Edition 79 - August2002

Artwork by: Debbie Riger Cook

When you read this, A Country Collection - the Newsletter's own Art Display - will have taken place. I do hope that you found time to pop in and see not only the talented work of our illustrators but also work from the pupils of our Primary School and postcards from Tom Bartlett's fascinating and comprehensive collection. My sincere thanks to everyone who supported and helped this event in any way, and to those who attended.
Since the last Newsletter, the Golden Jubilee celebrations, the World Cup and Wimbledon have all come and gone, and so it seems has our summer! Let's hope that the predicted 'hot spell' in August becomes fact, because there have been few, if any, evenings when it has been fine and warm enough to linger in the garden.
After their moment of glory and the England team's defeat of Argentina in the World Cup, the Daily Telegraph printed the following sportive apology!
'David Beckham': an apology
The last time England played Argentina in the World Cup, David Beckham was sent off. At the time we described him as a 'Gaultier-saronged, Posh spiced, Cooled Britannia, look-at-me, what-a-lad, loadsamoney, sex-and-shopping, fame-schooled, daytime-TV, over-coifed twerp.' After yesterday's result, we should like to apologise to Mr. Beckham. The Daily Telegraph now accepts that he is an elegantly dressed, charmingly espoused, Golden Jubileed, self-effacing, paternally perfect, deservedly rich, superbly tasteful, uniquely televisual, gloriously maned hero.' !!
On a more serious note, I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to this issue: to Debbie for the cover - No. 4 in her dog series, the Cairn and West Highland White Terriers - and for her illustration for 'Lavender Beds'; Paul who continues to answer my pleas; the regular contributors and everyone who has found time to put pen to paper and sent in an item. My thanks, too, to Nora and Alan, and Sue and Richard for distributing copies with the papers.
Articles for inclusion may be left in the box at the Post Office at any time, and those for the October issue will be needed by Monday, 16th September at the latest please. Thanks.
Judie - Ed
The ancestors of today's Cairn Terrier, over 200 years ago in the Scottish Highlands and on the Isle of Skye, earned their keep by flushing out vermin from the piles of rocks, cairns, found on the farmlands. Of the working terriers, the cairn has remained the closest to its ancestors, being small enough to go underground and agile enough to wriggle their way through rocks and crannies. The early terriers were prized and bred for their working ability, not appearance. They were tenacious, courageous and intelligent, with a strong body, a tough and waterproof coat and armed with big teeth and strong jaws.
Today's cairn is a confident dog, independent but friendly. Alert, intelligent and long-lived, he remains active and playful well into his teen years. True to his heritage, he still has large teeth, large feet and strong nails - all the better to dig with!
Descended from the same roots, the short legged terriers of Scotland are now recognised as the Scottish, Skye, Cairn, Dandie Dinmont and West Highland White, or 'Westie' as he is affectionately known. The legend as to why the Westie came to be bred for his white coat, claims that Colonel Malcolm kept a pack of terriers for hunting and a reddish dog of his, emerging from cover, was mistakenly shot for a fox. It is said that Malcolm decided, on the spot, to breed only white dogs that would be readily identified in the field.
Speedy and strong, Westies are courageous hunters but are today more popular as hardy, friendly household pets, with a very easy to groom coat - straight and stiff on the outside, with a full and soft undercoat. However, this dog excelled in otter and fox hunting in the past and although the breed is no longer widely used in this capacity, it still likes to chase the odd rabbit!

Our members for the July meeting were rather thin on the ground, due mainly to holidays. Our President, Vi Kingdon, has rarely missed a meeting over the years, but unfortunately she has had to have an enforced rest in the Tyrrell Hospital! Members hope she will soon be back in the village and able to attend meetings again.
The 'Birthday Girls' this month are Joan Berry, Sally Fry and Ethel Tidsbury. However, as Ethel kindly donates the birthday plants, she was given a box of chocolates by the Treasurer, Rosemary Gaydon, who took the meeting in the absence of the President and Vice-president.
The Secretary, Doreen Prater, reported that at the NFWI Annual General Meeting, which took place this year in Brighton, voting on the two resolutions were as follows: support for local abattoirs 97.7%, stricter controls on importation of foodstuffs 99.7%.
Our speaker this month was Mr. Hendy, whose talk was entitled 'Turning a Hobby into a Business'. He had become interested in 'magic' when he was in his twenties and has built up a successful business as a magician over the years. It was a most interesting talk and Win Collins gave a vote of thanks. Norma Holland won the raffle.
Our next meeting will be held on the 3rd September - no meeting in August - when the speaker will be Mr. G. O'Leary, whose subject will be 'Ship in a Bottle'. Visitors and new members are always welcome.
So start it with a smile
Enjoy the art of living
Do things that are worthwhile
Like loving and forgiving
And having time to spare
To make some person happy
By showing that you care.


The last couple of months have been an unhappy time for the village and it is with much sadness that we report the deaths of Helen Armstead, Brenda Layton, Albert Richards, Elizabeth Neale and Betty Davis. Our thoughts are with all their families.
Helen, late of Court Cottage, who had spent the last few years at Heanton, died peacefully on the 18th May. With so much sadness in the family - the death of her grandson William in April and her son Richard in July, last year - it was perhaps a blessing that her memory had dimmed. Our thoughts are with her family - her daughter-in-law, her grandchildren John and Emma, and great-grandchildren Ben and Thomas in their further sad loss.
The village was shocked and saddened to learn of Brenda's sudden death on the 25th May, at the age of 85. A loving mother, grandmother, sister and aunt, she will be sadly missed by all her family and our thoughts are with them at this time of sorrow.
Albert Thomas Richards died on the 1st June, aged 92. Husband of the late Louisa Annie, dear Dad of Ken, Linda and Alan, and much loved Grampy and Great-Grampy, he will be sadly missed. Born at Goosewell, he moved to East Hagginton - the family farm - where he farmed until his retirement.
Being a very private man, he lived his life for his family and farm. His death, following a few months' illness, will leave a very large gap in his family's lives and we should like to send our thanks to family friends and neighbours who attended the funeral. A donation, in his memory, has been sent to the Children's Hospice South West.
Stuart and Ginny, together with Stuart's sister Sylvia, would like to thank all their friends in Berrynarbor for their kindness and support following the passing of Grandma Neale on the 12th June. For many months Grandma's health had been failing, and at the grand old age of 93 she passed peacefully away. We should also like to pay tribute to all the carers from The Marwood Care Home for their unfailing devotion and continual support over the last few years.
Echoing our Rector's compassionate address at the cremation service, Grandma possessed a quite amazing quick brain in the mental arithmetic department - often to the embarrassment of the proverbial till operator in the shops or supermarket! She could calculate the grand total of a dozen or so items before the till operator had pressed any buttons! Woe betide anyone who came up with the wrong total.
Without doubt, one of her most thrilling moments must have been her 80th birthday, when she became Berrynarbor's only Supersonic Grandma by flying in Concorde on a 'Flight of Fantasy'. For the uninitiated, 'Flight of Fantasy' in her particular case meant a 1 and 1/2-hour flight to Portugal and back at 1,380 mph, all at a height of 60,000 feet, where the curvature of the earth can be clearly seen.
Finally, her love for all animals was ever present and she could not abide cruelty of any sort! An account is held open at William Pearce [Funeral Directors], llfracombe, for donations to the RSPCA.
Our family wishes to express its sincere thanks to Edith and Karen of The Globe Inn for providing such a nice tea following the funeral.
Stuart and Ginny
We are thinking of you, Stuart and Ginny and all the family, and our thoughts have also been with Mary and Gordon and all the family following the death of Mary's mother, Vera Wilmot, of Combe Martin, who passed away peacefully at the age of 94 on the 2nd June.
How sad we all were to learn that Betty, after a long illness, which she bore so patiently and always with a smile, had passed away peacefully on the 16th June. Loved and missed by Graham and Gail, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Betty will also be missed by her many friends in the village and through the church.
Graham and Gail would like to express their thanks to the hospital staff for their care and help and all friends and neighbours for their cards, messages of sympathy and support and everyone who joined them at St. Peter's to celebrate Betty's life.
"The peace is yours
The memory
A Tribute to Grace
You would have approved of your 'memorial' at St. Peter's, Grace. Family and friends gathered in the open air on the 15th June to give thanks for your life. Keith Wyer spoke informally, facing the lych gate. We leant against the wall lining the church path, some sat on gravestones, 'paying extra' as Keith remarked. There was a lovely air of informality and although I didn't actually see any butterflies hovering, I'm sure some were there!
Counted in with the family was your ex-stepson, who travelled from Plymouth and spoke of you with great affection. Joining your village friends was your friend of many years who now lives in Queensland, Australia - saddened that you could no longer enjoy 'girl talk' and giggles, but grateful for all the happy memories.
The first time I saw you was in the early '80's you walked past Middle Lee, a handsome woman dressed casually in a sundress of bright orange and red hues, and with an enviable tan! I discovered that you were my neighbour, looking after Mrs. Bowden, and we would pass the time of day.
Shortly afterwards, you and Nipper got together, and we became friends. How well you complemented each other! There are so many kind memories, but I will mention only two. When Seamus, my notorious Labrador died, at Nipper's suggestion you bought a bramley apple tree, which he planted in my absence. You wrote the lovely poem which was left tied to the little tree - now grown into a sturdy fruit-bearing one a lovely reminder of you all. It was you who 'phoned Radio Devon fora record request for my birthday [appropriately 'Love Me, Love my Dog'] and harassed the DJ when he didn't play it on the right day. It was the first on the list the next Sunday with an apology!
You were well read, enjoyed an argument and never left us in any doubts as to your convictions. We benefited from your generosity with 'fruits of the earth' from your garden, and perhaps the following excerpt from one of our earliest issues of the Berrynarbor newsletter [remembered and resurrected by our remarkably well organised Ed.] might serve as your epitaph. God bless.
Blackberry Picking Fairies!
The long, hot summer has been responsible not only for a fine crop of blackberries, but also for a not-so-fine outburst of poetry in the village. It all began with my finding a bag of those luscious berries outside my front door, together with a note:
"The fairies thought you might likeThese blackberries we picked last night."
Intrigued, I asked one of our visitors, "Do you know anything of blackberry picking fairies?" From his expression it was obvious he didn't! A second visitor was disappointed to find it was not the opening of a Devon fairytale. Light dawned - it was the style and kind thought of a good friend. A 'phone call revealed I was wrong again.
I made bramble jelly next day. That evening I returned to find a second bag of blackberries on the doorstep and another note:
"l ain't no
fairy with dainty wings,
Just a clumsy lass
wot falls over things!
But no fairy nor elf
will ever beat me
At blackberry picking
as you will see.
Please accept these
fruits from an OAP."
Now, I've not penned a poem since the daft days of limericks, but couldn't resist dashing off:
"The fairies -
instead of watching 'telly'
Turned blackberries
into bramble jelly! Magic!
What's more the glorious dawn revealed Some
mushrooms in the field.
The fairies took no
time to send
These country fruits
to my kind friend."
... and delivered it to said 'kind friend' with a jar of juicy jelly and a fistful of field fungi.
The fairies then had a field day. A sweetly scented posy of roses arrived with:
"The village
fairies have dried their wings.
They use silver birch
pegs for these delicate things!
Now they are flying
all over the place,
Chasing the swallow -
quite a race.
Whilst having a
breather they picked these roses
Which they then
turned into delightful posies.
These they offer to
Middle LeeFor sending mushrooms
and jelly for tea."
We called a truce - well, I did. I couldn't better that. The only person to get nothing out of this 'cultural exchange' - other than a good laugh was GRACE, yes, Nipper's Grace. Three days later she asked if I'd found the blackberries. What a good fairy!
Pam Parke
Helen came to Berrynarbor in her twenties. She had been widowed at Dunkirk and came to Berrynarbor from Sussex with her infant son, Richard, settling into Court Cottage, her home for sixty years. A home and village she loved.
The first time I met Helen was at Watermouth with her black Labrador, Ziggy. We ended up walking the headland, together with our dogs, nearly every day. In our many conversations, I got to know the Helen who was very well read, delightfully opinionated and gutsy. Her religious beliefs were strong and you respected her for them.

She told me many tales of her early days in Berrynarbor, sailing a dinghy around Watermouth Harbour with Richard and his friends from the village, and picnicking on the headland. I always recalled 'Swallows and Amazons' when she spoke of that time . As she became frail, these days ended and George and I missed them.
She told me of her early days at Court Cottage and the time she decided the living room was too small, so she would knock down the wall dividing it from a small dining room. Half way through she contemplated the possible result of her work, i.e. the ceiling might fall in! So she called in a local builder who rushed down immediately, but all was well and the resulting large room was always charming, with a very intact ceiling!
I know from people in Berrynarbor that she played a mean game of Badminton well into her seventies. Her artistic talents are well known, and I am very proud to own one of her watercolours.
She drove her car well beyond her 'sell-by date', and all were relieved when her new driving licence suddenly became 'unavailable'!
Like all of us, she was not perfect, and led many villagers a merry dance. Nora and Alan were saints, and did so much for her, with little or no thanks. The Toms family and her neighbours gave her so much support and please forgive me for the many I have left out. I know I was a very small cog in the wheel of care the village gave her.
I had a great respect and love for Helen, possibly because we were both born at Christmas. We were Capricorn 'mountain goats' in common. Her mountains were high, but it seemed to me she had climbed them with courage and fortitude.
Artwork: Helen's Cover for the Newsletter - June 1990
Yvonne Davey
I was asked by the Editor of our wonderful Berrynarbor Newsletter if I could write something suitable about my elder sister, Brenda. I could fill up the whole newsletter!
Well here goes and the first thing I shall do if I'm lucky enough to finish up in the same place, is to severely tick her off for going so quickly, we hardly had time to say 'good-bye', and how much we loved her.
I know Cheryl and her granddaughters will agree, although it was unbearably sudden, it was the only way she would have wanted, she would have made an awful patient to nurse, but the short time we had surprised us as much as it did the people of Berrynarbor who were acquainted with her.
We were a family of seven and yes, we have had our differences over the last 80 odd years, but it never lasted for more than a couple of days. I think this came from our mother - she was the kindest, most loveable person anyone could wish for, but unfortunately she died quite young.
My mother's sister - Aunty Eleanor - the late Mrs. Jack Sanders of Combe Martin, ran the family hardware and shoe shop and horseshoeing business. They made a weekly delivery of paraffin and general hardware to the village, with Jim Blackmore as pilot of the horse and wagon [but there will only be a few left in the village who would remember that]. The Sanders family were seven in number too and every other Sunday, after Chapel, we would set off on a picnic - all fourteen kids plus a couple of Welsh relatives' families, so we were a large party amongst ourselves!
We really had fun back in those days and Brenda learnt to drive on an old gate-change BEAN which my father bought, probably his first new car - I'm sorry I do like reminiscing!
Now about Bren. She had been concerned with Berrynarbor most of her life. As a kid she delivered milk to most houses, but the trouble was that she would natter to each one and it took her too long, so she was replaced! She also had the hard job of replacing our mother and bringing up the rest of us kids.
Brenda married Charles Layton in the early days of the War. He was a Commander in the RAF. They returned to Berrynarbor shortly after the War and acquired the local Village Shop, and worked hard to build up a lucrative business. After selling it on, they built the house opposite the Globe. From there Brenda moved up to The Napps to nurse our father who had had a stroke. Not an easy task as he was such an independent man and very demanding, but Brenda cared for him until the end.
A very active member of the Methodist Chapel in Combe Martin, Brenda helped raise thousands of pounds to keep the place going.
For many years she served on and was Chairman of the Board of Governors of our Primary School as well as serving for many years on the Bench at Barnstaple, becoming Chairman of Magistrates. Tempered by good judgement and a willingness to try to help everyone, especially youngsters who came up before her, Brenda was highly thought of by all her colleagues.
There is a lot more I could write about my very special sister, but for now 'good-bye, you have certainly earned a good rest'.
Love Bob and Family
Betty was born in Derbyshire in 1928, but moved with her parents, who had decided to' run a guest house at Mullion Cove in Cornwall at the start of World War ll. After the war, during which Betty lost her only brother who was a rear-gunner in the RAF, the family settled in North Devon, firstly at Woolacombe. Here, as a competent pianist, Betty gave many people piano lessons and also ran the local Girl Guide pack. Later, the family moved again, this time to Combe Martin where Betty helped her parents to run the grocery shop now known as the Londis Store. It was whilst working here that she met her future husband, Reg, and they eventually moved into Barton Lane, living at Mossfield where their son Graham spent his early years. The village seemed to be drawing them closer to the centre, for the family moved next to High Trees and then to Chatsworth, which was the final move.
In the late 1950's, Betty purchased the Berrynarbor Post Office and introduced groceries and newspapers to the business. She ran this for a few years, while Reg worked across the road for Les Thomas, Berrynarbor's Butcher. Around 1967, Betty and Reg purchased the butcher's shop and they ran this business for about seven years. In the mid 1970's, Betty, to all intents and purposes, retired from business, but continued to do part time seasonal work.
As she still had a great deal to give, Betty now involved herself in St. Peter's Church, where she was both Treasurer and Church Warden. She also became Clerk to our Parish Council and held this position for some ten to twelve years before ill health forced her to resign. Betty continued as Church Treasurer until 2000 and was a Church Warden until her death, being awarded the honour of becoming Church Warden Emeritus.
I shall remember Betty as someone who was always willing to be involved with village activities. She loved Berrynarbor and the village will miss her very much.
Keith Walls

Gift Day dawned bright and the sun stayed out! The day passed quickly - so many people coming up for a friendly chat and exchange of views. To date, £728 has been given and if you still have your envelope, it is not too late! Thank you once again for your generosity and continued support.
On the same day, the monthly Friendship Lunch was held at the Globe. By popular demand the lunches will continue during the summer and the next two will be on Wednesdays 21st August and 25th September.
The singing didn't quite raise the roof at the Christians Together Songs of Praise at the end of June, but we had a good try! We were pleased to welcome so many friends from Combe Martin. Thank you once again to the Rector for arranging the service and introducing the hymns; to Heather Jones for playing the organ [Stuart was on holiday] and last but not least, to the ringers who rang us in and out.
Church services will follow their usual pattern throughout August and September. Our next 'special' will not be until the very end of September, Sunday 29th, when we shall be celebrating the Harvest with a Family Service at 11.00 a.m. The Church will be decorated on Friday, 27th September and gifts of flowers and produce will be most welcome. To make a change this year, the congregation will be invited to bring something along to the Sunday service. A store of canned goods/preserves is kept by the Rector for anyone in need and we thought it would be a good idea to augment his stock. Please bring along anything suitable which will keep [so well in date please].
The Harvest Supper will take place on Wednesday evening, 2nd October and tickets will be on sale at the Post Office. Please watch out for posters nearer the time.
Mary T.

The month of May began on a jubilant note - the village ablaze with flags and red, white and blue flowers. The Church was full of smiley people, breath-taking music and singing, and the beautiful arrangements of yellow and gold flowers set the church aglow.
And then came the children! Ella, the Queen, serene and proud processed down the aisle to Stuart's majestic Fanfare composition. Ryan, the Bishop, and Keifer holding the orb and sceptre greeted her at the chancel steps. The ladies in waiting, all in their pretty dresses and sparkling tiaras held Ella's velvet train. We all held our breath when Ryan placed the crown on Ella's head [this was tricky as it was rather big for her and knowing Ryan, well...], but all was well.
Stuart with his three stalwart percussionists began the National Anthem - we all managed the first verse easily, the second verse fair only, but a third verse? The Choir saved us all, the descant - another of Stuart's compositions - sent tingles down the spine.
Eloise, so tiny in stature that she could hardly be seen behind the lectern, read the lesson, clearly confident and so well that all could hear.
The next day at the Jubilee Celebrations, the Sunday School repeated the Coronation outside the Manor Hall, while inside a great feast was ready - balloons, flags and plenty of food! A very big 'thank you' to Ann Davis and all her helpers for such hard work and organisation, another one of those 'Memories to Hold' the community spirit in Berrynarbor will always reign.
Sunday School breaks up after the Teddy Bears Picnic on 21st July.
A rather late but very big 'thank you' to the Berrynarbor Broadcasting Company for their donation of £150 to our Sunday School - we have lots of plans, possibly a Float of Noah's Ark in the Carnival, a Christmas Party and more books, etc., for when we regroup on 8th September.
A letter and a prayer to God
Dear God,
In Sunday School they told us what you do. Who does it when you are on holiday?
Love Jane.
Everyone can sympathise with the desperate and doomed prayer of the schoolboy emerging from a geography exam: Dear God, please, please, make Paris the capital of Turkey!
All for now.
Sally, Val, Sarah and Julia

6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 13th August, is the opening time for the Berry Revels. There will be plenty of games and stalls set up for all to try their luck, test their skills and have fun.
As it gets dark, the band, M'larkey, will start playing for a Village Dance which will continue in the hall until 11.00 p.m.
There is a small admission charge of 50p [children free] but as this is the main occasion on which we can raise money to keep the Hall up to scratch, please, please come along and spend your cash and encourage as many visitors along as well.
The plans are in order for the Horticultural and Craft Show on Saturday, 7th September. All we need now is a bumper crop of entries and a good attendance to see whether the judges got it right!
John Hood

Two words can sum up most of May - wet and windy. Where did the spring weather vanish to?
The main item of interest was the rainfall between 0800 hours on the 17th and 0800 hours on the 18th, which amounted to 59 mm [2 5/16"]. Apart from the 24th May 1996 when we recorded 60 mm, this was the wettest day we have had in any month since we started keeping rainfall records in 1994. The total rain for May this year was 156 mm [61/4"], compared with only 34 mm [1 5/16"] last year.
Winds were strong throughout the month, blowing force 5 [17-21 knots] or more on 16 days, with a top gust in the Valley of 31 knots on the 22nd.
The temperature went haywire on the 16th, with a high of 27.4 Deg C, this soon brought the thunderstorms on the 17th. The coldest day was the 2nd with a minimum of 3.3 Deg C. On the 25th we recorded a wind chill factor of -1 Deg C!
The weather did at least improve for the Jubilee Celebrations. Apart from a lot of drizzle on the 3rd, it was dry throughout the four days.
The total rainfall for June was 68 mm [2 3/4"] which according to our records seems to be about normal. In 1994, 1996 and 2000, the months of June were they driest of the year, with 68 mm [2 3/4"], 56 mm [2 1/4"] and 58 mm [2 5/16"] of rain respectively. The wettest day this year was the 15th with 15 mm [5/8"].
Like May, the wind was still a feature with 16 days where the winds were force 5 or more.
The temperatures seem to be down with only 13 days going over 20 Deg C compared with 17 days last year. The maximum temperature reached was 25.7 Deg C on the 1st June, last year it reached 31.3 Deg C on the 26th. The minimum was 6.2 Deg C on the 5th.
We have no equipment to measure the hours of sunshine but from our notes we think that these must be down on last year.
Sue and Simon
In spite of the recent weather, we have grapes in the greenhouse. If any budding winemaker [and don't forget the Horticultural Show!] is interested, please give us a ring on 882890.

All the family congratulate brother-in-law, David Huxtable, who was awarded an MBE in the Golden Jubilee Honours List, for his services to Victim Support.

David, who is part of the Berrynarbor Huxtable line, was brought up in Chambercombe where his parents ran the local Post Office. Following training at Bristol, he made his career in the Probation Service.
Whilst working as Chief Probation Officer for West Sussex, David became very interested in the charity and decided to become more involved when he retired. For the past five years, he has chaired a National Committee involved in funding Victim Support. He also chaired the Home Office Committee which allocates grants to all Victim Support Schemes around the country.
Victim Support went through major changes during this period, including the launch of Witness Support Services to help people going to courts to give evidence.
David and Sheila, who live in Chichester, returned to their roots last year when, with their family, they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Well done David, "You'm a proper chap!"
Michael Bowden

Greetings from the School. This term has seen many guests visiting and the children out and about enjoying a large variety of events. These include a week-end of outdoor pursuits at the Pinkery Centre, a residential week in Bristol, and visits to llfracombe Aquarium and Lifeboat Station. Visitors have included African music/dance and Estover Junk Band.
The weather has spoiled every attempt at Sports Day, but we hope to fit in something before the end of term.
The results of the National tests for Year 6 were extremely good and we are very proud to be sending on such a talented bunch to secondary education. We wish them all well for the new term.
Simon Bell - Headteacher
Work From Year 2
Down behind the dushbin
I met a dog called Molly
Leave me alone she said
I'm just getting a trolley.
Ross Matthews
Down behind the dustbin
I met a dog called Claire.
"Don't bother me right now
I'm fighting off a bear.";
Florence Barnes
Saskia skeleton slurps
some squash for her
supper with her sausage and spaghetti
Saskia Smith
One Waggy Worm
One waggy wagley worm.
Two tigers tasting toxic tongues.
Four funny fires.
Five fluffy funny feathers.
Jemma Ivan

Once me and my brother had a-fight about my playstation Two
It was my Playstation but my brother
Wouldn't let me have a go
I asked as politely as I could but he shouted "shut up!"
So now I was feeling annoyed. I waited until he left the room and then I snuck in.
But soon later he came back and jumped on me
but my mum came in and let me have a go.
Harvey Hudson - Year 4
Sometimes I fight my brother He kicks me
I say stop it!
Mum comes in
And puts my brother in the bin
Our brand new clean bin!
Sean Richardson - Year 3
A group of ten people travelled to Russia to study the Gifted and Talented Provision in their schools. This group included three teachers from Berrynarbor Primary School.
We travelled first to Sochi on the Black Sea and were treated like royalty - as are all English visitors to Russian schools. We saw at first-hand how simply the people lived - mainly in high rise flats - but how dedicated they were to educating their children in the best way that they can. Starting school at 8 o'clock in the morning, finishing lunchtime, then activities all afternoon in their favourite subjects. Of course we were probably shown only the best of educational establishments, but then who wouldn't have been...!

We were put up in a very plush hotel overlooking the Black Sea. It was quite busy but it looked as if the summer was the best time to visit with temperatures reaching over 30 Deg C. The scenery is spectacular, with snow-capped mountains inland which, unfortunately due to poor visibility on the day we were due to visit the mountains, we could not see! Still, they looked impressive from a distance.
If anyone has been on an internal flight in Russia, you will understand when we say we were glad when we returned to Moscow for the second week. When the crew receives a round of applause for a successful landing, you have to wonder really - don't you?
Moscow was spectacular, from the Kremlin, the underground and to the people. We saw seven-year-old children playing the piano like nothing we'd ever seen before. Their desire to do the best that they could to achieve their dreams, made them very dedicated students.
They have a great sense of national pride and feel that they have a duty to achieve their potential.
Russian educational establishments are run almost entirely by women, as the pay is so poor that you could not support a family on it. Perhaps that is one thing we are getting right!
We really enjoyed our trip and we're grateful we were able to dip into another country for a while but also glad to return to our favourite school - Berrynarbor!
Photo - Three intrepid travelling teachers -Simon Bell, Mary Jane Newell and Nick Wood!

You will note that we have given ourselves a new name, rather than MOB. This was a tongue in cheek name but it was felt that it could give the wrong impression to non-motorcyclists. We are not really hooligans, although many people perceive that all bikers are like Hell's Angels! [Shame, MOB was fun - but you can be BOB instead!]
The meeting on the 15th June took the form of an afternoon ride organised by Tim Massey. A varied and interesting route took us via Hunters Inn, Lynmouth and Porlock, where we enjoyed a cream tea before setting off across Exmoor, taking in some very narrow lanes, a ford and, it seemed, numerous farmyards! We all arrived back in Berrynarbor, somewhat wet but very happy with a pleasant afternoon ride. Thank you, Tim.
In July we were joined by Brian's son, Geoff, back home on leave from Mongolia and enjoying getting back on to some decent roads. The evening ride was out to Torrington and back via the Little Chef at South Molton. We welcomed Steve to the group and hope to see several new members over the next few months. Age and gender are not considerations, so if you ride any type of PTW [modern jargon!], do come along. Dates are in the Diary and there is a poster in the Post Office window.
William Brighty Rands
The sunflowers and hollyhocks stood up like towers.
There were dark turncap lillies and jessimine rare,
And sweet thyme and marjoram scented the air.
The moon made the sundial tell the time wrong,
'Twas too late in the year for the nightingale's song.
The box trees were clipped and the alleys were straight
Till you came to the shrubbery hard by the gate.
The fairies stepped out of the lavender beds,
With mob-caps or wigs on their quaint little heads.
My lord had a sword, and my lady a fan,
The music struck up and the dancing began.
I watched them go through with a gay minuet,
Wherever they footed the dew was not wet.
They bowed and they curtsied - the brave and the fair,
And laughter - like chirping of crickets was there.
Then all of a sudden a church clock struck loud,
A flutter, a shiver was seen in the crowd.
The cock crew, the wind awoke, the trees tossed their heads
And the fairy folk hid in the lavender beds.
William Brighty Rands - 1823-1882
William Brighty Rands, who sometimes wrote under the pseudonyms Henry Holbeach and Matthew Browne, was known as the 'laureate of the nursery'. His best known work, written in 1864, was Lilliput Levee, a book of verse for children with illustrations by Millais and Pinwell. This was followed by Lilliput Lectures [1871] and Lilliput Legends [1872]. All three were published anonymously.
Rands also wrote a lot of miscellaneous journalism and he was a reporter in the House of Commons.

Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook
Crossword Solution

Get well soon is the message for anyone in the village not feeling too great at present. We are delighted to say that Ivy is better after a brief stay in hospital and after giving her neighbours a few scary moments, Vi Kingdon is recovering well and receiving some overdue TLC. Following a fall, Margaret Kemp is also recovering quite well and she, too, is making the most of the care and attention she is receiving and says that she will soon be joining everyone at the Friendship Lunch. Margaret Ludlow and her new knee are doing well and managing with just one crutch! We hope to see you walking up the Valley again, very soon. Best wishes to you all.
I should like to thank my friends and neighbours for their help and support before, during and after my recent operation. Thank you all for the lovely presents, the beautiful flowers and the pretty cards. I should also like to say thank you to the medical staff in the NDDH for their care and kindness.
Vi sends greetings to all her friends and neighbours and thanks them for their concern and support, good wishes, gifts and cards.
Once again we were blessed by good weather for our Village Garden Trail, which ensured a large number of tickets sold and a considerable sum of money raised. A huge vote of thanks is due to those who opened their gardens, large and small, to public scrutiny and also to those who helped at the Manor Hall making refreshments all afternoon.
In all the sum raised on the day amounted to £382.50, which included a number of private donations due to the charitable nature of the event.
Dr. Mary O'Regan, who departed for Malawi once again with her huge suitcase stuffed with baby bonnets, toys, babygros and blankets, asked us to thank you all for the £312 presented to her mother after the event and for the private donations of £70.50 received before and after the event. Mary intends to spend the money on much needed medicines and food to help the children and their mothers in Blantyre, Malawi.
A personal thanks therefore to the whole village and our visitors for their generous support in what we are sure you will agree was a very worthy fundraising event.
Village Garden Trail Committee
A village like Berrynarbor is special because of the community spirit, which brings everyone together for fundraising and other events. These events, as has been said on many occasions before, do not occur without a great deal of time-consuming organisation.
In our village, we are indeed fortunate to have Ann and Vi, who although very busy in their own lives, regularly give freely of their time to benefit us all. Ann and Vi never seek a public profile for themselves but we believe that a huge vote of thanks is due, from us all, for their tireless efforts on our behalf.
Bernard and June - Pink Heather
Thanks: We should like to convey a very big 'THANK YOU' to all those involved with organising and running the Jubilee Celebrations in the village. Our guests, and ourselves, thoroughly enjoyed it, and all your hard work and effort made it a memorable day. Thank you, once again, to all those involved. Christine & Ian, Mill Park
Rural Reflections: Sadly, due to the ill health of his parents, Steve has not had the time to reflect recently. He sends his apologies and assurance that 'normal service will be resumed as soon as possible'. We look forward to his thought provoking articles resuming and in the meantime wish him and his parents well.
Berrynarbor Men's Institute: The Institute began life in the early 1900's, meeting at that time in Bessemer Thatch before moving to the Institute Room at the Manor Hall. Today it takes the form of a snooker club for members from the Parish and new members are always welcome. It is open usually about 5 nights a week according to whether a 'Bar Man' is present - and Juniors may join at 16, becoming full members at 18. The annual subscription is currently £5.00.
The proposed date of the AGM is Thursday, 26th September, for members only. However, if you live within the Parish of Berrynarbor and would like to join, please contact either the Chairman, Gordon Hughes [882580] or Secretary, John Huxtable [882402] who would be pleased to tell you more.
We wish Ellie and her family - Eloise, Lydia and Nathaniel - Good Luck and every happiness in their new home, having made the long-haul move next door, to Fuji on Hagginton Hill!
Wanted - a good home! Brand new, but slightly damaged, ceramic Belfast sink, for domestic or garden use. If interested, please ring Judie or Ken on 883544.
Favourite schoolkids' joke of the moment: What did the inflatable teacher say to the inflatable pupil at the inflatable school? "You've let me down, you've let yourself down and now you've let the school down."

The Rectory
Combe Martin
Dear Friends,
As I write this, it is Sea Sunday, which reminds me of the newly promoted Rear Admiral who was involved in night exercises with the Fleet. Just after he had retired to bed, he was woken up by the Officer of the Watch who told him there was a searchlight directly ahead and that there might be a collision.
"Tell him to turn two points to starboard!" said the Rear Admiral. The Duty Officer obeyed.
Back came the signal: "No! You turn two points to starboard!" When the Rear Admiral heard this he shouted out to the signalman, "Send this: 'Turn two points to starboard. I am a Rear Admiral.'" 'That will sought him out' he thought.
Back came the message: "No! You turn two points to starboard. I am an ordinary Seaman."
When the Rear Admiral heard this he was furious. "Send this message: 'Turn two points to starboard. I am a battleship.'"
Back came the reply: "No! You turn two points to starboard. I am a lighthouse."
So often we think that we are in the right, and that 'might is right', but we can never argue with a loving God who is trying to warn us and guide us through the dangerous waters of life to bring us safe to our eternal harbour. We have freedom of choice to accept or deny his guidance, but like the captain of any ship or boat, the ultimate responsibility is ours. Safe and happy sailing!
With all good wishes,
Your Friend and Rector,
Keith Wyer

I think the most seals I have ever seen were at Tentsmuir in Scotland. Tentsmuir is not far from St. Andrews and has beautiful sands. Off these sands are sandbanks and on one of these were dozens of seals, all basking away. With binoculars, my wife Betty and I were able to see this wonderful sight, but there was another treat in store. There on the shore was a baby seal, still with its umbilical cord attached. We were able to go right up to it, but I knew we should not touch. If you do touch them, the mother can pick up the scent and it may upset their relationship.
Further down the country, in fact at Combe Martin, and during World War Il, I was walking down Seaside looking across to the beach when I saw something large lying there. On getting closer, I discovered it was a dead male seal, about seven-foot long. It had large whiskers and tusks. On enquiring, I learned that it had been found washed up at Sandy Bay by some fishermen who put a rope round it and towed it in. It was later taken back to sea and dumped.
There are many interesting stories about seals. At Blakeney in Norfolk, the fishermen at one time shot seals for damaging their nets. Now the picture has changed and boat trips for visitors are arranged to see the seals.
Recently there were reports of a dog being swept away in the river Tees near Middlesborough. The dog was saved by a seal which nudged it to the riverbank and as a result it survived its ordeal.
Swimmers in difficulty have been nudged to the surface by seals and have thus avoided drowning.
It was when we lived in Berrynarbor during World War II that my half-brother, Gerald, and I belonged to a drama group. Each week we were taken to Lee Bay by the producer to rehearse for a musical play called 'Fat King Melon', Gerald was the musical director.
One particular week the weather was really warm, so I decided to take my swimming togs and have a swim after the rehearsal. I made my way down to the water and left Gerald leaning over the wall to watch. The water was warm and I did my usual breaststroke and swimming under water and generally splashed around.
When I came out and up the beach, Gerald called out, "Did you all enjoy your swim?" I grabbed my towel and replied, "What do you mean, all? I was on my own."
"Well," he said, "there were several seals swimming quite close to you."I laughed and said, "You must be joking!" He assured me that what he had said was true.

Illustrated by: Debbie Rigler Cook
Tony Beauclerk - Colchester
It must be Wednesday! The marauding seagulls and magpies take up their positions on gate pillars and posts ready to rip and scavenge the householders' black rubbish bags as they await collection. What a mess!
Although we keep the birds at bay with a sprinkle of dustbin powder inside and outside the bags, I think the better deterrent adopted by many people is to cover the bags with an old cloth. The refuse collectors will leave it for subsequent use.
So, let's avoid all the unsightly mess and not encourage the seagulls and co. to desecrate beautiful Berrynarbor.
Jill McCrae
'Traditional' Devon Butcher and Licensed Game Dealer
Corn-fed Free Range
ChickensHome-made Pies,
Cooked Meats and Sausages
Locally farmed and
slaughtered Meat
Meat sent by Post
Regular Deliveries to Berrynarbor and Combe Martin
146 High Street, Ilfracombe Tel: [01271] 863643

WOT A WEEK THAT WAS! Following on from a great racing day at Axbridge, on the first day of July, I arranged for 7 Seavets to come down to Braunton for a week of social sailing on the Taw-Torridge Estuary at Instow and Crow Point. Seavets are veteran windsurfers, aged over 35, though most are now 60+ and the eldest is 78! They get together at various locations throughout the country at weekends for social sailing or serious racing. The major aims of the organisation are to encourage an active lifestyle into their advancing years and to raise money and exposure for 'Research into Ageing'.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday saw them planing freely at up to 25 mph on legs of up to 1 1/4 miles, and completing capable carves in steady force 4 winds on flat water. Local Seavets joined in so that there were 9 on the water and 11 at the evening dinner at Miss Muffets Tea-room in Berrynarbor.
On Thursday the wind veered slightly and dropped to F3, so the Seavets rounded the point, avoided the two tank landing craft, which were being used for Royal Marine training on to the beaches, and then worked the swells coming in to the rivers' mouth from the open sea. It was a very different form of sailing than is normally available, and caused not a little increase in heart and breathing rates!
The week was finished off at Roadford Lake near Okehampton, in good winds and a very social atmosphere. Locals present were John Mabin and myself from Berrynarbor, Bob Mullen of Score Valley Hotel, llfracombe and Sheila and Frank Paver from West Down.
Illustrated by: Paul Swailes
Alan Rowlands
Caring for Injured, Cruelly Treated, Distressed and Orphaned Wild Birds and Animals
Winslade, Buckland
Brewer, Bideford
Tel: 01237 451550
Charity No. 1021777
Dear Supporter
It is with great regret we have to inform you that Winslade Wildlife Sanctuary is no longer able to continue its work.
Your support in the last fourteen and a half years has allowed the sanctuary to offer help and advice in over 6,000 incidents and it is through your fund raising and donations that we were able to do this.
The principle reason for closure is a continued lack of funds and a chronic drain on emotional and physical resources caused by a single local complainant. The decision to close was a painful and difficult one to make. However, the well being of sanctuary staff and prudent financial control provided overwhelming evidence that this was the correct decision. The charity is aware that many people have worked extremely hard to raise money and others have provided extremely generous donations.
All monies remaining in the sanctuary account when the closure procedure is complete will be donated to a charitable grant making trust. This organisation has provided the sanctuary with a considerable level of support. Indeed, without this support it would have been forced to close several years ago.
We have contacted the organisations below who are happy for you to ring them for advice if you find an injured wildlife casualty.
- Secret World - 01278 783250
- Barn Owl Trust - 01364 653026
- British Hedgehog Society - 01584 890801
- RSPCA - 0875 555999
Thank you all for helping to care for Devon wildlife casualties

At the Sawmills we are now open all day, serving breakfast from 9.00 until 11.00 a.m., then pub food from 12.00 noon until 9.30 p.m. EVERY DAY through August. Sunday, 1st September, will be our last day for All Day, then back to 12.00 to 3.00 p.m. and 6.00 to 11.00 p.m.
For Entertainment we have 'Balloon Magic' shows every Monday through August, 7.30 p.m. - great for kids and parents too! Saturday nights through August we have Karaoke, with the 10th, 17th and 24th having midnight licence on the bar.
At The Globe we are now open 12.00 noon to 2.30 p.m. and 6.00 to 11.00 p.m. Food daily, 12.00 noon to 2.00 p.m. and 6.00 to 9.30 p.m. Roasts will continue on Sunday at lunchtime.
For Entertainment, the Red Petticoats will be dancing at The Globe at 8.30 p.m. on Thursday, 15th August and on Wednesday, 28th August, the Exmoor Border Morris Dancers will dance at 9.00 p.m.
As usual, we shall be changing the menu for the Winter Season - at both pubs - and hope to have the dining room at The Globe operating as a table service Restaurant by the end of October. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Dear Son,
Just a few lines to let you know I'm still alive. I'm writing this letter slowly because I know you can't read fast. You won't know the house when you get home we have moved.
About your father - he has a lovely new job. He has 500 men under him - he cuts the grass at the cemetery.
There was a washing machine at the new house when we moved in but it hasn't been working too good. Last week I put in 14 shirts, pulled the chain, and haven't seen the shirts since.
Your sister Mary had a baby this morning but I haven't found out whether it's a boy or a girl, so I don't know if you are an aunt or an uncle.
Your Uncle Patrick drowned last week in a vat of whiskey in the Dublin Brewery. Some of his workmates tried to save him but he fought them off bravely. They cremated him and it took three days to put out the fire.
I went to the doctor on Thursday and your father went with me. The doctor put a small tube in my mouth and told me not to walk for ten minutes. Your father offered to buy it from him.
It only rained twice this week, first for three days and then for four days. Monday was so windy one of the chickens laid the same egg four times.
We had a letter from the undertaker. He said if the last payment on your Grandmother's plot wasn't paid in seven days, up she comes.
Your loving Mother XX
P.S. I was going to send you five pounds but I had already sealed the envelope.
13th | Berry Revels 6.30 p.m. Manor Hall |
14th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. Bikers of Berrynarbor [BOB] Evening Ride 6.00 p.m. |
21st | Friendship Lunch at The Globe |
22nd | llfracombe Carnival: Judging 6.30 p.m. Procession 7.30 p.m. |
26th | Summer Bank Holiday |
28th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. |
3rd | W.I. Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Manor Hall: 'Ship in a Bottle' Mr. G. O'Leary |
4th | Entries for Horticultural Show Close, 6.00 p.m. |
5th | Primary School & College: Start of Autumn Term |
7th | Horticultural and Craft Show, Manor Hall, 2.00 p.m. |
8th | Sunday School Regroups after Summer Break |
10th | Parish Council Meeting, 7.30 p.m., Manor Hall |
11th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. BOB Evening Ride, 6.00 p.m. |
16th | Last Day for Items for October Newsletter |
25th | Mobile Library in Village from 11.30 a.m. Friendship Lunch at The Globe |
26th | Proposed date of Men's Institute AGM |
29th | St. Peter's Church: Harvest Family Service, 11.00 a.m. |
2nd | Harvest Supper, Manor Hall |
8th | NO Parish Council Meeting deferred to 15th October |
Manor Hall Diary:
Mondays | Badminton, 7.30 p.m. |
Tuesdays | 2nd & 4th in month: N.D.Spinners Yoga, 7.00 p.m. |
Thursdays | Whist Drive, 7.30 p.m. |
Fridays | Short Mat Bowls, 7.00 p.m. |
Sundays | Short Mat Bowls, 2.00 p.m. |
Mobile Library:
(Assistant - Jacqui Mackenzie)
11.30 - 11.45 a.m. | Sandy Cove |
11.50 - 12.05 p.m. | Barton Lane |
1.15 - 1.40 p.m. | The Square |
1.45 - 2.05 p.m. | Sterridge Valley |
"What a seawall they are, those Exmoor Hills! Sheer upward from the sea a thousand feet. "
Charles Kingsley
At 1143 feet above sea level, Holdstone Down is the highest coastal hill in the South West. We had arrived there late one afternoon when a resident of one of the nearby houses crossed the road to ask us, "Are you starting your walk now or have you just finished?"

He had seen a group of deer in a little spinney behind his house and thought we might be interested as it was the first time he had come across any there. We set off along the track and soon noticed movement among the trees. For half an hour we watched as the deer slowly emerged and trotted through the gorse; stopping at frequent intervals to graze and survey their surroundings.
Eventually they disappeared over the ridge of Trentishoe Down and we continued on the track which became narrower and steeper.
Finally the way became a precipitous scramble between thorn bushes blackened by fire. It was a relief to reach the level path, called Ladies Mile, which passes through a strip of mixed woodland with the cooling sound of a stream below.

The rowan trees were covered in foamy, cream umbels of blossom. The mountain ash, or rowan, is capable of growing at higher altitudes than other deciduous trees. Its bright orange red berries can be used to make the relish, rowan jelly.
A grizzled skipper butterfly basked on a warm bank, showing off the black and white chequered pattern on its wings. It likes hillsides and forest clearings but it isn't very common in the South West. [It is extinct in Scotland and very rare in Wales.]
Next, a gradual climb accompanied by the harsh, scolding, scratchy sound produced by whitethroats. The restless warblers darted in and out of the undergrowth. A male with ash grey head and peachy breast perched on a twig; his crest raised and snowy white throat swelling in song.
Leaving the trees behind we were again on open moorland. A pair of wheaters stood very upright and alert on a rock. One of the earliest of the summer visitors, when they arrive at the end of March the male wheaters look freshly painted. The breeding plumage includes a grey crown and back; cream underside with pinkish breast and a smart black eye mask. But by the time they leave in the autumn, they are duller and browner.
Amidst all this glorious scenery, a dumped fridge came as a surprise, but a sign of the times I suppose. It must have involved some effort to get it to such a remote place!

We crossed the Hunter's Inn road and followed Trentishoe Lane for a few yards to reach the coast path above Elwill Bay. This tract of coastal heath appears uniform and bleak from a distance but actually has patches of colour from squat, close growing plants such as pink lousewort and the tiny deep blue flowers of milkwort, [This can also be white or mauve.] And above this, the undulating flight of linnets; the males in summer plumage of crimson breast and forehead with grey neck and chestnut back; the females brown with streaked markings. The linnet is considered to be the best songster of the finch family.

Small, pale yellow dew moths flitted about the clump of flowers, their neat shape making them look more like little butterflies than typical moths. They are mainly found in coastal and montane areas and the male dew moth is often active by day.
We passed a site of ancient hut circles whilst above, on the summit of Trentishoe Down, are Bronze Age barrows. By now it was early evening as we skirted around Holdstone Down, not yet knowing that there was to be a very special finale to this exhilarating circular walk.
As we returned along the road, a brown hare crossed just ahead of us and paused for a moment inside a gateway before running across the field. It crouched briefly with only the black tips of its long ears showing, then looked up and continued to the far side of the field.
The hare is the largest British rodent, capable of running thirty miles per hour when necessary and a good swimmer. It is tawny brown with uneven, darker tints due to the peculiar nature of its fur, which curls and twists in different directions causing the shadings of colour.
Its ears are nearly five inches long and the large prominent eyes are positioned so that although the hare has a good view to the sides and behind it, it can only see straight ahead indistinctly. This explains why once when we were walking along the edge of a wood, a hare came running along the path towards us and only at the last moment did it realise we were there and change its course.
Illustrations by: Paul Swailes
Sue H
Loves Beginnings

And some say it's a bird,
Some say it makes the world go round,
And some say that's absurd,
And when I asked the man next door,
Who looked as if he knew,
His wife got very cross indeed,
And said it wouldn't do.
Does it look like a pair of pyjamas,
Or the ham in a temperance hotel?
Does its odour remind one of llamas,
Or has it a comforting smell?
Is it prickly to touch as a hedge is,
Or soft as eiderdown fluff?
Is it sharp or quite smooth at the edges?
O tell me the truth about love.
Our history books refer to it
In cryptic little notes,
It's quite a common topic on
The Transatlantic boats;
I've found the subject mentioned in
Accounts of suicides,
And even seen it scribbled on
The backs of railway guides.
Does it howl like a hungry Alsatian,
Or boom like a military band?
Could one give a first-rate imitation
On a saw or a Steinway Grand?
Is its singing at parties a riot?
Does it only like Classical stuff?
Will it stop when one wants to be quiet?
O tell me the truth about love.
It wasn't ever there;
I tried the Thames at Maidenhead,
And Brighton's bracing air,
I don't know what the blackbird sang,
Or what the tulip said;
But it wasn't in the chicken-run,
Or underneath the bed.
Can it pull extraordinary faces?
Is it usually sick on a swing?
Does it spend all its time at the races,
Or fiddling with pieces of string?
Has it views of its own about money?
Does it think Patriotism enough?
Are its stories vulgar but funny?
O tell me the truth about love.
When it comes, will it come without warning,
Just as I'm picking my nose?
Will it knock on my door in the morning,
Or tread in the bus on my toes?
Will it come like a change in the weather?
Will its greeting be courteous or rough?
Will it alter my life altogether?
O tell me the truth about love.
Illustrated by: Debbie Riger Cook

January 1938
W.H. Auden 1907-1973
St John Ambulance
Ilfracombe Carnival 2002
Thursday 22nd August
Judging 6.30pmProcession starts
Swimming pool car park & Brimlands to the Harbour
Entry forms from Alan
Jackson Shoe Repairs, High Street
& llfracombe
& Woolacombe Tourist Information Centres.
Please contact Erica Castle, Carnival Secretary 01271 864213 immediately if you wish to enter a vehicle without current MOT certificate.
Dear Editor
Another lovely old photograph of North Lee Farm [Newsletter 78, June 2002] my home for the first thirty-four years of my life. The photo brought back a very funny memory for me.
It showed a building with a flight of steps going up to the 'Tallet' [l assume this was an old Devonian word for loft]. In this room, all sorts of things were kept. There was also a very sturdy beam going across the room - ideal for throwing a length of rope over and making a swing.
On one such occasion, my neighbour and school pal, John Vallance and I were arguing, as usual, about whose turn it was for a swing. John was already in possession, but instead of swinging back and forth, he was going round and round. Finally, he decided to let me have a turn, but because the rope was very hairy, it would not unwind, John was in danger of hanging.
Panic!! Very quickly I ran to get my mother, who arrived on the scene with a very large knife. Judging from the look of horror on John's face when he saw the knife, and the expression on my mother's face, hanging might have been preferable!
However, it all ended happily and John and I lived to 'fight' another day.
Your newsletters are always a source of pleasure to me and evoke such great memories.
Rosslyn Hammett

Castle Hill, Berrynarbor

Yet another fine photographic postcard from around 1925 taken by William Garratt, the Bristol based photographer. This latest acquisition to my collection is numbered 104 and fills another gap in my collection of Garratt's Berrynarbor Post Cards. My thanks to Jenny Stuckey from South Devon and our Editor, Judie, for putting me in touch. Incidentally, Card No. 103 depicts Hagginton Hill [and Ellis Cottages], whilst No. 106 is of Hills Terrace, which leads me to now presume that No. 105 will be of Moules, Sloleys or Hammonds Farm, or close by.
This picture not only shows Castle Hill Cottages and Farm, but also a Virginia-creeper clad Moules Farm and outbuildings, St. Peter's Church tower and the chimney of Capel Cottage. Note on the extreme right, the ornate cast iron gate leading to a side entrance. Moules Farm was sold at the 1920 Watermouth Estate Sale for £2,000 and as Lot 13 was listed as 'A very superior Dairy & Sheep Farm, comprising A Dwelling House, Outbuildings, Cottage and about 98a Ir 16p [acres, rods and perches] of Meadow, Pasture & Arable Lands, in the occupation of Messrs. J. Richards, V.Richards, L. Bowden and Nicholls as Yearly Lady-day Tenants.'
Capel Cottage also sold in the 1920 Sales as Lot 61 and listed as 'An Old-fashioned Artistic Thatched - Cottage, Gardens and Premises, situate in Moules Hill No. 56, with Vacant Possession. There is a Well & Pump on this Lot.' It fetched £75 and shows just how valuable Moules Farm was considered to be.
From notes I made in the late 1970's, Alma Gray nee Huxtable, affectionately known as 'Granny Gray', informed me that of the Castle Hill Cottages, Jack Dummett lived in the lowest one; Florrie Edwards [Alfie Leworthy's sister] lived in the middle one; and Mr. Delbridge [Lucy Delbridge's son] lived in the top one with his daughter, Tilly, who attended school in the 1890's with Granny Gray. Tilly is buried in the top part of the churchyard. Ivy White and Gerald Bray's mother and father, Rosie and Fred Bray, who had been gassed in the 1914-18 War, lived in the larger cottage, Castle Hill Farm. They also had a daughter Audrey who died as a schoolchild at the age of 6 in 1927, and Lewis Smith could remember all the children giving a couple of pennies each for flowers for her funeral. Fred Bray never really recovered from the gassing and died at the age of 41 in 1936.
Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, July 2002
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com
Unfortunately, the printing equipment at llfracombe College [to whom the Newsletter is greatly indebted] is temporarily out of action. This issue of the Newsletter has, therefore, been kindly printed, at short notice, by Kingsley Printers, llfracombe, but at commercial rates - the price being over £200 [or 50p per copy]. This has depleted the coffers and any contributions to help the situation would be very welcome! There are collecting boxes at the Post Office, Globe, Sawmills and Sue's of Combe Martin, Thank you.
Unfortunately, the printing equipment at llfracombe College [to whom the Newsletter is greatly indebted] is temporarily out of action. This issue of the Newsletter has, therefore, been kindly printed, at short notice, by Kingsley Printers, llfracombe, but at commercial rates - the price being over £200 [or 50p per copy]. This has depleted the coffers and any contributions to help the situation would be very welcome! There are collecting boxes at the Post Office, Globe, Sawmills and Sue's of Combe Martin, Thank you.