
This website provides an archive of all 200 Editions of the Berrynarbor Newsletter, as circulated from August 1989 to October 2022. It provides a rich tapestry of over 30 years of social history and local knowledge. We hope you enjoy exploring the content.

Original Newsletter Artwork - Edition 165

Artist: Paul Swailes - Click image to view in Hi-res.

June 2007  - Edition No.108

After a glorious April, May has so far been slightly more unsettled but the gardens were beginning to need if a bit of rain and now everything, including the weeds, is flourishing. With longer evenings, June and July seem to be the 'events' months, including the two Open Gardens, the School Fete and Berry Revels [to be followed by St. Peter's Church Fayre], a BBQ at Middle Lee and A Country Collection art display in the Manor Hall. So please do make a note of the dates and support the events when you can.

As always, my thanks to everyone for contributing to another full and interesting issue. Especial thanks to Peter for the cover [and other illustrations] and Lorna for her very interesting article on the Chichesters of Berrynarbor. Thanks are also due for the many generous donations received, in particular from the Berry Broadcasting Company.

Items for the August issue will be needed please by Monday, 16th August - or earlier if you can! Don't forget, the Horticultural Show Schedule and Entry Forms will be included, so make sure you get your copy.

Judie - Ed

Website Stats - 200 Editions, 76 Series, 7848 Articles, 7566 Images
Editions Verified - 200/200 (100.0%)

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