delightful quill-work greeting cards and pictures - either at the Post Office or Miss Muffets. Marion first became interested in quilling a few years ago after visiting a craft shop in the Courtyard Centre in Poole, and has since become hooked on this hobby! Like doodling, it's compulsive - think how often we all fiddle with bus or theatre tickets or the silver wrapping from chocolates, rolling them between our fingers to produce various shapes!

Decoupage [the raft of decorating the surfaces of objects with scraps of printed images and coated with layers of varnish to protect and conceal the edges of the paper, creating the effect that the design is part of the surface] and making 3-D greeting cards from wrapping papers and pages from colour supplements, are also pastimes for Marion - plates, trays and wooden spoons have made lovely gifts, as have the beautifully decorated rolling pins given to a local bride or two.

Now, with the winter evenings drawing in, Marion is again busy turning colourful strips of paper, scraps of lace, tiny pearls and ribbon, etc, into her miniature works of art - Riversdale Cottage is a veritable hive of industry!




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01271 - 882002



"The sun looked over the hills, the moon was as a feather dropped by the owl flying home..." Henry Williamson

This year, the centenary of the birth of Henry Williamson has been commemorated, so we decided to explore the village of Georgeham, where he lived for many years.


Church & Skirr Cottage Georgeham
- Tom Bartlett Collection

Houses and cottages of a great variety of styles and ages - but many of them thatched and whitewashed - clustered about a stream and there, nestling below the church, was Skirr Cottage where Williamson went to live shortly after returning from the First World War. He shared the cob-built cottage with his dogs, cats, wild birds and an otter cub rescued after its mother had been shot. It was to be the inspiration for "Tarka the Otter".

During Henry Williamson's residence at Skirr Cottage, barn owls nested in the thatch. ['Skirr' depicts one of the calls of a barn owl.] He adopted the barn owl as his special symbol and one is carved on his gravestone in the churchyard behind the cottage.

After his marriage, Williamson moved to another cottage a few yards away and later had a house built at Oxford Cross, a mile out of the village. There he constructed an elm wood 'writing hut'. This is still standing.

Georgeham and Henry Williamson's life there during the years between the Wars were the subject of his book, "Life in a Devon Village". However, the locals were largely unimpressed by his growing literary reputation, one farmer informing him, "There be only one book I've read and that be the Bible".

The guide book I had looked up before our walk warned that the church had been 'unfortunately over-restored by the Victorians' so my expectations were low. But what a pleasant surprise! There were many notable things to be seen including a 13th Century stone carving of the Crucifixion in the north wall of the chancel, and tucked under an arch in the Pickwell Chapel, the effigy of Sir Mauger of St. Aubyn, a crusader and the "keeper of Lundy", who died in 1294. The knights legs are crossed below the knee and his feet are resting on a pair of dogs, with their gaze directed devotedly towards him.

Across the corner of the Chapel is an unusual 17th Century memorial to members of the Newcourt family; a series of small portraits each being set within a roundel. The paintings of St. Francis and St. George, the Archangel and the Virgin Mary, two on each side of the altar, were the work of a local artist, Margaret Kemp Welch, who lived in the parish in the 1920's and 30's.

A very elegant oak screen in the classical style divides the Chapel from the south aisle and was added in 1762. Its proportions and lines are lovely; the carving restrained. I would revisit St. George's church just to look at this.

After leaving the church, we strolled along the quiet lanes to Putsborough, a large and attractive hamlet with a thatched manor house overlooking a ford, and then on to nearby Vention, where a line of mainly white, flat-roofed Art Deco houses border the beach.

Here is another literary connection, as Putsborough was the final home of the American joumalist and novelist, Negley Farson [whose grave is also in the churchyard at Georgeham]. He was the father of writer and broadcaster, Daniel Farson, who lives at Appledore and who included a chapter about him in his book "Sacred Monsters" with among others, Orson Welles, Tennessee Williams and Noel Coward. Of Putsborough, Negley Farson said, "This is the perfect place for joumey's end."

Sue H


Artwork: Debbie Rigler Cook


We are delighted to announce the arrival of Ella Kate, daughter of Julia [nee Hannam] and Rob Fairchild. Ella, who weighed in on the 19th November at 6 lbs 12.5 oz, is the first grandchild for Valerie and Neil of Little Orchard. Our congratulations and very best wishes to you all.


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


It is now official - Gary Songhurst has the biggest one in the village! This, of course, refers to his pumpkin entered in the Children in Need competition. Although the judges, professional growers Derek Phillips and John Clarke, were unhappy about the variety grown, they agreed that at 71.75 lbs, it was the biggest. Josef Belka's two 'goodies' at 56 and 44 lbs were second, and Joy Scott [43 lbs] and Sarah Songhurst [42 lbs] were joint third.

The best dressed pumpkin was clothed by Phil and Lynne for their 'Landlord Look-alike", with Rod of Langleigh House's 'Giant Lollipop' runner up. Thanks to all who entered - there were some really good entries and Children in Need will benefit by the sum of £74.

The annual race down Pitt Hill saw Ryan Beale win the children's section, with Barry winning the adult race. His triumph was short-lived, as he was disqualified for arriving with insufficient pumpkin! So Amy Harris took the honours. Well done! The rounders match was won by a team headed by Mark Adams, who easily beat the youngsters led by Edward Bowden. But watch out, next year they want to play football as well!


  • Saturday, 23rd December - 11.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. 7.00 - 11.30 p.m.
  • Sunday, 24th December - 12.00 noon - 2.30 p.m. 7.00 - 11.30 p.m. Carols in Car Park, 7.30 p.m.
  • Monday, Christmas Day - Closed All Day
  • Tuesday, 26th December - 11.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. 7.00 - 11.30 p.m. Quiz Night with our new Quizmaster, Neil, 7.30 p.m.
  • Wednesday - Saturday - 11.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. 7.00 - 11.30 p.m.
  • Sunday, New Year's Eve - 12.00 noon - 2.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. - 12.30 a.m. Theme for New Year's Eve 'Emergency Services'

Phil and Lynne wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year



COMBE MARTIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Methodist Hall, Thursdays, 7 30 p.m

  • 14th December - Slide Show & Social Evening: "Further Along the Coastal Path", Tom Bartlett
  • 18th January - "An Ilfracombe Builder and His Work", Rev. Jim Bates.

BERRYNARBOR WINE CIRCLE Manor Hall, Wednesdays, 8.00 p.m.

  • 13th December [week early] Wines for Christmas, Andy Hodge
  • 17th January Members Favourite Wines

New members very welcome - ring Tony Summers [883600]

THANKS - Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him on his annual church walk, when he collected the magnificent sum of £700 for our own United Reformed Church. His thanks, also, to Josef for 'chauffeuring' him to the far ends of his long walks whilst collecting the sponsors. Well done, Ron!

CHARITY SALE - There will be a sale of good clothes, books, toys, bric-a-brac and gifts, at the Manor Hall on SATURDAY, 9th DECEMBER, 1995, at 2.30 p.m. Please come along and buy - all proceeds to animal welfare. Mrs. Bond, Ludleigh House [882507]

APOLOGIES - to Rainer [not Riner!] Jost and if you imagined him in his sand yacht lying flat on his tum, you'd be wrong. In fact he would be almost flat on his back! [Ed.]

BERRYNARBOR U.R.C. will be holding their Christmas Bazaar at the Manor Hall on SATURDAY, 2ND DECEMBER, at 2.15 p.m. Various Stalls, Raffle, Refreshments, etc.

BRITAIN IN BLOOM - The Committee would like to say thank you to all who helped with their contribution in keeping the village blooming this year.

Special thanks go to Les Levy, Gary Branch, Edna Barber, Josef Belka, Grace Slade, Ann and Dave Beagley, Nora Rowlands, Mrs. Neale [Snr.], Pip Summers and John Hood, whose efforts helped to keep the public displays watered and tended.

Anyone interested in joining the committee? Please ring Vi - 882696.


Christinna Rossetti

In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.
Our God, heaven cannot hold Him,
Nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away
When He comes to reign:
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable-place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty,
Jesus Christ.
What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb;
If I were a wise man
I would do my part -
Yet what I can, I give Him,
Give my heart.

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes




In September, some 8-11 year olds went on a trip to Bristol. Their visits included the Zoo and the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The children stayed at the Y.H.A. right by the river in Bristol a great setting for a great trip.

The younger children, 6-7 year olds, went to the Beaford Centre for a few days. Their activities included mask making, pottery, painting and woodland walks. It was a memorable experience for the children, some of whom hadn't been away from their parents before.

And now for Christmas:

  • Tuesday, 5th December 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. Christmas Coffee Morning at the School. Cakes, Raffle, Book Fair, etc. Anyone is welcome
  • Thursday, 14th December 1.45 p.m. There is a dress rehearsal for the Christmas performance entitled "Circus". This will be in the Manor Hall and is open to anyone, including pre-school children
  • Wednesday, 20th December 2.30 p.m. Carol Service in the Church. Again, anyone is welcome

Thank you to all the villagers who support the school

We wish you all a Happy Christmas.




  • ETC.



For details, please consult

TEL/FAX: 01271-882521



The Committee will also be holding a Coffee Morning from 10.30 a.m. until 12.00 noon on SATURDAY, 16th DECEMBER, when the Prize Draw will take place. Thanks to all who have bought and sold draw tickets which are still available from Committee Members.

To: Organisations and Committee Members

Please let us have counterfoils, cash and unused tickets before the 15th December. Thank you.



1stand 2nd I.C.M.S Gilbert & Sullivan Evening and "Trial by Jury", Pavilion Theatre, 8.00 p.m.
2ndURC Christmas Bazaar, Manor Hall, 2.15 p.m.
3rdAdvent Sunday [1]
4thBadminton Club, 7 30 p.m. Manor Hall
5thChristmas Coffee Morning at Primary School, 10.00-11.30 a.m.
W.I. Meeting: Christmas Decorations - Joan McCallam
6thSt. Nicholas [Father Christmas] Lunch, Baptist Church, 12.00 noon
7thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
9thCharity Sale, Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m.
10thAdvent Sunday [2] Bible Sunday
11thBadminton Club, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
12thParish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7 30 p.m.
13thChristians Together, 10.45 a.m.
Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. Sandy Cove, 1.20 p.m. Barton Lane, 1.50 p.m. The Square, 2.30 p.m. Sterridge Valley
Berrynarbor Wine Circle: Wines for Christmas, And Hodge, 8.00 p.m.
14thU3A Luncheon - Woolacombe Bay, Christmas Party
Primary School "Circus" Rehearsal, I .45 p.m.
Combe Martin Historical Society: Slide Show & Social Evening
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
RAOB Carol Service, St. Peter's, 7.30 p.m.
Concert, Baptist Chapel, 7.30 p.m.
16thManor Hall Management Coffee Morning, 10.30-Noon, Manor Hall
17thAdvent Sunday [3]
18thMethodist Church Bazaar, Combe Martin
W.I Christmas Lunch, The Globe, 12.30 p.m.
Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall
19thCollege Christmas Celebration, llfracombe Parish Church, 7.30 p.m.
20thPrimary School Carol Service, St. Peter's, 2.30 p.m.
College and Primary School: End of Term
The Nine Lessons & Carol Service, St. Peter's, 6.30 p.m.
21stWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
24thChristmas Eve, Eucharist 10.30 a.m.
Christians Together Carol Service, St. Peter's Combe Martin, 6.30 p.m.
Carols at The Globe, 7.30 p.m.
25thCHRISTMAS DAY Family Communion with Carols, 10 30 a.m.
26thSt. Stephen's Day BOXING DAY
Quiz Night at The Globe, 7 30 p.m.
27thNO Library
28thWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
31stNEW YEAR'S EVE "Emergency Services" at The Globe, 7.30 p.m.
1stNew Year's Day
2ndW.I. Meeting: Dolls in the Making - Mavis Pesic
4thPrimary School and College: Start of Spring Term
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
6thEpiphany - Twelfth Night
8thBadminton Club, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
9thParish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Manor Hall
10thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
11thU3A Luncheon
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
15thBadminton Club, 7 30 p.m., Manor Hall
17thBerrynarbor Wine Circle: Members Favourite Wines
18thChristian Unity: 8 Days of Prayers
Combe Martin Historical Society: An Ilfracombe Builder & His Work
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
20thBeetle Drive, The Globe, 8.00 p.m.
22ndBadminton Club, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hail
24thMobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m.
25thHoly Communion and Christian Unity, 10.30 a.m.
Whist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
26thChristians Together Committee: Methodist Church Hall
29thBadminton Club, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
1stWhist Drive, Manor Hall, 7.30 p.m.
5thBadminton Club, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall
6thW.I. Meeting: Travel with Kathie, Slides and Talk - Kath Arscott


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Chestnut and Apricot Stuffing

If it is difficult to remove all the membrane from the roasted chestnuts, ease the rest off once they have been cooked

  • 700g [1.5 lbs] fresh chestnuts
  • 60ml [4 tbsp] oil
  • 300g [11 oz] ready to eat apricots
  • 90ml [6tbsp] chopped fresh parsley
  • salt and pepper
  • 750ml [1.25 pints] vegetable stock
  • 3 medium onions, chopped finely
  • 12 oz fresh breadcrumbs
  • 2 small eggs, beaten
  • butter or margarine

Peel the chestnuts by making a slit in the side and roasting them in a hot oven, 220C, mark 7, for about 10-15 minutes, or until the skins burst. Remove the skins and membrane. Simmer the chestnuts in the stock until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and chop into large pieces.

Heat the oil in a pan, add the onions and fry until beginning to soften. Cool slightly. Snip the apricots into small pieces and mix both with the remaining ingredients. Season to taste, add more breadcrumbs if mixture is too wet. Press about one-third of this stuffing into the neck end of the turkey, pushing it under the skin and over the breast. Truss the turkey.

Place the remaining stuffing in a shallow, greased ovenproof dish and dot with butter. Bake for about 35-40 minutes.

Not suitable for freezing. Makes about 3 lbs.

Pecan and Celery Stuffing

If pecan nuts are difficult to obtain, use the slightly more bitter walnuts

  • 45-60 ml [3-4tbsp] oil
  • 225g [8 oz] ready to eat prunes
  • 150g [5 oz] pecan nuts, roughly chopped
  • 45ml [3tbsp] chopped fresh parsley
  • salt and pepper
  • 3 medium onions, finely chopped
  • 1 small head celery, chopped
  • 275g [10 oz] fresh breadcrumbs
  • 2 small eggs, beaten
  • butter or margarine

Heat the oil in the pan, add the onions and fry until beginning to soften but not brown. Stone and chop the prunes.

Mix all the ingredients together and season to taste. If the mixture is too wet, add more breadcrumbs.

Press the stuffing lightly into a shallow, greased oven-proof dish and dot with butter. Bake for about 35-40 minutes or until crisp and golden brown on top. Not suitable for freezing. Makes about 2.5 lbs.


FOR SALE - Buffet Flute. Good condition. 200 pounds o.n.o. Tel 882344

OLD LP's - If anyone is interested in a small collection of classical mono LP's, please ring 883544



Alan and Nora Rowlands

For Christmas, the shop will be stocking many seasonal items alongside our usual fare, including Christmas Cakes and Puddings, Seasonal Chocolates, Wines and Spirits.

We shall also have Christmas Trees and can order Poinsettias, etc. We can supply fresh meats of all kinds, including Chickens, Turkey and Game.

Our Opening Times for the holiday period will be:

  • Saturday, 23rd [pre. Christmas Eve] - 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
  • Sunday, 24th [Christmas Eve] - 8.30 a.m. to 12.00 Noon
  • Christmas Day - Closed - NO papers
  • Tuesday, 26th [Boxing Day] - Closed - NO papers
  • Wednesday, 27th - 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
  • Thursday - Sunday, 28th-31st - Normal Opening Hours
  • Monday, 1st, New Year's Day - 8.30 a.m. to 12.00 Noon



What a joy is Christmas to people far and wide
A tribute to our Saviour though on the cross he died
To prove he was the Son of God, to make us understand
That when we feel despondent He will give a helping hand.
So when we celebrate the day with frivolity and cheer
We must also keep in mind our Saviour always near
Who gave His life to try to make the world a better place
To give faith and hope and sanctity to all the human race.

Bettina Brown
The Robins, Combe Martin




Wishing you all a