Edition 8 - October 1990

Artwork by: Edward Bowden [Age 10]
Our thanks and congratulations to Edward Bowden [10] for this month 's delightful autumnal Front Cover.
May I also thank Paul Swailes for his illustrations, both in this issue and the August issue. Paul, who teaches Geography at Ilfracombe College has kindly agreed to be the Newsletter's 'artist in residence'.
Ron Toms would like to thank everyone who sponsored him on his walk for the Devon Historic Churches Trust enabling him to raise the magnificent sum of £376!
Congratulations to all students from the Village, and College, on excellent 'A' Level and G. C. S.E. passes. The College pass rate for 'A' Levels was 82% [well above the national average). There were 1504 passes at G.C.S.E. [from a year of 220 students]; 77 students had four or more passes at Grade C or above - that being the requirement for study to 'A' Level.
Especial congratulations to David Anderson, who will be taking a Maths, with Statistics & Operational Research, degree at Exeter University, and Sarah Deal, taking a B. Ed. [Geography] degree at Edgehill College, Lancaster. Alan Froud is taking a BTec [Engineering] course at the North Devon College; Karen Ozelton is taking a year out to travel abroad before looking at a career in banking. and Elise Fanner has 'crossed' to the other side of the fence and is a classroom assistant in the Special Needs Department at Ilfracombe College, helping pupils with learning difficulties. Our best wishes go with them all in their new ventures.
Congratulations are also due to pupils recognised at the recent Presentation Evening: Sharon Toye was awarded the G.C.S.E. prize for excellence in Technology and effort in Physics: Sarah Deal the A' Level prize for excellence in Geography: Andrew Neale and James Anderson received awards for Distinction in Sport - Andrew for Cross-Country and James for P.E. and Games: and Karen Ozelton received the Lethbridge Award for Service to the College and community.
Enquiries to:
MARTIN LINDER Carpet Fitter 882383
Reduced rates for senior citizens

Congratulations to the Committee of Britain in Bloom. Once again they have been successful in gaining an award, the Mary Mortimer Trophy, which was presented by Mrs. Preece at the Horticultural Show. Without the help and support of many parishioners, we realise this result could not have been achieved. The Council wish to express their thanks to all who helped make our village so attractive, which, in turn, has given pleasure to so many people.
As in previous years, a Refuse Skip will be sited on the Car Park for the disposal of unwanted household items on Friday, 26th October, until Monday, 29th October.
Neighbourhood Watch
A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th November, at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall, when a member of the Police Force will attend to explain what is required to establish a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. It is hoped everyone will make an effort to attend.
John Huxtable tells us that for the first time in his 30 years of farming, he has had 2 single lambs born in the second week in July!

How nice it was, after the summer break, to welcome members with the news that £111.87 had been raised for Hospice Care at the Coffee Morning at Ivy Richards, and £35 for W.I. funds from the Pastry Stall at the P. T. A. Fete. Members were also to be found helping at the Church Fete and Berry Revels, and for the latter I should like to thank everyone who helped us with bottled items. The meeting was then given a most interesting account and demonstration, by Margarette and Brigitta, on how 'Colourisma' could help us in our daily lives. Kathleen Norman was the model, and scarves of every hue were used to seek out which season one may belong to, and from that the colours one should wear. We welcomed guests from the Ilfracombe Disabled Fellowship and being the 75th Anniversary of W.I. made it an extra special evening with the MinstreIs providing the entertainment. The 20th September saw 40 members and friends present at the final performance of "Table Manners" by Woolacombe Rep., who performed to a'full house' - a good show and a good evening.
For the October meeting , Joy Morrow will be taking us on a 'slide' trip to the Orient and on the 18th October, a party of us will be attending the Group Meeting at Loxhore. The General Meeting will be on the 6th November. If you wish to nominate anyone for the 1991 Committee, please ask them first if they wish to stand.
Vi Kingdon - President
Pray not for a life that brings no ill,
But welcome every challenge to the will.
Trouble takes the measure of a man,
Don't say you can't, however hard, YOU CAN.

We are sad to report the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Crighton in August. Mrs. Crighton and her family moved to Berrynarbor in 1954 to Sawmills, where for several years she provided bed and breakfast accommodation, moving to Birdswell Lane some ten years later. Our thoughts and sympathy go to her daughter, Elaine [Fanner], sons Alastair, Malcolm and Nick, and her ten grandchildren.
The summer always sees a break in many of the formal Council meetings. Only the Planning Committee continues working a full schedule. Another regular seasonal feature is the number of central government consultation papers that arrive. It would seem that Whitehall civil servants like to complete their work and go on holiday!
Two items of local interest this month. One on the control of dangerous dogs. When discussed at the Devon Association of Parish Councils, where I am Chairman, there was support for all the new measures to create an offence of allowing dogs to run loose if they endanger others. There was no support for the Dog Registration Scheme, but I hear that the District Council's Health Committee are in favour of that proposed arrangement.
The second paper was about the provision of television dish aerials to receive signals from satellites. These receivers only function when they can point directly at the satellite in the sky. So, on a straight street, they will be visible on the front of houses on one side and will be at the rear of houses on the other side. One proposal is to allow dishes to peep over the roof ridge, thus saving the house front from disfigurement. Of course, many people are able to place the equipment in their garden and screen it with shrubs, so that they can enjoy the exciting new range of programmes without any detriment to the environment at all. Planning consent will still be needed in conservation areas, so people in our precious and beautiful village centre will be given advice that will help safeguard the area.
Isn't it amazing how long some decisions take! Whilst a member of the County Council, I was able to support a proposal to reclassify the road from Aller Cross to Blackmoor Gate, and it is now confirmed by the Department of the Environment that it is to be the A399 all the way from Aller Cross to Ilfracombe. Unfortunately, the improvements that are so badly needed and for which I had some support, do not appear in the County's ten-year plan. The other road in our Parish reclassified is Long Lane, from Easterclose to Mullacott Cross, now the A 3123.
Quiet time for meetings - 15th July to 16th September - only 42!
Finally, just to comment on the wonderful support that has been given to various village events held this summer. All of them hugely successful. Many congratulations to all who helped, particularly, but not only, to Joy Morrow for making our village beautiful enough to win a Britain in Bloom competition.
Graham E. Andrews
- District & Parish Councillor
Tel: 383385

To Julia Stanbury of Stapleton Farm, Berry Down, who married Gary Chugg of Barnstaple at Christ Church, Braunton, on 28th July. Julia, like her father and grandfather before her [and her brothers], attended Berrynarbor Primary School. We wish her and Gary every happiness in the future.
Likewise our congratulations and best wishes to Samantha Jones and Chris Bowden who are getting married in St. Peter's Church Saturday, 6th October. Sam and Chris will be moving to Ilfracombe and we wish them luck in their new home.
To Caryll and Brian Holland on their new 'double' role of grandparents [their two daughters producing their first babies within weeks of each other] and to the proud parents and babies - Sarah, Stewart and baby Jack, and Karen, Douglas and baby Poppy.
To Pam Parke [PP of MLF] on passing, in excellent style, her 'A' Level English exam. We wish her and Alex good luck and happiness in their new home, Damson Cottage [PP of DC?] and extend a warm welcome to Clifford and Sally Johnson who are moving in to Middle Lee Farm.
- A good home for an indoor begonia, Haageana. Please ring Caryll Holland, 883444.
- Urgently Helpers for the Britain in Bloom Project 1991 [or it may not happen!]. Offers to Joy Morrow, 882531, and her team.
- A part-time Cleaner for the Manor Hall. If interested, please contact Vi Davis for further details.
- A committee to run next year's Horticultural Show. Please contact Joy Morrow, 082531, if you can help.
[or Fl'ou'wers and Fl'oe'wers!]
[answers given in article 17]
1. Name 4 Devon rivers which are also animals.
2. Name 2 Devon rivers which are also weapons.
3. Name 2 wild flowers which are virtues.
4. Name 2 plants which are also musical instruments.
5. Name 3 British rivers which are letters of the alphabet.
6. Name the Biblical connection in these plants:
7. Complete the practical objects, in these plant names:
8. Complete the items of clothing in these plant names:
9. Complete the part of the anatomy in these plant names:
10. DIG TREES To unwind this local river, but you'll need to throw the 18th letter into the middle.
11. Name the girls:
12. Name the boys:

Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU, one and all for your kind support of the Village Hall fund raising events held this summer. It couldn't have happened without everyone working together. The fantastic sum of £1,784 raised by these events will go towards the maintenance of our Hall and towards new projects like portable staging, tables, crockery, curtains, etc.
The new kitchen is now complete. To all users, please help us keep it new by treating it with care and by putting items back where you find them. Any problems or concerns can be reported to any Committee Member:
Roy Perry, Chairman
Vi Davis, Secretary
Betty Davis, Treasurer
Joy Morrow, Hall Bookings
Ginny Neale
Margaret Walls.
Late afternoon in early September. we walked through the Cairns Nature Reserve at Ilfracombe and along the old railway track.
This is reached via Station Road. Walk towards Pall Ilfracombe's factory and take the path to your left. Follow the path down through the woods and you will soon find yourself on the site of the former railway line, which provides a level walk running parallel to Lower Slade - and as far as Mortehoe, if you wish.
The neat yellow flowers of the tansy plants along the first stretch of path were beginning to die, but their leaves still yielded their pleasantly pungent and aromatic chrysanthemum smell.
Along the track the most prolific flowers were devil's bit scabious, golden rod and knapweed [some greater but mainly lesser] - a lovely blend of blue, yellow and purple on which small copper butterflies fed. We also noticed red admirals, small tortoiseshells, gatekeepers and a wall butterfly. But August is the best time for this walk, when the buddleias are in full bloom and the air is heavy with their scent and sparkling with blue butterflies, speckled woods, peacocks and painted ladies. And in early summer, wild strawberries grow amongst the gravel of the old track in great numbers.
At this time of year, however, there was the attraction of the haws, hips, acorns and sycamore keys. There were also sheep's bit and field scabious and yellow toadflax.
An appealing feature of this walk is the short railway tunnel you will pass through. On emerging from it, it is worth turning around to admire its structure before proceeding towards the reservoirs.
There are two of these and they can be viewed through the hawthorns and brambles on your right-hand side. As we stopped to watch the swallows skimming the surface of the water and a small party of mallards swimming past, we heard a harsh croak and a heron came into view, flying over the reservoir. It landed on a little pier, on which some rooks were perched. but soon dived into the water in pursuit of a fish.
Sue H
I'm as healthy as can be.
I have arthritis in both my knees
And, when I talk, talk with a wheeze.
My pulse is weak, and my blood is thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

Or wouldn't be able to go out on the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night,
But every morning I find I'm alright.
My memory is failing, my head's in a spin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
The moral of this, as my tale I unfold,
Is that for you and me, who are getting old,
It's better to say "I'm fine" with a grin,
Than to let folks know the shape we are in!
How did I know that my youth is all spent?
Well, my 'get up and go' has got up and went.
But I really don't mind. when I think with a grin,
Of all the grand places my 'got up' has bin.

But sometimes I wonder as I get out of bed,
with my ears in a drawer, my teeth in a cup,
My eyes on a table, until I get up.
Ere sleep overtakes me I say to myself,
"Is there anything else I could lay on the shelf?"
When I was young my slippers were red,
I could kick my heels right over my head.
When I got older my slippers were blue.
But still I could dance the whole night through.
Now I'm old my slippers are black.
I walk to the store and puff my way back.
I get up each morning and dust off my wits
And pick up the paper to read the 'Obits'.
If my name is still missing, I know I'm not dead,
And so I have my breakfast and go back to bed!

Contributed by Lucy Haynes

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes
Thank you, Lucy, for "I'm very well thank you", but we were sorry to learn that for a time you were "not very well" and in hospital following a slight heart attack, and that Kenneth, too, has had a short stay in hospital. However, we are glad to know you are both home again and progressing well "for the shape you are in"!
We are delighted, too. to know that Gwen Squire is out of hospital and hope that now she is home again she will make good progress.

Andrew Neale (3rd from left), Ben Fanner (5th from left) , Eden Davies (2nd from right)
Walking and climbing, rain and shine.
On top of the mountains, oh so high,
Lifting our arms we could reach the sky.
Washing and cooking, that didn't appeal ,
But the comradeship, now that was real.
We'll meet again the friends we made,
To plan a further escapade.
Eden, Andrew and Ben

For Manor Hall bookings, please ring Joy Morrow, [882531] , Fuchsia Cottage, after 6.00 p.m. or drop the information through her door, giving your name, address and 'phone number.
Joy Morrow
Answers to Quiz
1. Mole, Otter, Deer, Wolf
2. Dart, Axe
3. Thrift, Honesty
4. Bugle, Viola
5. Dee, Exe, Wye
6. Solomon, Aaron, Jacob
7. Purse [or Needle], Looking Glass [or Comb] , Nightshade,
Broom, Buttons, Harrow
8. Glove, Slipper [or Smock or Mantle], Hood,
9. Kidney, Heart, Lung [or Liver or Kidney or
Navel or Nipple], Foot, Tongue, Ear, Tail, Eye
10. [Anagram] Sterridge
11. Jenny, Molly, Penny
12. Robin, Robert, Jack
Services will start at 3.00 p.m. as from the 7th October. Everyone welcome.
A Jumble Sale will be held on Saturday, 13th October, at the Manor Hall, 2.30 p.m. to raise funds for the Church.
1st | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
2nd | W.I. Meeting: A Trip to the Orient [slide show] - Joy Morrow |
3rd | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00-1.00
p.m. Harvest Evensong and Supper |
6th | Jumble Sale in aid of Playgroup and Youth Club, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall, Raffle, Teas, etc. |
7th | United Reformed Church Service , 3.00 p.m. |
8th | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
9th | Parish Council Meeting, 6.15 p.m. Ilfracombe College Governors Annual Report to Parents and P. T. A. AGM, 7.30 p.m. |
10th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
11th | U3A Luncheon, Valley of the Rocks Hotel, Lynton: "The Painter & Paintings", Alan Phillips |
13th | Jumble Sale, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall in aid of URC funds |
15th | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
17th | Wine Appreciation Group : "Fine Clarets", talk and tastings with Mr. Tony Stone. For these expensive wines and some food, special contribution of £4.00. |
18th | W.I. Group Meeting at Loxhore, 7.30 p.m. |
22nd | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
24th | Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
26th | to 29th October Refuse Skip in Car Park |
27th | Hospice Care Autumn Fayre. Combe Martin Community Centre, 10.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Coffee, Ploughmans Lunches , tea, Cake and Craft Stalls, etc. |
29th | to 5th November [inc.] College and School half
term. Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
5th | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
6th | W. I. General Meeting |
7th | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00-1.00 p.m.
Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. |
8th | U3A Luncheon; Watersmeet Hotel, Woolacombe: Stephen Portsmouth - "Recycling - Is it Worth While?" |
12th | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
13th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.15 p.m. |
19th | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
20th | Neighbourhood Watch Meeting, Manor Hall 7.30 p.m. |
21st | Mobile Library in Village, 12.05 p.m. Wine Appreciation Group: "Wines of Israel", talk and tastings with Alan Richardson, contribution £2.50. |
26th | Badminton Club, 7.30 p.m. |
3rd | Badminton Club |
5th | South Molton Recycling Collection, 11.00 - 1.00
p.m. Mobile Library in Village from 12.05 p.m. to Saturday, 8th December, Ilfracombe College Musical Society presents "The Pirates of Penzance" at the Victoria Pavilion theatre, Ilfracombe |

355 items were entered this year, slightly down on last year's entry. Come on, Berrynarbor, let's surpass the 1986 record entry of 471 in 1991! The show is "for the fun of it all" and a very enjoyable day for one and all, so please join in next year. The cups for Floral Art, Wine and Handicrafts were not awarded due to lack of support.
The cup winners were as follows:
- The Walls Cup [Home Cooking] : Vi Kingdon
- The P.T.A. Cup [Children's Section]: Charlotte Fryer
- Men's Institute Cup [Children's Project in Hall]: Jancy Davies
- George Hippisley Cup [Art]: Kim Jost
- Vi Kingdon Award [Photography]:Maureen Mallalieu
- Derrick W. Kingdon Cup [Fruit & Vegetables]: Josef Belka
- Lethaby Cup [Pot Plants]: Eunice Allen
- Manor Stores Rose Bowl [Cut Flowers]: Win Sanders
- Management Committee Cup [best in Show]: Yvonne Hill
In addition to the Management Committee, special thanks to: Maggie Allen, Josef Belka, Frank Billings , Les Blakley, Ann Davies, Reg Davis, Vi Kingdon, Norman Richards, Alan Richardson, Judie Weedon for making this event happen.
Joy Morrow
This annual effort for the Trust's Funds held on Saturday, 8th September, was a day of glorious sunshine and it inspired walkers and cyclists to enjoy a very interesting and rewarding day in the fresh air, visiting many churches and chapels, both in town and all round the countryside of Devon.
In North Devon - and particularly in the village of Berrynarbor - we have a Devonian of rare quality - one who is determined that the beautiful old churches and chapels of his County will not deteriorate and fall into decay. He is Ron Toms, who this year surpassed his last year's sponsorship collection of £275 by an extra hundred pounds , collecting £376.
Ron is a regular member and stalwart of the United Reformed Chapel in Berrynarbor and is a well respected figure in the village. He, Dennis and I [of St. Peter's Church] walked round twelve churches in Combe Martin, Berrynarbor and Ilfracombe, and during the afternoon visited fourteen more in the surrounding villages. Mrs. Gubb and her daughter cycled, as did a group from Ilfracombe and other members of churches in Combe Martin, Ilfracombe and other areas of North Devon who walked, cycled or manned their churches to help with the sponsorship effort.
Our very grateful thanks to all who participated in such an enjoyable and worthwhile cause. A notification of the exact amounts collected will be published when all monies are brought in. Berrynarbor's collection to date is just over £500.
Win Collins

Thanks, once again, to this month's contributors - without you there would be no newsletter. I have every intention, if I can find time between newsletters, to try out the local walks and hope that these are to be a regular feature. However, would the mystery rambler please identify themselves - we'd like to be able to thank you personally! Putting on my deerstalker hat and puffing at my pipe, I feel sure that our Flower Quizzer is the same person. Am I right?
The next issue will be our second Christmas [December] issue and some seasonal tips, stories, poems, recipes, etc., would be very welcome. Please relieve my sleepless nights worrying about whether there will be material enough to produce a newsletter, and pop YOUR contribution in to the box at either the Post Office or Manor Stores, any time between now and the 15th November. Thank you!
May I take this opportunity to thank again Maureen and Graham Jones and Sue and Mervyn Day for distributing our newsletter with the papers. Don 't forget - if you know anyone who does not get a copy delivered, let them know that Copies are available from the Post Office, Manor Stores , Meakings [Combe Martin], The Globe, Lethaby's and myself.
You may be interested to know that copies of the newsletter are posted to Mrs. Whitehouse, Sid and Flo Russell, Mrs. Hockridge, Ron, Marian Delve and Family, Miss Kathleen Richards, Bob and Betty Parker, as well as being sent on to family members now living further afield. If you know of anyone who you think, or know , would like to learn of our village 'doings' , please let me know their name and address so that they can go on the mailing list.
Judie Weedon
Tel: 383544

- 4 lb cooking pears, peeled, cored and chopped
- 8 oz onions, finely chopped
- 1 1/2 pints brown malt vinegar
- 1 1/2 lb sugar
- 6 oz chopped preserved ginger
- 8 oz sultanas
- 1/2 tsp each mixed spice, dry mustard, ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp salt
(Yields about 6 lb)
Put the pears in a preserving pan with the onions and half the vinegar. Bring to the boil and simmer until the pears and onions are soft and pulpy. Add the remaining vinegar, sugar, ginger, sultanas [raisins] , spices and salt and bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Simmer, stirring occasionally and uncovered, until the chutney has thickened. Pour into hot, sterilised jars and seal with vinegar-proof tops.
Hint : Use best quality vinegar for pickles, of at least 5% acetic acid content. Malt [cider] vinegar gives the best flavour, white distilled vinegar gives a rather better colour.

"Berrynarbor" Garratt
No. 14 [c1904 G]

This view of the village was again taken by John W. Garratt, the accomplished Bristol photographer in early 1904. The picture shows not only the village centre, but also Hagginton Hill [then known as Heanton Hill] with Grattons at the top and the cultivated strip gardens strung out below. Clearly visible are the Church, Chapel, Manor House, Tower Cottage, Bessemer Thatch, the School, The Cottage [Old Court] and others. Many of the cottages were thatched and Betsy Leworthy's cottage is just showing behind the Manor House, later to be hidden by the new Manor Hall.
Garratt took this picture just as the children were coming out from the National School, as the text on the reverse side of the postcard, addressed to Miss Chugg, tells us:
"Dear Nan, Hope you like this view of B.N.R. You see that big girl talking to the three boys, well that is me. I remember the man taking the photo about 6 years ago when I was last teaching in the school. As you will see, we had just turned out. I suppose you have heard that Miss Bament 's brother committed suicide by blowing his brains out last Thursday. It has thrown quite a gloom over the village. He is going to be buried at West Down today. Much love from Bessie."
Research-wise, I should be most grateful if anyone can help me date when the card was written, believed to be about 1910. [I have even searched West Down church-yard, without success.]
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, September 1990
Once again Berrynarbor has won the North Devon Council's Cup for the Best Kept Village 1990.
We were pipped at the post for Devon's large village award by Kilmington, Nr. Axminster, but we retained the overall runner's up award.
It is hoped that the Frank Purcell Cup will be presented at the Harvest Supper.
Britain in Bloom The Mary Mortimer Cup for villages with a population of under 800, was presented at the Horticultural Show. Mrs. Muriel Preece, Hon. Regional Organiser for Britain in Bloom Advisory Committee [West] made the presentation. Anyone who would like to see the judge's comments should ask at the Post Office.
The cup will be displayed in turn in the Post Office, Manor Stores and Miss Muffets.
Please telephone:
JACQUI [I'm new to
883782 for an