Edition 25 - August 1993

Artwork by: Neil Redwood

Last issue I reported solvency and following very kind donations from St. Peter's P. C.C., some far-flung readers and over £70 raised at the Coffee Morning, finances are looking pretty healthy.
A very big THANK YOU to Vi and Anne Davies and their helpers for arranging the successful Coffee Morning, and to everyone who supported the event by bringing cakes and bring-and-buy items, donating raffle prizes and bringing themselves, in spite of a rather inclement morning. Mary Jane Newell's beautiful cake, raffled and won by Marion Billett, was very much appreciated. Thank you all.
P.S. Would the baker of the really scrummy walnut and butter cream cake please let me have the recipe?!
This month's cover is the talented work of Neil Redwood, who is currently studying for a BTEC National Diploma in Art at the North Devon College. He is hoping next year to specialise in Fine Art leading to a Foundation Art Course and then Art College. We wish him luck. Thank you, Neil.

A well-attended June meeting observed a minute' s silence in remembrance of the passing of a dear member, Winifred Goldsworthy, who had been a long-serving W.I. Member and a Past President - she will be sadly missed.
Peter Jones from the Mission of Seamen was the Guest Speaker who with the aid of a video film gave an interesting account of the wonderful care and help that is available in the many ports worldwide, covering all denominations. Members were most impressed and it is hoped that a Coffee Morning can be arranged later to support this worthy cause.
A most enjoyable evening on the 29th June was spent by 33 members and guests at the Ashford Garden Centre. The weather was perfect, the garden tour colourful as well as instructive, and the new Butterfly House a MUST for all visitors. After partaking of excellent refreshments, it was a quick scurry around the shop and homeward bound.
There were very few absentees on the 6th July. Everyone wanted to see and hear Brenda Rhodes speaking about the Art and History of Quilling (paper rolling) . She had a wonderful display of her work and members were able to try the basics for themselves - good exercise for the fingers. The Quilling Kit Brenda gave for the raffle was won by lucky Kath Arscott, who I expect, knowing her interest in all crafts, will put it to good use. There were kits and cards for sale, and thinking ahead to Christmas, sales were brisk. Joan Adams won the competition for a posy.
There will be no meeting in August, but members were reminded of the various Village Fetes, where the Institute have stalls to man, providing some tempting cakes, etc.
At the September meeting, on the 7th, 'Yours Truly' will be giving a light-hearted account of life in the W.R.N.S. As always, visitors are most welcome.
Vi Kingdon - President
Just a Thought: Happiness is a perfume, you cannot pour it on others without getting a few drops on yourself. If you try to buy happiness, you generally get poor value for your money.
- 4th September: Horticultural & Art Show. Helpers for Refreshments and Exhibitors needed.
- 7th September: "The Navy Lark, '43-'46" - Vi Kingdon
- 21st September: Party for Members of the Ilfracombe Disabled Association
No Job Too Small
Tel: (01271) 883150
SIGNS WORKSHOP: Tel: (01271) 882519
Ron Toms is preparing for his annual walk in aid of the Historic Churches Trust. He will be calling to ask for your sponsorship in the near future. Ron has done wonderful work in this connection, so please be generous and help him to break his previous record contribution.
Farewell and Welcome It was sad to say good-bye to Sylvia and Nick Cataldo [and Kim and Sam - he who used to relax in the middle of the road!] after a brief sojourn in Berrynarbor, but we extend a warm welcome to Mavis and Mishel Pesic who have moved to "Hollyhocks" from Bideford.
A welcome, too, to our new Community Constable - Geoff Crocker. Geoff is based at Ilfracombe Police Station and may be contacted on 863633, Extension 142.
Congratulations to Una Warburton on the special occasion of her 90th birthday. She celebrated with husband, Stan - also a nonagenarian - and family at Bessemer Thatch. Una still attends keep fit classes which she calls her "stretch and sweat" sessions, and her love of animals, especially cats, has led her to 'adopt' not only one of her own, but so many more on her daily walks around the Village. Best wishes, Una, and many happy returns.
Combe Martin Carnival Week 31st July 6th August
- Saturday: Opening Night, Flower Festival.
- Sunday: Sports [Bowling, Football, Ladies' Darts], Car Boot Sale, Flower Festival & Songs of Praise.
- Monday: Family Night, Fairy and Junior Queen and Prince Consort competition.
- Tuesday: It's a Knockout, Hollands Park.
- Thursday: Children's Fun, Carnival Bingo. Friday: Wheelbarrow Race.

We should be most grateful for contributions for our stalls, e.g. cakes, tombola, produce and flowers, bric-a-brac, etc. Please give anything that we can sell - hand to any members of the PCC, the Churchwardens or Preb. and please support this event.
OUR BRILLIANT RINGERS have done it again! They won the Leonard Pedrick Memorial Trophy on Friday, 9th July, for the second time - we had to agree that the next competition will be held in Ilfracombe!
ARE THERE ANY MEN OR WOMEN, BOYS OR GIRLS, out there who would like to give an evening a week to learn ringing, and will ring on Sundays at 10.30 a.m.? Speaking as a ringer, it is a lovely art to learn - it gives glory to God; I think it is a very necessary part of Church Life and brings many souls to love God.
R.O.H. Eppingstone
The Rector and Churchwardens would like to thank everyone who generously supported the Gift Day, donating some £722 towards the up-keep of our beautiful church.
The Eucharist, 10.30 a.m
Evensong, Combe Martin, 6.00 p.m. [once a month the Christians Together go from Church to Church, and there is no Evensong.]
Holy Communion
Thursdays, 10.00 a.m.
2nd Sunday each month, 8.00 a.m.
The Rector, the Rev. Keith Wyer [883203] and Prebendary Eppingstone [882802) will discuss Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Bereavements and SHOULD be invited to come and pray with the sick.
Prayer and Bible Study, Combe Martin, every Thursday, 7.30 p.m.
And the things which in common we share,
We want to live on, not because of ourselves,
But because of the people who care.
It's in giving and doing for somebody else -
On that all of Life's splendour depends,
And most of the joys of this wonderful world
Are found in the keeping of friends.
The Far North -
Queensland - The Tropics
A 16-hour coach journey took us up the coast to Townsville, from where we went to Magnetic Island and spent four days walking around the many bays, staying at 'Forest Haven Backpackers' , eating barbecued shark fillet ( l) and feeding a curious possum, which joined us in the kitchen from under the floor boards ! Here we also visited the Great Barrier Reef Wonderland. We explored the largest coral reef aquarium in the world, walking through the transparent viewing tunnels inches away from the most colourful fish and coral, reef sharks, turtles, giant cods and sea snakes; visited the omnimax theatre where you sit in seats to view a film on a domed screen, 3 storeys high, and the museum, which is about the past and present environment in North Queensland, with marine archaeological treasures, Aboriginal crafts and native reptiles and mammals.
Another 16-hour coach journey took me to Cairns, where I visited Hartley Creek Crocodile Farm, near Port Douglas. The farm hosts many salt and freshwater crocodiles, cassowaries (large, colourful birds), dingoes, snakes and lizards. An excellent day was spent here, the home of Charlie, the world's longest-held-in-captivity croc. He was caught in Browns Bay, near Cairns, in 1934. We watched the crocodiles being hand fed and the cassowary birds devour whole tropical fruits and I was even brave enough to hold a very small croc, although it did have elastic bands round its mouth!
One exhilarating trip I shall never forget was white-water rafting on the Russell River. We were picked up by the "Foaming Fury" bug and driven down south, stopping off to be handed a carbohydrate boost of sandwiches for energy! Equipment was organised - life jacket, paddle and helmet - and then we trekked for 45 minutes through the rainforest - with the two-man blow-up kayaks - to where our journey was to start. On our walk we were shown both edible and poisonous plants, the worst being the 'stinging plant', appropriately named as this plant takes up silica from the soil and crystal needles form on the leaves. If you brush past, the needles become deposited in the skin, causing great pain. Even a long time afterwards, extreme hot or cold temperatures cause the same painful reaction. Very nasty. I avoided that one!
We rafted over waterfalls and rapids and down sluices. Nobody capsized, but we did manage to wrap our kayak around a big boulder and were stuck against a rock with the front of the boat being sucked by the current to the left, and the back to the right! The instructor had to help pull us free. We were definitely up the creek without a paddle!
I travelled up to Kuranda for the day, taking the scenic route by train. The 34km long track, which took 8 years to build, winds its way through 15 hand-made tunnels and the journey takes ond and a half hours up through lush rainforest, past deep gorges and spectacular waterfalls. A very steep climb up into the mountains. The track was originally dug over 100 years ago by men with just picks and shovels. In Kuranda there were markets, shops and cafes, a wildlife noctarium, craft fairs, a butterfly sanctuary and the Tjapukai Dance Theatre. I even watched a bungee-jump, but not for me!
I was delighted to go out onto the Barrier Reef in "the falla" boat - a restored, traditional pearl lugger. At the turn of the century, these boats roamed the tropical waters of N.E. Australia in search of highly prized pearls and pearl shells. The Great Barrier Reef - one of the wonders of the world - extends for 200kms and covers a 200,000 sq. km area. The reef water supports an abundance and variety of marine life. I did a scuba-dive off the boat and after overcoming the strange sensation and getting used to the breathing apparatus, I explored this amazing underwater scene for about 20 minutes. It was magical to be able to swim amongst such a beautiful array of fish and corals and touch sea-cucumbers and star-fish. Whilst I was snorkelling later, I saw a giant turtle.
I left Cairns on the 2nd May and began my journey home. First to Brisbane, then Sydney and my flight to Los Angeles - where due to crossing the international dateline I spent a second Friday! - and from there to Minneapolis and Gatwick, where I was met by a delighted family and there were lots of smiles and tears. It was great to see everyone!
I really loved all my time and travels in Australia - six, excellent, fun-filled, action-packed months!
Karen Sayer - Woodvale

[Open to Residents and Non-Residents of Berrynarbor]
2.30 p.m.
Admission: Adults - 50p, Children - Free
Light Refreshments - Raffle
PRESENTATION OF CUPS: 3.30 p.m. [Approx.]
2.30 p.m. AUCTION OF EXHIBITS: 3.45 p.m. [Approx.]
Entry Forms (no Entry Fees) should be collected from and returned to:
- The Post Office, Berrynarbor
- Willis & Sons, High Street, Combe Martin
- Swifts, 83a High Street, llfracombe
For anyone in the village who is contemplating moving house, as we have just done, I should like to warn you about a nasty condition called, "can't find the kettle" syndrome. It only lasts a few hours, but it can be pretty traumatic.
We had nine tea chests to unpack - still have - to find it, so it looked like a long tea-break!
Chest No. 1 - this must be the one because the orange vase it stood next to in the cupboard is here - no luck! Chest No. 2 - this must be the one because the sandwich-maker is here and was in the cupboard with it - no luck! Chest No. 3 - this must be the one because the biscuit tin your mother gave you to keep embroidery silks in is here - no luck!
By this time, tempers if not the kettle, were boiling.
Chest No. 4 - we can see it amongst the other things! I go back to the kitchen dreaming of that moment when boiling water meets PG Tips when a voice from the tea chest area shouts, "there's no plug on it!" I've left out the expletives.
Fortunately we remembered seeing the sandwich maker in Chest No. 2 complete with plug, so after removing same and fixing it to the kettle, all was sweetness and light again.
My advice - put a bright orange sticker on the kettle marked "I'm here"!
Mavis Pesic - Hollyhocks
To of those clear waters drink,
Where the fishes, gold and red,
Ever quickly past us sped,
And the pebbles, red and blue
Which we saw the green weeds through
At the bottom shining lay:
It was their shining made us stay.
From the Collection 'This Way Delight '

Illustrated by: Paul Swailes

A further REMINDER of the HORTICULTURAL AND ART SHOW on Saturday, 4th September. Attention all wine makers, please enter your wines. Schedules will be available from 9th August from the Post Office, Swift's in Ilfracombe and Willis & Sons in Combe Martin.
Miss Joan Miller, who recently retired as Health Visitor, has kindly donated a lovely Sweet Dish to the Horticultural and Art Show. This award will be given to the Infant Class Winner and will be known as the Mayflower Dish. In 1968, Joan was Health Visitor and School Nurse for the Lynton to Braunton area, and Berrynarbor School was one of the first village schools she visited. Thank you, Joan for your kind donation.
As many of you know by now, the Manor Hall complex is in a state of redecoration - the Main Hall, the Bassett Room, Kitchen and Entrance into the Men's Institute will be completely repainted. Also, the dedo surround to the Main Hall is being stripped, re-stained and varnished, in addition to which the main floor will be relined for badminton and the surface sealed. All this work is being done via Community Service work force and the labour is free, the materials, at trade price, being the only cost. Very good value for money and a service to the COMMUNITY. We hope the work will be completed by 4th September.
The Manor Hall booking schedule will be with Vi Davies (882696) until the end of August. Please make bookings with her.
Is anyone interested in a Thai Chi Class for Beginners? Possibly in the Manor Hall beginning on or about Tuesday, 7th September. If you are interested, please contact either Michael Burgess [Instructor 75579] or Joy Morrow [882531].
If not Thai Chi, how about a Save a Life class? This would be a short 2 evening/ afternoon session which could help you to save a life. Please contact Joy after 31st August, and if there are enough names, we can see about getting a class arranged for the Village Hall. This is something ALL of us should know something about.
MISSING - 10 tea towels have gone missing from the Manor Hall. They have 'Manor Hall' stamped on them. Do you have them?
Joy Morrow
'Out Along Lee'
We had taken the path which starts near the Upper Torrs car park and leads up past the old lime kiln. Foxgloves and sea campions were in full bloom around the old building, and a red admiral settled on its weathered grey stone.
The winding path above White Pebbles Beach had more scabious flowers along it than I have seen before. The soft blue blended well with the ox-eye daisies, thrift and tiny yellow tormentil. We paused to watch fulmars flying to and fro and pairs of gulls tucked into crannies and ledges in the sheer cliff face.
A rustling in the nearby bushes turned out to be a pair of wrens.
When the steep climb is over and you reach Flat Point, with its grazing sheep and wide, open views, the airiness and spaciousness are exhilarating. A flock of skylarks rose up suddenly from the springy turf. My foot disturbed an adder hidden among some stones and gorse. With a hiss it disappeared rapidly from sight - a beautiful creature, with its bold brown V-shaped markings on a sandy background.
The descent down the lane to Lee is easy and in early June was accompanied by the delicate scent from the sweet briars in the hedgerow.
One of our reasons for walking over to Lee had been a wish to revisit its church of Saint Matthew and Saint Wardrede [thought to have been a Celtic missionary, the name meaning on or near the beach]. This is a very small church and of relatively recent origin, but it nevertheless contains some surprising and interesting features.
It was built in 1833 as a 'chapel-of-ease' and did not become the Parish Church until 1869. Although the building itself only dates from the 19th Century, it has been furnished with a wealth of Jacobean woodwork, including carved dark oak panelling, choir gallery, pew ends and pulpit.
In the chancel is a small window of old Italian enamelled glass, depicting a Rogational scene of cattle being blessed. There is a lot of detail in the faces of the animals.
To the left of the door is the Richards memorial, which commemorates the first Parish Clerk, Martin Richards, but strangely, his father, Hannibal Richards, had been a notorious wrecker and smuggler, first in Cornwall and later at Lee.
One of the most conspicuous and unusual aspects of the church is the Victorian wall decoration in light blue and Burgundy red, illustrating Christian emblems, such as the crown of thorns, nails, anchor and chalice, St. Catherine's wheel, the grid iron of St. Laurence and three money bags for St. Matthew. These painted symbols combine to form an attractive overall pattern on the walls of the nave. In the chancel, the paintwork becomes richer in colour and more elaborate.
The whole effect is very beautiful and well worth walking over the cliff tops in order to view it.
Sue H
For treating rings and other blemishes left on polished wooden surfaces - by vases or mugs, etc: Cut a Brazil nut in half and apply the cut side of the nut to the discoloured area. Gently work the nut oil into the wood. Minor scratches can be disguised in the same way.
The Primary School is participating in the W.H. Smith's scheme designed to boost schools' book stocks. A voucher is issued for every £2 spent in any of their stores [a sale of £10 would receive 5 vouchers] and the aim is to collect 5,000 - enough to get £500 worth of books for our school. The scheme, already in operation, will run until the 18th September. Whether you still have children in our school or not, PLEASE support them by collecting the vouchers and handing them in to David Chaplin or other members of staff or pupils.
Thank you I should like to thank so many friends of the Village who sent me cards and gave me flowers on my retirement from the Medical Centre in Ilfracombe. May I say a big THANK YOU for the lovely, surprise cake, so much enjoyed by my colleagues and the family, who came home to join in the celebrations.
June Marangone
Our best wishes, June, on your retirement. May it be long, peaceful, healthy and happy.
You may be interested to know the Population Figures for our Parish, as given in the 1991 North Devon Census. The total population at that time was 711, made up as follows:
Age Group: | |||||||
0-4 | 27 | 5-9 | 31 | 10-14 | 31 | 15 | 10 |
16-17 | 17 | 18-19 | 18 | 20-24 | 33 | 25-29 | 31 |
30-34 | 24 | 35-39 | 41 | 40 44 | 49 | 45-49 | 84 |
50-54 | 65 | 55-59 | 57 | 60-64 | 51 | 65-69 | 44 |
70-74 | 32 | 75-79 | 34 | 80-84 | 24 | 85-80 | 6 |
90+ | 2 |
South Molton Recycle Steve Portsmouth reports that our Recycling Pavilion is doing well. Generally speaking, glass bottles and newspapers make up the most weight, but it is the newspaper input that yields a good performance. He thanks us for our support and for showing that as a community we are concerned about the environment and care about the future our children will inherit.
"Art is not a sauce added to ordinary cooking. It is the cooking itself, if it is good."
William R. Lethaby [1857-1913]
Barnstaple born Architect
A Message to
You may have noticed us driving around your village in two white minibuses, and wondered why we were there. Well, we are a group of students and teachers from Groby Community College in Leicestershire, and we came to Berrynarbor to do some conservation work for the BTCV [British Trust for Conservation Volunteers].
Sunday and Monday were spent slaving away clearing a footpath at East Saunton Farm near Braunton. On Tuesday morning we set off for the beach at Hornsey Island, hoping for a nice relaxing day, only to be given 100 black bin liners and told to clean the beach first! Over 3 hours later we had 100 bags full to the brim with rubbish including a car door, a pair of swimming trunks, an empty French milk bottle, a pair of tights and several shoes!
After all this hard work we needed somewhere to relax and where better than the Berrynarbor Village Hall. We should like to thank everyone in the Village for making us feel so welcome. We have enjoyed our week here and hope to return again next year.
Michelle Egan
On behalf of the Students & Staff at Groby Community College
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers This group aims to harness people's energies and talents to protect and improve their environment by practical action. It provides over 450 training events each year and BTCV Devon hosts over 25 Natural Break working holidays, undertaking a variety of practical work countywide.
Just such groups have been using our Village Hall for a two-week period this summer.
The Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, 26th September, at 6.00 p.m. and Monday, 27th September, at 7.00 p.m. followed by the Sale of Produce.

With Inge's help, a Committee has been formed to continue running Alan [and Inge] Richardson's much enjoyed 'baby', the Wine Appreciation Group. It is expected to hold a series of 6 monthly meetings, on the third Wednesday of the month, from October to March. The first meeting will be on 20th October, so make a note in your diaries now and watch this space.... !
The Mobile Library visits our Village every fortnight at the following times:
- Sandy Cove 11.55 a.m.
- Barton Lane 1.20 p.m.
- The Square 1.50 p.m.
- Sterridge Valley 2.30 p.m.
For dates, please see the "At-A-Glance Diary"
1st | through to 6th - Combe Martin Carnival Week. Carnival 'Songs of Praise' Combe Martin Parish Church, 8.00 p.m. |
3rd | Eucharist, 11.30 a.m. St. Peter's Summer Fayre, 6.00 - 9.00 p.m., Manor Hall |
11th | Mobile Library in the Village from 11.55 a.m. Songs of Praise, St. Peter's 7.30 p.m. |
12th | U3A Luncheon: Granville Hotel, Ilfracombe - Exhibition of Members' Arts & Crafts |
18th | St. Peter's: Music Recital, 7.30 p.m. |
23rd | St. Peter's: Ilfracombe Male Voice Choir 7.30 p.m. |
25th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
3rd | Combe Martin & Berrynarbor PCC Meeting, 7.30 pm |
4th | Hort. & Art Show, Manor Hall, from 10.30 a.m. |
6th | Badminton Club Recommences, 7.00 p.m. Manor Hall. Anyone interested? Ring 882580 |
7th | W.I. Meeting: "The Navy Lark" - Vi Kingdon |
8th | College & Primary School: Start of Autumn
Term Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
9th | U3A Luncheon: Carlton Hotel, Ilfracombe - Paper Sculptures, Mr. Mike Marshall |
12th | Deanery Synod Meeting, Lee Abbey, 2.30 p.m. |
13th | Badminton Club, 7.00 p.m. |
14th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m. |
17th | College Presentation Evening, Pavilion Theatre, Ilfracombe, 8.00 p.m. |
20th | Badminton Club, 7.00 p.m. |
21st | W.I. Party for Members of Ilfracombe Disabled Association |
22nd | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. |
26th | URC Harvest Festival, 6.00 p.m. |
27th | URC Harvest Festival, Sale of Produce, 7 p.m. |
3rd | St. Peter's Family Harvest Eucharist, 10.30 am |
4th | Badminton Club, 7.00 p.m. |
6th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.55 a.m. St. Peter's Harvest Evensong, 7 p.m., Supper 8 p.m., Presentation 9 p.m. |

I am delighted [and proud!] to announce the arrival of Ken's and my first grandchild - Joshim weighed in on the 13th June at 7 lb 5 oz. Congratulations and best wishes to Helen, Kamal and Joshim.
St. Peter's is to be the setting for two weddings in September. On Saturday, 4th, Rachel Clark of [Combe Martin] will be marrying Ian Hilton. Rachel is a Bank Clerk and Ian, who comes from Cornwall, is a Policeman, having served in the Force in Barnstaple and Ilfracombe. Ian and Rachel will begin their married life in Cornwall.
Clare Pool of Higher Trayne, Ilfracombe, will be marrying Jan Hanousk, from Prague, a week later on Saturday, 11th September. Clare teaches English in Prague and Jan is just finishing his studies in medicine. They will be returning to live in Prague.
To both couples, our congratulations and very best wishes for health and future happiness.

18029 Berrynarbor [Moles Farm]

This photographic postcard was produced by Hawke of Helston and was probably taken around 1929. Whilst living at Helston, Hawke was a prolific photographer throughout Cornwall and venturing up as far as Exmoor and Lynmouth. This card shows Moles [or Moules as it is now] Farm, Castle Hill Cottages and Hammond's Farm at the top right.
The first record for Moles Farm that I have come across is in Billings 1857 Directory, when we have the entry "James Richards, Fmr. Moule's", and then in the 1883 Kelly's Directory: "Mrs. Elizabeth Corney, Fmr. Moles Farm", followed by Mrs. Prudence Corney in the 1893 and 1897 Kelly's Directories. The Farmers at Moles Farm given in the 1902 and 1930 Directories were John and Harold Richards respectively.
Moules Farm is today being farmed by Norman and Angela Richards, who took over from Norman's parents, Ivor and Ivy Richards, when Ivor retired in 1970. Ivor, himself, took over in 1943-44. It is great to think that the Richards family have been farming at Moules/Moles Farm, first as tenant farmers and then owner farmers, for well over a hundred years. It is also rewarding to see yet another generation, Angela and Norman's son David and his wife, Julie, helping to run the farm.
In the first Watermouth Estate Sale at the Bridge Hall, Barnstaple, on Tuesday, 17th August, 1920, bidding for "Moules Farm" was brisk and it reached the then high price of £2,000. The description was:
Lot 13 - Moules Farm
A very superior dairy
farm and sheep farm comprising a
Dwelling House,
Outbuildings, Cottage, and about 93a [acres]
1r [rod] 16p [perches]
of Meadow, Pasture and Arable Lands
in the occupation of
Messrs. J. Richards, V. Richards, L. Bowden and Nicholls
as Yearly Lady-Day

The second picture was produced by Raphael Tuck between 1935 and 1939, and this card was actually sent by a visitor staying at Moles Farm in August 1939.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, July 1993
Goodbyes are always very emotional, as we all know, and Laura and her friend, Tracey, are off on the adventure of a life-time!
The first steps were at Gatwick Airport on the last day of June, when many tears flowed and we were left with the waiting game! Days passed before we heard from them, but a letter at last! Both girls wrote to say how hard it was to leave everyone behind; they were choking as they walked through the metal detector - at the same time - thereby necessitating having to go through again separately! As she boarded the plane, Laura thought the Chinese hostess was holding out her hand to welcome her, so she shook it, only to find that she was asking for her boarding card!!
This was Laura's first flight and her description was 'rather hazardous as the plane jolted up and down at 30,000 feet' and she and Tracey, in their anxiety, had to be reminded to fasten their seatbelts - I don't think they had to be asked twice, and I should have asked for a parachute as well!!
By lunch Laura was missing her mum's cooking - they hadn't even been gone 24 hours - and flying over Austria should have been a good sight, but sadly they saw very little as the airline had allocated them middle seats.
The first stop was for refuelling at Abu Dhabi - it only took 7 hours! The temperature was in the 80's in the early hours of the morning, and it was winter out there! Then another 8 hours' flight to Jakarta. By this time the girls were getting pretty uncomfortable, especially when the gentleman seated next to them thoughtfully told them that an earthquake had been detected in Bali the previous day. Where? In the exact place they would be staying. It was lucky they were still in the air!
During their short stay at Jakarta airport, Laura and Tracey were pestered by a local man trying to exchange Indonesian money for English money, but they had the presence of mind to tell him they hadn't got any! Their first lesson: to be diligent at all times.
Once at Bali they waited for their arranged transport, which they could only describe as possibly a car, and a driver who thought he was on the cast of "Herbie Rides Again"! However, they arrived safely at their destination.
Then the sightseeing and exploring began. At a local cafe they noticed tiny lizards on the walls and outside monkeys were chained up. "Really very cruel", as Laura put it. They also noticed as they strolled down the streets that the local people had placed highly scented flowers on the ground outside each shop. This, apparently, is a "gift to the gods". Over the next few days they hope to visit the volcano and hot water springs, and then, after a week in Bali, they are off on the next step of their adventure, to Australia and Cairns, hopefully to explore the Great Barrier Reef. We will keep in touch.
Ann, Karen and Jacqui - Ducky Pool
We look forward to hearing more of Laura and Tracey's adventures in the next issue. It seems that the young of Berrynarbor are spreading their wings and Australia is the place to go!

My thanks to this month's many contributors. The next issue, our 26th, will be for October and if you can find time between looking after holidaymakers or taking your own holiday, please leave items and articles with me at Chicane or in the box at the Post Office by mid-September. I should very much like to hear from anyone who can contribute a Country Custom - either local or from elsewhere in the county or country - which has been enjoyed now or in the past. Photographs , memories or anecdotes of Berrynarbor's past would also be appreciated.
My continued thanks to Maureen and Graham and Sue and Mervyn for their help in distributing the newsletter.