
This website provides an archive of all 200 Editions of the Berrynarbor Newsletter, as circulated from August 1989 to October 2022. It provides a rich tapestry of over 30 years of social history and local knowledge. We hope you enjoy exploring the content.

Original Newsletter Artwork - Edition 9

Artist: Tom Bartlett - Click image to view in Hi-res.

December 2021  - Edition No.195

As I write this the sun is actually shining and although the evenings have drawn in and there is more of a chill in the air, the trees and hedgerows are still looking stunning in their bright, autumnal colours, and roses and other plants continue to bloom to cheer us up!

There has been movement in the village; we have said both goodbye and hello and we extend a warm welcome to all newcomers and a sad farewell to those who've left us. Good luck and happiness in your new homes.

Sadly, we are minus a missive from our nonagenarian, Tony B, who has not been well. We hope that he and all others, especially those who have succumbed to the virus, will be feeling fit and well again soon.

Steve, our Rural Reflector, received congratulations from the Exmoor Magazine, who also gave a nice plug to our Newsletter in their Winter edition. Thank you.

And big thanks must go - to Barbara for her kind donation from the collection made in memory of Alan; to the very many generous donations and Christmas messages, which will benefit both the Manor Hall and the Newsletter to the tune of £150 plus; to James and Harry for their continuing work on the website. When you are next sitting down with a coffee, take a look, those who have done so already have been agreeably surprised!

A final thank you must go to everyone who has contributed in any way to this, another bumper edition. Why don't you make it a new year resolution to contribute to the February one? Items for that are needed as soon as possible and by the deadline of Friday, 14th January, 2022.

... and now to Christmas! I wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Peaceful New Year. Stay safe.

Judie - Ed

Website Stats - 200 Editions, 76 Series, 7846 Articles, 7563 Images
Editions Verified - 151/200 (75.5%)

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Meeting every Monday to explore a love of all things crafty!