
This website provides an archive of all 200 Editions of the Berrynarbor Newsletter, as circulated from August 1989 to October 2022. It provides a rich tapestry of over 30 years of social history and local knowledge. We hope you enjoy exploring the content.

Original Newsletter Artwork - Edition 73

Artist: Tom Bartlett - Click image to view in Hi-res.

October 2001  - Edition No.74

Although we have always enjoyed Peter Rothwell's illustrations enhancing recent articles, especially Steve McCarthy's 'Rural Reflections', his work, a wrap-around view of the Lees, from Wild Violets, makes a welcome return to our cover for this issue, complementing later articles. Thanks Peter. We also welcome the work of a new recruit to our pages Dave Walden from Lynton. How Dave, Phil's son and Chris's brother, came to be inveigled into this is another story, but ... 'ave you got a light boy?'!

I hope you have all had a good summer holidaying, relaxing or providing such things for others. Certainly the weather seems to have been kinder this year than last. However, the evenings are now drawing in, the clocks go back at the end of the month and it won't be long before Christmas is on us again!

'What could I contribute to the Christmas issue?', you might ask. Please start thinking now! There are only 49 more 'penning' days until WEDNESDAY, 14th NOVEMBER, when articles and items for December and Christmas will need to be at the Post Office or Chicane.

My thanks to all contributors, particularly the regulars, without whom our newsletter could not continue. So, if YOU have not previously contributed, please help them and give it some thought, put pen to paper - seasonal recipes, tips, poems, news, congratulations, best wishes, sales and want, book review, hobbies, gift ideas, tales, photographs, etc., the list is endless - all will be very welcome.


Website Stats - 200 Editions, 76 Series, 7849 Articles, 7566 Images
Editions Verified - 170/200 (85.0%)

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Recipes (127)

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Alan Rowlands (11)

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Ladies Group (24)

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