Edition 174 - June 2018

Image © The Estate of Cicely Mary Barker
Reproduced by permission of Frederick Warne & Co.

from Flower Fairies of the Summer
Cicely Mary Barker

C.M.Barker- c1920
Public domain
via Wikimedia Commons

The Song of the Rose Fairy

Best and dearest flower that grows,
Perfect both to see and smell;
Words can never, never tell
Half the beauty of a Rose -
Buds that open to disclose
Fold on fold of purest white,
Lovely pink, or red that glows
Deep, Sweet-scented. What delight
To be Fairy of the Rose!

The Song of the Buttercup Fairy

'Tis I whom children love the best;
My wealth is all for them;
For them is set each glossy cup
Upon each sturdy stem.

O little playmates whom I love!
The sky is summer-blue,
And meadows full of buttercups
Are spread abroad for you.


Artwork: Judie Weedon


Where has this year gone? It's flying past and here we are in June already! As I write this we are enjoying a few days of beautiful weather - let's hope it lasts.

To all newcomers to the village, we welcome you and wish you happiness in your new home; and to those leaving us, we wish you the same.

The nicer weather makes us all feel better and hopefully it has helped those not feeling at their best just now.

August is the next issue when unbelievably the Newsletter goes into its 30th year! Items for this will be needed as soon as possible please and by Wednesday, 11th July, at the latest. Thank you.

Thank you, too, to everyone who has contributed to this one - without your support there wouldn't be a newsletter! Especial thanks to Paul, our Artist in Residence and a reminder that he and other local artisans are offering their unique work for sale at Fortythree, Fore Street, Ilfracombe, and Paul's work is currently displayed in their window.

Go on, call in and see for yourself the many beautiful handmade items - perfect for that special gift!

Judie - Ed


Artwork: Helen Armstead


At the end of May we shall be saying our goodbyes to Canon Michael Rogers who is retiring after many years in the Ministry of the Church. As Priest in Charge for Pip and Jim's Ilfracombe, Combe Martin and Berrynarbor Churches, we send our best wishes to him and his wife, Alison, for a happy retirement in their home near North Molton.

In June, the PCC's from Pip & Jim's, Combe Martin and Berrynarbor Churches will prepare a new Parish Profile Document so that advertising for Michael's replacement can be speedily set in motion. We shall, of course, continue to work closely with our House for Duty priest, Rev. Bill Cole, during the interim, and look forward to his visits to Berrynarbor to take some of our church services, with, no doubt, strong support from Rev. George Billington who lives here in the village.

Our Annual Gift Day will be held on Wednesday 27th June at the Church Lych Gate, and this year we'll be inviting Berrynarbor School into the churchyard for a special treasure hunt! If the weather is unfavourable we'll hold this event inside the church.

As many of you will know, we shall be welcoming the Original Chivenor Military Wives Choir for a super Concert in Berrynarbor Church on Friday 6th July at 7.30pm. Many of you will remember their fabulous Concert in 2016, and once again Berrynarbor and School Choirs will be featuring in both halves of the Concert. Tickets are available from Berrynarbor Shop and Post Office priced at £15 to include refreshments. Don't miss this very special evening!

As mentioned in the April edition of the Berrynarbor Newsletter, I shall be retiring from playing the organ for church services at the end of July. As yet, no requests to take on this role have been received, so please feel free to contact me on 01271 883893 if you are interested. It does not matter if you have not played an organ before but perhaps can play the piano, and I should be more than happy to help and advise on 'converting' to the church organ and the service structure.

Berrynarbor PCC are currently looking for a Secretary following the departure of Jean Pell. This is an important but not demanding role which needs to be filled as soon as possible. Please contact Sue or myself on 01271 883893 for details.

Going back to the special concert given by the Exmoor Carolers in December, we forgot to mention that £482 was raised from this event, the full amount being donated to the Shelter Box Charity.

Whilst on the subject of donations, we were pleased to donate £125 to the Devon Air Ambulance, raised from our joint service held here with Combe Martin and Ilfracombe churches on Sunday 29th April. These helicopters and expert crews have to date flown 25,627 missions, which is absolutely wonderful!

Ron Toms' ashes were interred in the new churchyard at the end of April. The short service, attended by Ron's daughter Sheila and her husband Tony, together with villagers in support, was conducted by Rev'd. Michael Rogers on what was fittingly a bright, sunny day!

All Church Services commence at 11.00 a.m. and are as follows:

  • 1st Sunday: Village Service
  • 2nd Sunday: Holy Communion
  • 3rd Sunday: Songs of Praise
  • 4th Sunday: Holy Communion

Stuart Neale



We shall be re-starting Friendship Lunches on the 27th June. We meet at 12.30 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month. Everyone welcome.

Please let me know if you are coming so I can give the numbers to The Globe.

Jill McCrae [882121]





We were sorry to learn that Peggy, late of Middle Cockhill, had passed away peacefully at home at Norah Bellot Court, Barnstaple, on the 19th April A good friend and fantastic listener to both her family and friends and loving wife of the late Laurie, mother of Clarissa, Martin and Elisabeth, grandmother and great-grandmother, she will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with all her family at this time of sadness.


A Tribute from her Daughter Elisabeth

Mum was born Peggy Irene Brinkman on 7th May 1931, in Tottenham, London. Her father was a cabinet maker, her mother a shoe maker for a theatre. Her father's family came from Germany, her mother's from Ireland. Sadly, her father suffered from severe epilepsy and had to go to live in a sanatorium when she was only 2. Her upbringing was tough in effectively a single parent family.

During the war years, like many children, mum moved around a lot, living with relatives and strangers as an evacuee. She was living in London in 1944 when buzz bombs were being dropped and spent many nights in air raid shelters with her mother, which must have been terrifying.

Peggy left school at 14 with no qualifications - she had one pair of shoes and a second-hand coat. As it was the end of the war, there were many jobs to choose from and Peggy and her friend frequently changed jobs as the fancy took them!

Mum met my dad, Laurie, at a tea dance, and before they married they worked together at a dentist's. She was a dental nurse - a friend having explained to her how to mix amalgam for a filling before she went for the interview! Dad made false teeth and mum would polish them on the bus as she delivered them.

She gave up city life when she agreed to marry Laurie whose ambition was to be a farmer. The wedding took place in London in 1951, in a hired dress, which was too big! The reception consisted of sherry and a cake and lasted an hour. Things were much simpler then!

They moved from London to a field in South Devon where they lived in a converted single decker bus. Dad was a farm labourer and mum kept 'house'! Dad shot rabbits which she cooked for tea; they grew their own vegetables. This was quite a change for her - she was supporting dad in the career he loved.

They moved to Ilfracombe in 1959 and dad had various jobs before they started the carpet business in 1963 in a shop in the High Street. By this time they had 3 children. Mum helped in the business, brought us up, kept house and also took guests in the summer months - she was never idle!

I vividly remember mum learning to drive - dad taught her! We 3 children sat in the back with dad - calmly, of course - telling her what to do. As the car kangaroo'd up the road, the 3 of us would chorus, "Mum, can't dad drive!"

In 1970 they moved to Berrynarbor to start a new adventure and yet again mum rose to the challenge of this upheaval. The business grew, dad was the ideas man, mum was natural at making money, dad was better at spending it! Together they made a success of the business.

Mum was always involved in the business, even when dad retired she continued to support Martin, although she did in later years turn up for work at 10.00 a.m! Lunch hours - a thing of the past now - were spent either eating out, or playing squash with Rosie their secretary, or playing cards with all the staff! Card playing continued to be a family tradition and mum was hard to beat!

Family was very important to mum and dad. As we grew up mum supported us in every way, with our school work, our friendships - she was always welcoming our friends for meals and to stay. She was an excellent cook, we always said 'Peg's perfect pastry' when eating one of her apple pies, and as children would count out the spoonfuls of custard for each of us to make sure it was fair. Christmas was a definite family affair - mum could not only cook enough delicious food for all of us, she managed to still look good as she did so and no matter how many of us there were, she could always squeeze us round the table. She was very involved with the grandchildren - having them to stay, taking them on holiday.

Mum loved clothes and consequently shopping. We spent many happy hours in the shops, she even inadvertently tried her hand at shoplifting, walking out of a store in Exeter and up the street with a new coat over her arm. Luckily, we noticed it and I was sent back with the article to confess and pay!

Life with our parents was never dull. Mum liked to be early for everything and dad was always late! Mum enjoyed driving at a steady pace in her Mercedes sports car that dad had given her, dad drove his car down the lane to the main road as though in a Grand Prix - look out the postman! They both had strong opinions and were not afraid to share them!

They had a busy retirement. They had many friends, enjoyed gardening, caring for their 9 grandchildren, were involved with their great grandchildren, continued to be involved in church, the Gideons and Rotary. Mum certainly had the gift of hospitality, always feeding her family and having visiting Gideon speakers and their wives to stay, and through Rotary having foreign students to stay.

They loved to travel. Initially taking us camping, then away in a converted transit van, then a caravan, and took us to Morocco! On their own they travelled far and wide in their motor home, driving up through Scandinavia and also through Europe as far as Romania! They discovered the delights of cruising and saw much of the world this way in their later years.

Mum struggled for many years with her health but was very persistent in not giving up. She was a good listener and whoever was caring for her or helping her, she would quickly find out about their lives, she was always interested in others.

The last two and a half years of mum's life were spent without dad and she was very strong when she had to leave her home.

She was so well supported at Norah Bellot Court and got to know all the staff, and they her with her direct manner. You always knew where you were with mum, she could be very direct! She had a keen sense of humour and even in the difficult times we found something to laugh about.

Mum was not a preacher like dad, however, she had her own faith, it was here, at Pip and Jim's in 1960 that she gave her life to Christ. She taught in Sunday School, supported the work of the Gideons as dad did. In her later years, when her health deteriorated, she struggled with her faith. A few months ago, I had the privilege of attending a service with her at NBC where the message was taken from my dad's favourite Psalm which reminded us both that God knows us altogether. Mum kept a card on her window sill with the verse 'Jesus said I will never leave you or forsake you', and in her prayer book she had a card that said 'The Lord is risen, awake thou that sleepest and Christ shall give thee new life'.

Mum had a long and eventful life, and as her family and friends we surely miss her but know that as the Bible reassures us 'to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord'.



Dear Residents of Berrynarbor

Most of you will know that we have moved from the village. Our move was brought about by a need for both of us to move nearer our families while we were still able to do it.

We had considered this for some time but had not made our minds up until Christmas. The sale of our house, as some of you know, went very quickly and most of our time in the new year was taken up by finding a suitable place to live. We have found an ideal location and lovely bungalow in which we are settling in well.

The reason for this letter is to apologise for our rather sudden disappearance without many words of farewell.

We moved to The Cedars in 2000 and have spent eighteen thoroughly enjoyable years there. We became involved with the local activities and have been made most welcome by all we have met. Berrynarbor is a wonderful village and we are missing you all already.

It only leaves us to say thank you to all who knew us and wish the whole community - and the new owners of The Cedars - a happy and successful future.

Peter and Jean [Pell]



Stuart Neale, Organist at St. Peter's Church, will be retiring at the end of July. He has played nearly 1,400 church services since 1998 and has been Choirmaster at Berrynarbor since the year 2000. He will be playing for Weddings and Funerals for this year, but not for church services.

As well as playing the organ, the post involves organising the music and the running of Berrynarbor Choir.

It will be sad to lose Stuart, however, we do need to look ahead to find a replacement at the earliest opportunity. Stuart studied on piano before taking on the organ, and so it would be possible for a pianist to come forward. Although a church organ is obviously different to the piano, Stuart says converting to the organ need not be a huge challenge, and he would be more than happy to help familiarise anyone who wishes to take over this role and to help and advise on the structure of some of the church services.

So, if you feel you might be able to take over this role, please contact Stuart on 01271 883893 as soon as possible.


Artwork: Paul Swailes


I'll start off by saying what a horrible March, not so good April but a lovely May bank holiday weekend.

Looking back to my last report I see in my final paragraph I was hoping the cold spell would move on quickly but this did not happen.

The temperatures in March did climb a little bit but only reached double figures on eleven days, the highest on the 15th at 14.2 DegC. In March 2012 the temperature reached 20.6 DegC! There were eight days when the temperature was below freezing, the lowest was on the 1st when I recorded -4.4 DegC. This was the lowest since March 2001 when it fell to -4.7 DegC. I don't normally mention much about the barometric pressure. This March the pressure remained low most of the month - lowest 983.5mbars on 3rd, product of storm Emma - with only two highs moving through on the 21st at1035.2 mbars and 26th at 1019.1mbars.

The BEAST FROM THE EAST produced snow which fell early in the month. On the 1st about 50mm and the 2nd about 2mm. On the 17th THE MINI BEAST hit us, this was, I think, worse than the first beast. I had great difficulty measuring the snow fall as the gale force winds moved it into drifts, my best guesstimate was 118mm which was the heaviest fall I have recorded since my records started in 1994.

Rain and precipitation total fall for the month was 110.6mm. The highest I have on record was 200mm in 1994. Maximum wind speed on the 2nd here in the Valley was 34mph from the N.N.E. This is a very sheltered position from the east and I am sure it was blowing much harder in the exposed areas. Wind chill on the 1st was -10.4 DegC at 10.00hrs, the lowest for the month. March only managed 69.09 hours. of sunshine and according to my records since 2003, there have only been three below this for March.

April showed a little improvement with temperatures managing to reach double figures on most of the days with the exception of the 1st at 9.3 DegC and 27th at 9.5 DegC. The lowest temperature was 1.5 DegC on the 5th. Total rainfall for the month was 78.8mm [my average 61.4mm] and the wettest day was 27th with 13mm. So far this year the total rainfall for the first 4 months amounts to 360.8mm.

The wind remained quite strong throughout April with a maximum of 35mph on the 17th from the S. W. The lowest wind chill was on the 5th at 0800hrs 1.3 DegC. Barometer readings were on most days a little higher with a maximum 1026.2mbars on the 20th and lowest on 3rd at 988.5mbars.

Sunshine for April was 119.61 hours which I think is just a bit below average.

I wish you all a good summer whatever you are doing. Keep your umbrella handy?





Berrynarbor Parish Council
Chairman - Adam Stanbury [882252]

Gemma Bacon [883341]

Jenny Beer

Julia Fairchild [882783]

Denny Reynolds

Vice-Chairman - Sian Barten [882222]

Adrian Coppin [882647]

David Kennedy [07791 781283]

Clare White [882959]

Parish Clerk - Victoria Woodhouse - clerk@berrynarborparishcouncil.org.uk

County Councillor - Andrea Davis [883865]
District Councillors - Yvette Gubb [882364], John Lovering [john.lovering@northdevon.gov.uk]

Snow Warden - Clive Richards [883406]

At the recent Annual Parish Council Meeting, Cllr. Adam Stanbury was again voted in as Chairman with Cllr. Mrs Sian Barten voted in as Vice-Chairman. There has been little change in the appointments of representatives and officers but these can be found on the Parish Council's website. The Parish Council's website is designed to keep you informed and up to date with your Parish Council. If you haven't yet visited the site please do have a look: See: www.berrynarborparishcouncil.org.uk.

We are averaging around 800 views per month with which we are very pleased. If you have an organisation or news you would like us to share on the website, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Village Signs

The new village signs are now in situ and will be complete once the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty signs have been added. There is still a stone planter to be built at the Barton Lane sign and we hope this will take shape very shortly. The Parish Council would like to thank the AONB and County Councillor once again for the funding and support received.


Unfortunately, our Village Newsletter is struggling with costs and a lack of funding/donations. Although the Parish Council provides a considerable donation to the running costs each year, the donations received have fallen. There are many demands on Parish Council funds and it is unable to wholly subsidise the costs associated with producing the newsletter. The Parish Council would encourage those of you who enjoy reading the newsletter and being kept up-to-date with local information, to donate towards the cost of its production. There are donation tins available in the Village Shop, The Globe, Sawmill and Central Convenience in Combe Martin, or donations can be sent direct to the Editor. If donation levels are not increased it might be that a charge will need to be introduced and this in turn might mean that the Editor would no longer be willing to produce it. The Parish Council will be looking to hold an event to help raise funds for the newsletter, and we would urge you to support the running costs by providing regular donations for your copies, we do not wish to risk losing this local publication!

Defibrillator Awareness Training

Each year the Parish Council, in conjunction with South Western Ambulance Service, organises a Defibrillator Awareness Training Event open to all members of the parish. This year's event will be held on Tuesday 26th June 2018 from 7.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall and will be led by the Assistant Community Responder Officer. You are all welcome. Please do come along and learn how to use this lifesaving piece of equipment.

Vicki Woodhouse - Parish Clerk


Artwork: Harry Weedon


June is the busiest time of the year for the Berry in Bloom team. The lovely display of spring bedding of tulips, daffodils and polyanthus is over and the tubs are emptied, the compost refreshed and the summer bedding planted. Watering will start again in earnest.

Almost all of the plants we use are grown by Grow@Jigsaw, our local social enterprise and we have always been very pleased with their quality and price.

This year Grow@Jigsaw and the new Landlord of The Globe have undertaken to give the pub garden a tidy up and revamp. The work will be done in exchange for the Jigsaw Christmas lunch - what a good idea, everyone wins! Hopefully we will be able to take the R.H.S judges there for tea after our Judging on 11th July. The judges look at the village as a whole and every area is important.

Last year we had a fun and successful Tea on the Lawn fund raising afternoon in Phil and Lynn's lovely garden at the Lodge. This year Phil and Chris Brown have offered to have it at Middle Lee Farm. The date for this event is Sunday 22nd July from 2.00 p.m. onwards. Weather permitting, phone 07436811657 if in doubt.

Every year we rely on the support of the village and we are grateful to everyone who helps in whatever way.

Wendy Applegate


Artwork: Angela Bartlett

Rhubarb and Custard Cake

I bought a jar of M&S rhubarb and custard curd and decided it was the perfect ingredient for a cake using rhubarb that is plentiful at this time of the year

For the Cake

  • 4 or 5 sticks of rhubarb, cleaned and cut into thinnish 4 inch-long strips
  • 250g soft butter or stork margarine
  • 250g golden caster sugar
  • 4 large free-range eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 200g S.R. flour
  • 50g Birds custard powder
  • 1 level tsp baking powder
  • Splash of milk

For the buttercream filling

  • 150g soft butter
  • 250g icing sugar
  • 50g custard powder
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 2-3 tbsps milk
  • Rhubarb and custard curd or rhubarb jam

Pre-heat the oven to 170 Deg/160 Deg fan. Gas mark 3. Butter and line two 8 inch/20cm sandwich tins.

Sift the flour, baking powder and custard powder together.

Cream the butter and sugar together using an electric whisk or processor.

Add the eggs one at a time and whisk well, adding a little of the flour if it looks like curdling and scraping down the sides to incorporate all the sugar evenly then add the vanilla extract and whisk. Fold in the flour mix and then loosen the mix with a splash of milk.

Pour the batter in to the cake tins and smooth the top. Put the cut fresh rhubarb in a starburst pattern on the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until risen and slightly pulling away from the sides of the tin. Cool the cakes on a wire rack.

While they are cooling make the buttercream by placing all the ingredients in a bowl or food processor and beating until soft and fluffy.

When the cakes are cold, carefully turn one of them over on a clean tea towel and spread half the buttercream on the underside. Put the other cake rhubarb side up on to a plate and spread with the other half of the buttercream.

Then spread the rhubarb and custard curd, or rhubarb jam if using that, over the buttercream. Flip the other cake over so that the buttercream is underneath and place on top. Spread a bit more of the curd or jam over the top and your cake is ready. Yummy, yummy!

Wendy Applegate


Dave Beagley


Solution in Article 25.




Wine gives great pleasure; and every pleasure is of itself a good.
Samuel Johnson

We were supposed to have Chris Bullimore, from the Wine Beer Supermarket in Roscoff, Brittany, in February, but the snowy weather intervened. He offered again for April, but a mini-stroke then intervened, only five days prior to this event; however, Chairman Summers rallied to the cause and covered, ably!

Morrison's, Bideford, is like other supermarkets, as their stocks are dictated by wine buyers, but Tony still managed to produce, an interesting evening. Bideford is just 19 miles from here, but we hadn't used this retailer before. Prices were revealed once we'd sampled . . .

Gerárd Bertrand Reserve Speciale, 2016, was a 12%, French, Sauvignon Blanc. Members' descriptions were: 'a bit sharp', 'seductive', 'bland', 'tinny' and 'thin'. Many Sauvignon Blancs have a fruity perfume or nose, but this was missing.

It's always good to compare and 'Kiri' was also a 2016 Sauvignon Blanc, but produced in Marlborough, in New Zealand's south island. Also a 12%, but everything else was different. Pale lemon in colour, its nose was likened to gooseberry and passion fruit. Additionally, it had delicious fruit flavours. Its label stated: refreshing acidity and a crisp finish; many felt it was noticeably better than the French.

A Sancerre triggered positive "Oohs"! Another 2016 sample and described as elegant and complex; it was specially selected for Morrison's. A Loire product, which has produced Sancerre since Roman times, due to its mineral rich, with chalky soil and steep-sloping hills: perfect conditions for producing juicy grapes; however, some thought our sample would, probably, be the cheap end of Sancerre.

The cheapest created a stir, as it wasn't our first! 1st: £8.50, 2nd: £7.70, 3rd: £13. Marlborough wines are known to produce fruity, punchy Sauvignon Blancs, at reasonable prices.

Tony said it had been difficult to find three bottles of the same type, but chose a Côte du Rhône wine. These are graded: Côte du Rhône, Côte du Rhône Village and then a C. du R.V. with a named village; the latter being the best. We began with a C. du R. Village from Cairanne, aged for 15 months in oak barrels. Le Pinson des Garrigues, 14.5%, was described as highly drinkable. Its grape mix: Grenache, Syrah and Mourvidre, made it very smooth. A mix of grapes provides structure and it would be good with food.

Our next was South African, produced in Parle on the Western Cape. Timestone, 13.5%, was another mix: Shiraz, Cinsault and Mourvedre.its label description included 'lured by the fresh cool water of our natural springs', but Tony didn't hear anybody that liked it!

A St Emillion Grand Cru, 2014, wasn't the dearest of the night, surprisingly. Chateau Lagarelle Puits Rasat, had a brown tinge to it. This chateau is a property in the heart of this appellation. This wine offers well-balanced tasting - complex, witharomas of ripe fruit and subtle woody notes. It had toasted aromas but looked thinner than our first.

The first was £10, our least favourite was £9 and the final sample was £12. Would I bother to drive to Bideford for any of them? Over to you!

'The smell of wine, oh how much more delicate, cheerful, gratifying, celestial and delicious it is than that of oil.' François Rabelais

May is synonymous with AGM's. Many think that these are tedious affairs, but ours are brief and to the point! In just under 5 minutes we were listening to Nigel Pound, Wine Consultant, of Totnes Wines. This is his business and he is a traditional wine merchant. His shop lacks the usual bright lights and racking. Bright lights, by the way, makes wine deteriorate.

Nigel began by saying that he's been involved with wine for 40 years. In addition to being a wine retailer, he travels abroad for research, assists professional auctioneers with valuations of liquid items and is Radio Devon's Wine Wizard with his Saturday appearance, approximately every six weeks. He believes, firmly, that wine is about people; wine is about history and that 70% of wine in the UK is not very good. 'Wine', he said, 'should be produced and bottled in the same country'. The reasoning for this: sulphites would be added at every stage, so it makes complete sense to keep it local.

Our first white was a Montagny Buissonier, 2014, 12.5% and a white Burgundy. One sommelier, via the 'net and passionate about White Burgundy, states it is the ultimate French Chardonnay. Ours was unoaked and it is the oakiness of Chardonnays that give it a bad name; however, this was delicious! We wouldn't drink it on a daily basis as it was £14.95 a bottle. The back label described it as intense and elegant . . exotic fruits and white flowers. It was bottled at the Vignerons de Buxy and a good example of you only get what you pay for!

Piqoli Greco-Fiano, 2016, Basilicata, from Southern Italy, followed. It was 12% and although this wine is produced in a hot climate, the growers have cold cellars and, therefore, are able to make crisp white wines. It was balanced, had a good finish and was £12.50. It was fruity, had acidity and finish.

It's always good to hear different ideas regarding any topic; it helps you to think outside the box. A wine described as a dessert wine, would be served at the end of a meal, usually; however, Nigel suggested that the Clarendelle Amberwine Monbazillac is great served as a slightly sweeter aperitif as it makes you hungry! This 13.5% non-vintage was a mix of three grapes: Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon and Muscato. The 500ml bottle was £13.95. Ice would weaken it, but, it would, in our opinion, be delightful poured over this, or, served in a very chilled glass!

When growing wine, the first question should be: Is the vineyard in the right place? The 2015 Pierre Amadieu Côtes Du Rhône, Roulepierre comes from Gigondas, south-eastern France and was grown in suitable conditions: poor soil and dry air. It was £8.95 and mostly Grenache and Syrah with a little Mourvedre.

As Nigel's background and possibly his pores ooze wine, he was full of useful snippets of information and reminders: sunshine creates sugar and sugar creates alcohol, which will equate to stronger wine. The K-nom Clos Trotligotte is made in Cahors, France; it was 100% Malbec wine, made by Emmanuel Rybinski. It was dry, 2016, £11.99, 13.5% but had no nose.

Our final wine of the evening was a Rioja, a Lan Crianza, 2014, 13.5%, made with Tempranillo grapes. 'Rioja is Spanish Claret' stated Nigel. It is versatile and was a High-Altitude Wine. The term Crianza indicates that it would have spent one year in an oak barrel; it would also spend another year in a bottle. This was £12.00 a bottle. Nigel recommended that it was drunk at 18oC or 64oF.

Nigel's learned and tasty presentation completed our 2017-2018 season. We've asked him to return for our next. His cheese contact at Creber's in Tavistock will be joining him: sounds good to me!

We are NOT wine buffs, just people who enjoy a glass. If you're not a member, it's a great way to meet more neighbours! We have finished now for the summer but restart at the Manor Hall at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday 17th October, when we hope to welcome Chris Bullimore.

Newcomers to the village will be very welcome.

Judith Adam - Promotional Co-ordinator & Secretary



As you will have seen in the report from the Parish Council, the Newsletter is currently only just keeping afloat!

Although mailing subscriptions have been renewed, increasing costs and a significant drop in donations, particularly in the collecting boxes, mean that funds at the start of this financial year are not good.

From its inception the Newsletter has been a 'freebie', something I, as Editor and Producer, should like it to remain; however, it does cost money to produce - over £500 per issue, approximately £1.60 per copy.

If you receive your copy, kindly delivered with your papers from Combe Martin, you most probably leave a donation in the collecting box at the Shop. However, if not, perhaps you might think of doing so. Between us let's see it get into its 30th year!

Donations are appreciated, welcome and essential.
Please act now to save the Newsletter!

I should like to thank all those who have already rallied to the cause and given their support - the Manor Hall Trust, the Berry in Bloom team and the Parish Council who will be running a Dog Show to raise funds. Look out for posters for this nearer the time and make a note of the date NOW!

Judie Weedon



[Venue to be confirmed]
All Dogs with well-behaved
owners on short leads [not extending ones]
are welcome!



The unsightly scrap that has been blighting the footpath through the fields at the top of Barton Lane will be going!

However, it will probably look worse before it gets better as there is a long line of it awaiting removal before the scrap can be picked up.

The Parish Council are aware of the situation but we want to put villagers in the picture as there is a lot of scrap which has now become visible.

Gwendolyn Brandon - Home Barton Farm


Artwork: Peter Rothwell


Thank you very much to everyone who joined us for our 'Strictly come Dancing' evening. It was a fun evening and everybody had a good time attempting to find their inner strictly whilst helping to raise valuable funds for the hall. We were able to use our new PA system for the evening, and a big thank you to Martin for once again giving up his time installing it for us.

Wendy and her excellent cake baking Berry in Bloomers have very generously offered to help raise money for the hall by helping run a Devon cream tea afternoon combined with a Slide Show on the history of our village by Tom Bartlett. So, if you like delicious cakes and would be interested to know more about your village's history, this will be a lovely afternoon. The date is Saturday 2nd June and details of this event appear later in this Newsletter.

This year we are holding a good old-fashioned village fete, the Berry Revels, on Saturday 21st July. Lots of fun and games for all the family. Our plans hope to include donkey rides, face painting, stalls, raffle, crafts, refreshments, including cakes, BBQ and bar, music and lots more. If you or your user group can help in anyway, please get in touch with one of our Trustees.

If you have been to the hall recently you will see that we have scaffolding up in order to sort our roof and chimney leak. Please take care around it and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Our previously mentioned Community Fundraising Scheme to raise money for the hall and save money on your bills is now up and running. For more information have a look at www.utilitywarehouse.org.uk/K81288, call 0337773212 and give our appeal number K82188, or just have a chat with Alan Hamilton on 07905445072 to see how you and the Manor Hall can benefit.

And finally, yet more fundraising and fun are in the planning stage as we hope to hold a Barn Dance in the hall in August or early September, so, please look out for the posters!

  • Chairman: Julia Fairchild [882783]
  • Secretary: Natalie Stanbury [882252]
  • Bookings: Alison Sharples [882782]
  • Treasurer: Karen Coppin
  • Louise Baddick, Jim Constantine, Phil Crompton, Alan Hamilton, Martin Johns, Len Narborough, Denny Reynolds


Artwork: Paul Swailes


Supporting Local Suppliers

. . . and minimising our carbon footprint. The Shop is extremely proud of its ongoing support for our local suppliers and the South West economy.

  • Fruit & Veg supplied by Normans of Ilfracombe
  • Bread from the Pantry of Ilfracombe
  • Milk & Butter From Trewithan Farm Cornwall
  • Meat From Besshill at Arlington
  • Deli supplied by Isca of Exeter and Hawkridge
  • Miles Tea & Coffee from Porlock
  • Cards from Whistlefish of Cornwall
  • Hancocks Cider
  • Exmoor Ales
  • Quince Honey from South Molton
  • Freebird Eggs from Braunton
  • Youings Wholesale based in Barnstaple
  • Martins Wholesale based in Cornwall
  • Berrybay arts and crafts made by our lovely villagers
  • Roly's fudge from Ilfracombe
  • Sugar free Discover Chocolate from Exmoor
  • Jams/Marmalades & Chutneys from Waterhouse Fayre Devon

Visitors to the shop love the local produce. It's proving so popular that the Shop now offers gift sets which are selling really well - a perfect gift for your friends and relatives visiting you this summer. And don't forget, we can also pack and post them for you.

Don't miss out

The Shop is entering its busy period and we don't want our regular and local customers missing out. So, if you would like to order bread, milk, papers or anything else, just phone us on 01271 883215 and we'll make sure we put what you want on one side for you to collect later.

And a reminder that the Post Office will be closed on the afternoons of Wednesday 6th June and Wednesday 4th of July for end of month reconciliation.

Bigger bags for a better bargain

The shop now has 90 litre bags of top quality Westland All Purpose Compost at £6.75 a bag; two bags for just £13. These days most garden centres only stock 60 litre bags and our latest price watch tells us you can buy three of their bags for £14.

So you can save an extra pound on top of the petrol money by buying your compost from us. Another example of your shop going the extra mile so you don't have to!


The Annual General Meeting for Shareholders will be held on Wednesday, 13th June 2018 at 8.00 p.m. in the Manor Hall.





The Summer Term started with a variety of activities on the calendar including sporting events, educational trips and making music, to name a few.

Class 3 trip to the Eden Project

We visited the scorching hot dome at the Eden Project. In the dome they had lots of beautiful plants. Some were soft and silky. Some were rough and spikey! When you first walk in you feel the heat difference. It is so hot. There are lots of fruit such as bananas, hard coconuts and pineapples. My favourite part of the day was looking very closely at the teeny tiny really juicy pineapples. They looked so juicy I could just have eaten them. As we walked up higher it got hotter. Near the top there is a wobbly bridge to go across and another bridge where you are sprayed with water. It was so nice! I would recommend a day at the Eden Project because of the amazing things there. It is so much fun!

Fiona and Emma

Key Stage 1 visit to Arlington Court

We went to Arlington Court and went pond dipping. It was great fun. We found a dragonfly's cocoon and lots of tadpoles. The Rangers with us for the day were Paul and Jess. We also learnt about habitats and life cycles. The cycle starts with the sunshine and the plants get their power to grow from the sun. The rabbit eats the plants and then the fox eats the rabbit.



There are many music activities ongoing. Some children have group or individual tuition for guitar, ukulele, piano and singing. Pupils of Joe Steer showcased their guitar and ukulele skills earlier this year.

Mrs. Barrow has two choirs who will hopefully be performing to the school later this term. One of the choirs, the Concert Choir, is busy rehearsing for the Military Wives' Concert in July. There are also six children involved with the Teachers' Rock Choir, an exciting venture. Here is an excerpt from the press release.

Teachers Rock Youth Choir record their first professional 'live in session' album alongside Teachers Rock and Rev Bazil Meade MBE. On Saturday 14th April, 125 young people [aged 8-13yrs] from across the South West joined together for their first ever recording session as the Teachers Rock Youth Choir.

    "The pleasure of seeing young children singing with enjoyment written all over their little faces is high on my list of good experiences, a most important ingredient of that moment is having an inspired tutor guiding them.

    Debbie Kent is excellent with children." [Rev. Bazil Meade MBE]

The Teachers Rock Youth Choir is a new vocal development programme initiated by Teachers Rock founder Debbie Kent. It offers young people unique learning experiences enabling them to participate in high quality, transformational vocal programmes which broaden and deepen their musical understanding and help support the development of their musical creativity.

The Teachers Rock debut album featuring the Teachers Rock Youth Choir is due for release next month. To keep up to date with all the latest news subscribe to the Teachers Rock website: www.teachersrock.co.uk The Teachers Rock Youth Choir are also on twitter @TRY2cool4school and Instagram: try2cool4school

Playground Developments

We had a Pride in our School Day one Saturday in May when parents and friends worked hard to spruce up the school grounds and put in place some of the new equipment in the playground.


Both Key Stage 2 classes have residential trips planned, and Year 2 will be having a sleepover with their partner class at West Down School.

Ethos and Vision Day

This is a new venture for us, the children of Berrynarbor and West Down Schools joining together to take part in a variety of activities, including art and craft, outdoor team building, and other workshops. The aim of the day is that it will help us to identify and celebrate our shared values as a federation.

Sue Carey - Head Teacher

Events in the Bible - Elderberry Class [10/11]






A Tour of the Torrs

There are many points of access to the Torrs, but the most spectacular and arduous is the steep zigzagging cliff path above White Pebbles Beach. But you are rewarded by wonderful sea views and there are strategically placed benches to break the upward trek into manageable chunks and to allow you to survey the passing sea birds. Beside the path in spring and early summer is an abundance of wild flowers: bluebells, thrift and the graceful sea campion with its mauve veined bladders behind white petals.

Finally, you emerge among blackthorn bushes. A few steps lead to a view point and there's a glorious sense of space as you descend to the coast path. The scene was further enhanced for us by the Oldenburg coming into view.



Two shallow streams cross the path. A party of linnets came down to drink; the males with their pink breast plumage just beginning to show. Wheatears and stonechats may be seen on the nearby stone walls and tops of bushes.

A short climb up from here, a slight detour from the route, leads to a hidden sheltered hollow [where I once found a fairy ring of toadstools] and a rocky platform, where you can sit and look down upon a cliff which is a favourite perch for peregrine falcons. But it had started to rain - a late April shower on the first of May - so we kept going. As the path narrows and swings round the corner, it is worth pausing to scan the little cove far below. We have sometimes seen a seal swimming between the fingers of rock there. It was too soon to see one of my favourite butterflies, the green hairstreak. It is small; the upper sides of its wings are a dull brown but the undersides are a bright apple green. It is only on the wing for a short time so if we reach the end of June without having spotted one, I know I shall have to wait another year at least.



Illustrations: Paul Swailes

One summer we were returning from a walk on the Torrs, having failed to come across a greenhairstreak, when we stopped to chat to a dog walker who was stooping to photograph some flowers. She mentioned she had earlier found a butterfly and wondered what it was. Did we know? She showed us a picture she had taken of it on her mobile 'phone. It was the elusive green hairstreak!

We continued our circular route along Langleigh Lane. Jack-by-the-hedge or garlic mustard grew about the high banks. A flock of jackdaws took off suddenly from an adjacent field. The surface of the lane had become eroded and watery in places and as we completed our walk it stopped raining. There used to be an admission charge for walking on the Torrs, which despite complaints, was not abolished until 1959. In 1856 George Eliot stayed at Ilfracombe for seven weeks to pursue an interest in natural history.

Sue H




LSSM dip [Hons], LCSP [Phys], BRCP, IAS

Remedial and Rehabilitation Therapist
Certified Practitioner of Pilates for Rehabilitation

What turns a competent professional dancer into a renowned and well-loved Pilates Practitioner? Well, having been a client of hers for more than 11 years, who's guided me through the aftermath of a minor stroke and two knee operations, I wanted to find out.

Jane-Elizabeth, nearer sixty than forty, has been practising in Ilfracombe for over 18 years and is highly respected, not only by her many clients, but also by the medical profession to whom she gives workshops in London and Devon.

Born in Amersham to The Rev, Francis Roberts and his wife Gwenda, Jane started life with a big 'footicap' - she shared her mother's womb with a growth which would have risked her life had it been removed during pregnancy. The result was that when she was born her feet were severely twisted. It seems astonishing that at 2 years of age she started ballet when she was unable to walk properly until she was 11. During those years, she learnt body movement - but initially totally on her backside! Her brother, Christopher, was born 18 months later with no problem. The family lived in Little Missenden, where her father was Parish Priest for 40 years.

Whilst still a child, she became friends with Tessa Dahl, one of Roald Dahl's children, who lived in Great Missenden. At that time, Roald wasn't very well known, it was his wife, the Academy Award winning American actress Patricia Neal, who claimed fame. Roald used to retire to his garden shed and write children's stories, which he would then read out to them. In hindsight, what a privilege!

When she was 11, Jane won a 3-year I.S.T.D. [Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing] scholarship to study on a Saturday morning in London. During her time there, she was taught by many famous names: Beryl Grey, Moira Shearer and Ninette de Valois, to name a few. As she was so young, Jane won a fourth year scholarship. She had to be persuaded to take this up, but afterwards of course was pleased that she did so. At the age of 15 Jane won a scholarship to study at the Ballet Rambert School but as she was still of school age, had to complete her education, on top of her ballet work, at a Ladies' Finishing School in Chorley Wood.

Jane then won a scholarship to the Royal Ballet School, but when offered a second year, declined and returned to the Ballet Rambert. One day at the school, Dame Marie Rambert herself, then 75 years old, came in to watch the class.

"I want that girl in the black T-shirt in my Company". And so Jane started 15 years as a professional dancer.

She then decided to form her own company: Dance Spectrum. which she ran for 10 years, working with Wendy Hiller, Dulcie Gray, Michael Dennison, Judie Dench and others, mainly in Buckinghamshire.

All went well until she fractured her spine meaning that she was out of action for 6 months; firstly in traction, then in a wheelchair and finally a rigid corset followed by a Velcro one that she could remove at night. When she spoke to her consultant about rehab, he suggested she went out for a jog! She didn't feel that that was right after so much inactivity and that was when she learnt about Pilates.

Shortly afterwards, she became pregnant, another shock as she'd been told she couldn't have children. Not to be inactive, she took up interior design, making curtains, swags, doing upholstery, etc., very often with materials costing over £50 a yard. One day, she had this very expensive material spread out on the floor. It was the potty training period and her toddler, Emma, came in holding her potty to show mummy what a good girl she'd been. Mummy flung herself at the pot as it hit the floor, drenching herself but not a drop went on the precious material. Whew!

Jane became a Registered Pilates Teacher and taught at Tring Ballet School, before returning to Ballet Rambert to teach. She also qualified as a Therapist.

In 2001, the time came when the family, who had always loved North Devon, decided to move to Ilfracombe. For the first 7 months, Jane returned to Milton Keynes for 10 days a month but then decided to move her work here. 10 posters were made and she took them to local businesses and shops, asking for them back if they weren't going to use them as she only had 10!

Since then her work has grown significantly. Starting in the Lantern, then Studio 20, before she had her own studio and shop, Arabesque Dance Boutique, also taking on a studio opposite until sadly she got breast cancer. Ironically, she was due to go to Phoenix, Arizona, to study anatomy. This had to be cancelled, but with Jane's determination, she completed this the following year.

Partly as her own re-hab, she trained to work on fascia, the body's connective tissue. All the time I've known Jane she has always been updating her knowledge and recently spent a week working on fascial anatomy.

Her latest Body Aware Pilates Studio and Clinic is at the junction of Fore Street and Portland Street, 155 High Street, Ilfracombe. It is a lovely environment in which to work and she has just completed renovating the first floor, as she needed extra spaces. In a second clinic, she has osteopathy, reflexology, hypnotherapy and other treatments.

I've not detailed her many impressive qualifications - they would fill half a page! - but if you would like details, her website www.bodyawarepilates.co.uk will tell you all. Suffice to say that her real love is helping people with severe problems: recovering from operations, strokes, or those with Parkinson's, MS, sports injuries or any other problems. She also has sessions for pre and post-natal care, sessions for men only and before anyone becomes a client, he or she has a one-to-one session so that Jane knows exactly how to help them with their problem.

She also fits dancers with their pointe shoes with a full biomechanical assessment of their pelvis and legs before fitting. If your child needs ballet shoes, she can also provide these. Just send her an e-mail.

Finally, I must not forget Millie. She is an endearing little black dog, and Jane's constant companion, who welcomes everyone to the studio before obediently retiring to her small kennel. She must be a delight to the people she visits wearing her Pets as Therapy collar.

We are very lucky in North Devon that Jane-Elizabeth decided to choose Ilfracombe to set up her stall. In spite of or because of her many difficulties she has the willpower to help her many clients.

She may be a mere 5'2" in height and wear size 6 in clothing, but she is a giant in the world of Pilates and justly earns her title of a Mover and Shaker. Long may she continue her valuable work.

PP of DC



By the time you read this, it will be less than 5 weeks to the Military Wives' Concert. As the church can only hold an absolute maximum of 200 people and tickets are selling fast, if you wish to go you should pop up, or down, to the Village Shop to buy your ticket[s] now to ensure you have a seat.

To begin with, advertising has been in Berrynarbor only to give villagers preferential treatment! But now advertising will be elsewhere and everywhere!

The Programme, From Top to Toe, will be completely different to the last Concert. All choirs are rehearsing different songs for your enjoyment. Refreshments will be served but these will be different too. The only thing that will be the same is the ticket price of £15, and that includes nibbles and a glass!





1. Turps, 7. Actually, 8. Roast, 10. Yardsticks, 12. Ramblng, 14. Imam, 16. Tragic, 17. Albanian, 20. Accelerant, 23. Troll, 24. Ignition, 25. Pests.


1. Tartar, 2. Posy, 2. Acid, 4. Aunty, 5. Blackmail, 6..Gypsum, 9. Table, 11. Americans, 13. Nil, 15. Paint, 16. Tragic, 18. Naples, 19. Slate, 21. Rood, 22. True.


What goes in your recycling bin, box and bags?

North Devon Council (NDC) can now take 70% of household waste as part of your kerbside recycling collections. It's important to put the correct items in the correct containers because if you don't the crews may be unable to empty your boxes, bins or bags.

Here is a comprehensive list to help you organise the recyclable waste you produce:

Your recycling box

The following items can go in your recycling box:

  • Household batteries (please put them in a small plastic bag before placing in your recycling box)
  • Small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) such as kettles, toasters and mobile phones. All items should be no larger than a standard-sized carrier bag
  • Mixed plastics including yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, plastic bottles and food trays - squashed where possible
  • Glass bottles and jarsFood tins and drink cans
  • Aluminium foilAerosol cans
  • Unfortunately, NDC are not able to take black plastic products (see why below), plant pots, cling film, tetra paks and packaging film. This includes cellophane, sweet wrappers and crisp packets.

You may now leave tops, caps and lids on your plastic and glass bottles and jars. Simply give the containers a rinse, squash plastic bottles, and pop the lids back on.

Black plastic

Unfortunately, NDC are unable to accept black plastic in your recycling. Though the plastic may have a recycling symbol, it is not currently possible to effectively sort black plastic from other materials at the recycling facility, and so the trays often get sent to landfill. This is because the main pigment used to colour black plastic is not detectable by the near-infrared (NIR) optical sorting equipment because it doesn't allow light to pass through. As a result, there is no market for selling used black plastic and recycling it 'contaminates' and de-values the rest of the load.

Please ensure all bottles, tins and cans are rinsed well, as these are sorted by hand. To help save space on the recycling vehicles, please also squash your plastics and cans where possible.

Green wheelie bin

NDC offer an optional garden waste collection service for £36 a year.

The following items can go in your green wheelie bin: Bark, Hedge clippings, Grass cuttings, Real Christmas trees - chopped up, Weeds, Cut flowers, Plants (no soil), Windfalls,Untreated sawdust. Wood shavings. Clean straw

Kitchen and kerbside caddies

NDC collect your food waste every week from your kerbside caddy, together with your other weekly recycling. Your small kitchen caddy can be kept on your worktop and then emptied into your kerbside caddy.

The following items can go in the caddies:

  • All cooked food, All raw food, Bones and carcasses, Leftovers from plates, Tea bags and coffee grounds, Fruit and vegetables, including peelings, Egg shells

You should line your caddies with special compostable caddy liners [7 litre or 23 litre], which you can buy from the supermarket. This helps contain the food waste and is more hygienic for you and the recycling crews. Alternatively, wrap your food waste in a sheet of newspaper or kitchen roll. Please do not use plastic bags.

Brown bag

The following flattened cardboard items [with packaging tape removed] can go in the brown bag:

  • Corrugated cardboard, Cereal boxes and other cardboard food packaging, Toothpaste boxes, Toilet roll and kitchen roll cores, Cardboard egg boxes, Card sleeves (from food trays), Greetings cards

If you have a large quantity of cardboard, please contact NDC so that they can arrange a free bulky cardboard collection. Cardboard can also be taken to recycling centres in North Devon.

Green bag

The following items can go in the green bag:

  • Newspapers, Paper, including shredded paper, White and brown envelopes (windowed or non-windowed), Brown paper, magazines, Catalogues. Telephone books, Junk mail (no plastics)

Plus: Dry, undamaged clothes, Undamaged shoes (in pairs), Undamaged blankets and bedding sheets

Unfortunately, the Council can't take wet or worn-out clothes and shoes. They also can't accept duvets, pillows, sleeping bags or heavy curtains. They are also unable to take wrapping paper.

All recyclable items listed can also be taken to recycling centres in North Devon.

You can have up to two of each recycling container. You can request additional containers online or by calling 01271 388360.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett


Down in Cornwall many years ago, there in a little village lived a woman by the name of Sally Brown. She was thought, by the local people, to be a witch.

Things happened which were blamed on her, although they were not her fault.

All the produce on one man's allotment failed. But this was due to a jealous fellow allotment holder, who didn't win prizes at the local show, putting weed killer in the man's water barrel.

She was thought to have cursed a field that would not grow much. The truth here was that the farmer never fertilised the field.

Sally was also said to be able to wish away warts, although they can, of course, go of their own accord.

In those times, it was not uncommon to burn witches at the stake.

The local church minister, the Reverend John Smith, felt sorry for Sally and did not want her to come to harm, so he contacted her and made this suggestion:

"If you come to live with me, I shall dress you as a monk and say you are staying with me while the monastery is being refurbished."

This she did and everyone accepted the situation.

After a while, the Reverend was transferred to another parish. They married and settled down together. Sally was no witch!

There was an old man of Blackheath
Who sat on his set of false teeth.
He arose with a start
And said "Lord, bless my heart,
I've bitten myself underneath."

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Berrynarbor: It is now 72 years since I lived in the village. The six and a half years spent there were very enjoyable, ones which I shall always remember. I was drawn back for holidays later and retraced my steps to those days.

Tony Beauclerk - Stowmarket



a first taste in education

At Berrynarbor Pre-school we provide care and education for young children between the ages of 2 and 5. Presently we have spaces available and are now taking bookings for the next academic year.

If you would like to book a place for your child/children, then please visit us or call us on 07932 851052, or e-mail preschoolberrynarbor@gmail.com for more information. Our opening times are 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., Monday to Friday. We are flexible and have a range of session times to meet your needs and these are given in the Manor Hall Diary later in this Newsletter.

We are Ofsted registered and in receipt of the 2-year-old funding and Early Years Entitlement. We are offering 30 hours free childcare to eligible families. Further information can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government'publications/30-hours-free-childcare-elegibility.


Last term, as some of you may be aware, we had our Ofsted inspection. We're pleased to announce that we received a 'GOOD' rating which is a brilliant outcome as Ofsted continue to raise the bar making standards harder to reach. Our report can be found at https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/ and enter Berrynarbor Preschool.


Thank you for supporting our quiz night at the Globe last term. We raised a total of £397.00 which was fantastic. We are looking to host another quiz night soon as this was so popular, so look out for our posters for more details and encourage friends and family to join your team for a fun night out. Our Clothes recycling scheme Bags2school, raised £104.00 which was great and a big thank you goes out to the community for all their kind donations.

Topic of learning

This term we have been working on our Reading and Writing based around Early writing and the Read Write Inc. programme which is also taught at school. Children have been encouraged to sound out familiar letters and to form recognisable letters from their name or make patterns and to put meanings to these marks. This has all been based on the child's individual stage of learning. We have been finding different and fun ways to develop the children's fine motor skills, strengthening their fingers and encouraging them to draw. Activities have been both indoors and outside. We have also encouraged parents and family members to support their children in writing by watching them model the process of writing at home.

In the first half of term the children explored the days of the week, our seasons and observed the changes that occur in nature. This included the story of The very Hungry Caterpillar and we watched our own caterpillars turn into Painted Lady butterflies.

Next half term the children will be learning about our environment, travel and the seaside. We shall be reading books such as We're sailing to Galapagos and the Ilfracombe Academy SOS books about Simon the seagull and Peter the puffin who tell us the dangers of plastic on our beaches. We plan to visit Combe Martin beach and take part in a seashore safari and enjoy our beautiful beach and explore the rock pools.

Wish list

If anyone knows of a second-hand slide or knows someone who wishes to donate one, we should be very interested. Our slide has incurred some damage over the cold weather and we're not sure how much longer it will last. We should like to say thank you for our lovely new hula hoops that were donated and which the children have already enjoyed using.

Thank you for your support from the staff at Berrynarbor Pre-school.

Sue, Karen and Lynne



"Courage calls to courage everywhere, and its voice cannot be denied."

The unveiling of the statue of Millicent Fawcett in Parliament Square reminded me that my maternal grandmother was a suffragist and a follower of Millicent Fawcett. My mother, who longer term village residents may recall, told me that one of her first memories was being taken by her father to watch her mother in a parade. It was quite unusual for husbands [and men] to support women in seeking the vote.

Millicent Fawcett Statue - Courage Calls
Garry Knight from London, England
CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dame Millicent Fawcett

by Unknown photographer
albumen print, 1880s
NPG x9199

© National Portrait Gallery
London, Licenced under

Millicent Fawcett was a tireless campaigner who played an important part in the fight for women to have the right to vote. In 1897 she set up a group called the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, which believed in non-violent tactics to persuade the government that women deserved the right to vote. This movement, called Suffragists, held meetings, paraded with banners and signed petitions.

It was not an easy battle and one of their members, Emmeline Pankhurst, felt that more radical action was necessary to make themselves heard, for example chaining themselves to railings, setting fire to buildings and going on hunger strike when arrested. This group, formed in 1903, were called Suffragettes.

The Suffragists and Suffragettes worked together and after World War I, a law was passed which gave some women and all men the right to vote on who represented them in Parliament, and in recognition of all Millicent's work, she was made a Dame.

Millicent also concentrated on improving women's opportunities and amongst her many achievements in 1875 she co-founded Newnham College, Cambridge, one of the first English university colleges for women.

Born in June 1847 in Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Millicent Garret married Henry Fawcett, a Liberal Member of Parliament, in 1867. She died at her home in London on the 5th August, 1929.

Kate Malin White [1867-1950]
My Grandmother

Judie Weedon




I am Sam and in the December Newsletter I told you about my forthcoming fundraised expedition to Cambodia with the Ilfracombe Academy next summer. Whilst I am there I shall be giving much needed help by undertaking projects that will make a huge difference, such as:

  • Education - helping the children of Cambodia by building new schools and classrooms.
  • Housing - constructing vitally needed housing for the most impoverished families.
  • Environment protection - replanting saplings in areas affected by deforestation.
  • Food, water and security - installing new water supplies to ensure school children have access to fresh, clean, drinking water.

A big thank you to everyone who has donated items for me to sell at car boot sales. Fundraising is going well and I am working hard to achieve my goal of £4,000.

My Nan, Margaret Walls, is helping me to sell plants from outside her home as well as mine, Lane End, Barton Lane. Please feel free to have a look and hopefully buy!

I am still looking for suitable items I could sell at a car boot sale to raise funds, so, if you have any unwanted items that you think would be suitable and would be willing to donate, please let me know. I should be happy to come and collect them or you could drop them off at Lane End.

If you simply wish to donate towards my fundraising, I have a GoFundMe page at https://goo.gl/Nkn3Zo

Thank you.


Sam Walls
[01271] 883764
07388 044480


Artwork: Helen Weedon


"It is surely the loveliest scene in England and the most disarming sound." So wrote the novelist J.M. Barrie on the subject of cricket.

Putting aside my own personal bias, for I am a great lover of the game, I still view from an objective standpoint that his sentiments are fully vindicated. It is a topic I have raised in previous articles arguing that the sight of a cricket match played within a rural vista, especially in a village setting, beautifully completes the overall portrait. But Barrie's statement takes the matter one step further by emphasising the necessity for sound as well, in this case the distinct noise of leather upon willow as bat and ball encounter each other. It seems, therefore, that only once the combination of sight and sound are brought together is his "loveliest scene" truly complete.

When I read Barrie's words I was reminded of a visit to Ilfracombe's Cairn Top one summer's evening some years back. It is a favourite spot of mine, providing a pleasant panoramic view at any time of year. To the north is the Welsh coastline encompassing the Gower Peninsula and, when visibility permits, Pembrokeshire. Beyond, the ever dominant Brecon Beacons. To the east Great Hangman and Holdstone Down are visible, whilst looking southwards the sky meets farmland on a ridge near Mullacott. Out to the west are undulating peaks and troughs that make up the Torrs. Closer to hand are the steep slopes of Slade Valley through which the West Wilderbrook flows. Open fields run the crest of both sides of the valley whilst woodland covers the slopes. Some recent felling of sycamores close to the summit have also opened up a clear view of western Ilfracombe.

On reaching the hilltop there was not a breath of air. The heather and gorse that surrounded the peak lay static. The trees that cling to the surrounding steep slopes stood motionless. No rustle of leaves, no creaking of branches. Perched on the top of a pine tree, now well past its shelf life and waiting for one final storm to send it crashing to the ground, was the silhouette of a silent magpie. In the distance a hang glider seemed to spend what seemed forever following the line of the southern horizon before dipping below a distant hillcrest to land, I guessed, upon the sand at Woolacombe Bay. On Ilfracombe's seafront, holidaymakers were traipsing up and down the zigzag path of Capstone Hill like an army of ants on evening patrol. Periodically flocks of gulls nonchalantly flew through the valley in either three's, five's or seven's but always in 'V' formation. The nearer fields on the crest on the nearer side of Slade Valley were home to a herd of Friesian cattle. Directly above I observed a sky awash with insects on the wings, whilst to the right and much higher I espied a buzzard circling to take full advantage of the rising thermals from the valley below.

Then I noticed a train of eight jackdaws flying in a closely packed formation in an east-west alignment. In this particular instance it seemed an inappropriate collective term for the species; for even when viewed from a distance, one will normally hear something that detects a locomotive.

Yet herein lies the point I am trying to make. Much as what I have described so far had pleasantly added to the overall scene, it did not complete it. Sound was required. This was to be provided by various sources, including the 'chack' of a lone jackdaw flying close behind the other eight. His call was slow and drawn out as if to make some sort of plea to couple up with the train and enable them to fly in a true 'V' formation. But the group were clearly staying tightly packed. Maybe in the jackdaw world eight's company, nine's a crowd. Above me came the 'vit, vit' call of swallows which, along with their silent counterparts the swifts and house martins, were about to enjoy a supper feast by eliminating the sky of its winged insects. In the valley below came the frequent sounds of a dog's bark, children's laughter and whining buses as they began their steep ascent through Score Valley and out of Ilfracombe; and much closer to hand but out of sight, the unmistakable calls of grasshoppers and crickets. The scene was now complete.

But on the evening I visited, noise and then the subsequent lack of it, was to play a unique role at sundown. Being a time of year when one can observe the sunset in the middle of one of the Torr's depressions, it can appear as though the sun is literally sinking into a trough half full of seawater. On this occasion, just as its golden ball began reflecting upon the sea, a nearby wood pigeon commenced a boisterous rally of 'oo-OO-oo' calls. All the while a second herd of Friesians appeared on the crest of the highest field on the far side of the valley. Then, as the sun dipped the lowest edge of her circle behind the sea's horizon, the wood pigeon abruptly halted its call and fervently flew to the other side of the valley. In turn, both herds began bellowing out a strange chorus of calls that resonated across the valley. Gradually, in time with the setting sun, their calls mellowed. Once the sun had set, all had become eerily quiet. No birdlife above. No sound from within the grasses and scrubland. No barking, laughing or noise from traffic in the valleys. Utter silence.

Then, a sudden rustle of leaves could be heard as the gentlest of cool breezes glided through the Cairn's green canopy. The grasses and scrubbery acknowledged its presence with subtle movements. The breeze grew and with each gust it became a little stronger until goosebumps began to appear on my arms. Time then to head home. As I did so, nature proffered up one final sound, courtesy of a call of a tawny owl which echoed through the woodland. Time for the creatures of the night to take centre stage.

Illustrations by: Paul Swailes

Steve McCarthy



Artwork: Peter Rothwell


St Peter's Church has stood in the village of Berrynarbor for hundreds of years. It has not always looked the same; the oldest parts could be 900 years old. But through the years it has been a place where villagers have gone to worship God and to seek help [both from God and from one another], when they have been in need, to hear the latest news [before the advent of modern communications], to celebrate family occasions. weddings, births and to mourn for departed loved ones.

I have been a part of the scene for a very short time - a mere year and a half in all those centuries of history. However, I have really enjoyed my short time with you, getting to know some of you, enjoying the warm friendship in your community and the beauty of the village. Now it is time to move on, and I am retiring on the 31stt May, which may have happened by the time you read this.

In an often-quoted passage, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament writes: 'To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted' . . . there is quite a lot more.

I have sensed since last autumn that the time for me to move on is now here. Although my time in Berrynarbor has been short, I have been living and working in Ilfracombe for over 9 years. Leaving will not be easy; I have made close friendships, and have a great affection both for the people and the area, but I sense God's call and must obey. Many retired people have warned me that I shall be just as busy in retirement, and I am not leaving God's service, so there will undoubtedly be more to follow.

You will be well looked after by the Reverend Bill Cole in Combe Martin Rectory [01271 523441], and Reverend George Billington, living in the village, will help with worship in the church. I am grateful to them both for their help and support.

Thank you all for your friendship. I shall pray for you, and for the appointment of my successor. May you know God's blessings and enjoy a rich future!

With my love,

Michael Rogers



Since we started receiving digital TV in 2009, many people in our village, including ourselves, have frequently suffered from poor TV reception, despite promises that this method would be a great improvement and better than the previous analogue system. In the few years following the installation of digital TV, there were many protests in North Devon to the North Devon Journal [see p.16 in 10/6/2010 issue] and the matter was also taken up by Nick Harvey, the MP at the time. There was a temporary improvement but over the years the problem never permanently went away and now in the last few weeks it has returned. 

It was particularly bad between the 18th and 20th April and again on 5th May and today, as I write on 6th May. The picture breaks down or disappears frequently, especially on all BBC channels and often ITV and other channels disappear too. Calls to BBC reception advice are often met with disbelief, misinformation and diversion tactics, none of which actually help in getting us a proper working service. If we pay a licence fee, then the service should be supplied in working order. Alex Parke and I have been investigating this matter over the last few weeks. Between us we have contacted many suppliers who give conflicting advice and pass us on to someone else. There doesn't seem to be any co-ordination or communication between these bodies, the conversation goes round in circles, no one accepts responsibility or tries to get to the bottom of the fault. We, the customer and licence payer, are left to do all the chasing.

The following people have been contacted so far:

  • BBC Reception Advice Tel 0370 0100123 who say that the fault may be caused by interference from the mobile phone mast above the village. They also said our transmitter is in Wales, whereas we believe it is at Huntshaw Cross and didn't know if we had a relay mast 
  • Let's Be Clear who operate the mobile phone mast Tel Freephone 0808 1313800. They said this is the TV relay transmitter and can supply free of charge a device to fit on the TV to solve the problem. Both we and Alex received these promptly on request, they were simple to fit but didn't solve the problem. 
  • Freeview Advice [Dave] help@freeview.co.uk said there were no reported problems at the transmitter and their postcode checker said that we should receive good overall reception.
  • Ofcom and Digital TV have been contacted in the past.

Richards Television in Combe Martin said they received 10 phone calls for help on the weekend 20th April.

So, we need to solve this problem once and for all. If you suffer from any poor TV reception at any time please nag any of the above. For example, BBC Reception Advice have said 'Ask neighbours to log cases with our team if they are having issues as it will give us a better overall picture of the problem.' 

Finally, Alex and I are contacting Peter Heaton Jones, our MP, over this matter peter.heatonjones.mp@parliament.uk  Tel 02072195728.

Please do the same if you want to resolve this, working together will have more of an effect. I'm quite sure that if this poor TV reception occurred in Plymouth, Exeter, Bristol or London it would be a major issue whereas an area of small rural population can be easily ignored!

Jill Massey
Tel 01271 882445 



The news of Hedy's passing reminded me of a memorable occasion in the spring of perhaps 1984, when Pam and I had been in Middle Lee for a couple of years.

Joseph was working in London and at his penultimate Christmas was given presents, a large number of cigarette lighters and one bottle of port with a piece of Stilton. He then spent a lot of time telling people how much he enjoyed the port and Stilton.

At the next Christmas he was given 12 bottles of port [with Stilton]. He then retired and brought it all back to Berrynarbor.

A month or two later, he and Hedy decided that they should have a Port and Stilton party, to which Pam and I were invited. I can't remember how many others were there but it must have been quite a big party because before the end of the evening, we had managed to empty all the bottles of port. At that time Hedy was working occasionally in The Globe, so she went across the road to find the only other bottle in their stock. Then the owner of the Manor Stores - now Flowerdew Cottage - found another bottle on his shelf! When those, too, had also gone, Joseph said to me, "Alex, I have a bottle of champagne in my 'fridge. Would you like some champagne?"

I was still sober enough to reply: "Joseph, I only ever drink champagne out of a lady's slipper!"

Without hesitation he took off one of Hedy's shoes, filled it with champagne and handed it to me. I did what any gentleman would do and drank it. It was an interesting flavour, although I wonder if Hedy ever wore the shoe again!

Alex Parke of DC


Artwork: Angela Bartlett



The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle
Hugh Lofting, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Have you met the residents of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh? Gub-Gub - the pig, Jip - the dog, Chee-Chee - the monkey, Dab-Dab - the housekeeper duck, Too-Too - the accountant owl, and Polynesia - the parrot? If not, you must also meet Cheapside - the cockney sparrow, notorious for using bad language and resident of St. Edmund's left ear on the statue at St. Paul's Cathedral, who visits with news and likes to gossip. And, of course, the Pushmi-Pullyu, the gazelle unicorn cross with two heads, who usually uses only one head to talk, reserving the other for eating, allowing it to talk with its mouth full!

These wonderfully named creatures are the friends of Dr. Doolittle, as told in the books by Hugh Lofting.

Hugh John Lofting was born at Maidenhead on the 14th January 1886, one of six children to English and Irish Catholic parents. By the time he was eight, he was boarding at Mount St. Mary's College in Derbyshire, before studying civil engineering at the Massachusetts Institution of Technology in the States, returning to England to complete his course at the London Polytechnic.

A variety of jobs followed some of which took him to Canada, West Africa and Cuba, as well as the States, where in New York in 1912 he married Flora Small. Having decided that engineering was not for him, he began writing articles and short stories, but the outbreak of the First World War put this career on hold.

In 1916 he joined the British Army as a member of the Irish Guards, serving in France and Flanders. His children looked forward to receiving his letters and wanted to know about his life in the trenches. However, he felt that to write about what he was enduring was not suitable for children. He had noticed that unlike wounded soldiers who were medically treated, the war-employed animals were shot or discarded as no longer useful. Out of disgust for this treatment of animals, Dr. Doolittle was born. This doctor gave up treating humans and turned his attention to treating animals which he felt was best achieved by learning their language. The illustrated stories were sent back home to entertain his children, Elizabeth and Colin.


Hugh Lofting at a book signing - 1935
Los Angeles Times, CC BY 4.0
via Wikimedia Commons

Lofting was wounded in France in 1917, discharged two years later and sent back to his family in America. Moving to Connecticut, he devoted his time to writing.

The Story of Dr. Doolittle was published in 1920, enthralling his readers, and a second book, The Voyages of Dr. Doolittle, was published in 1923, winning critical acclaim and the Newberry Medal Award.

In 1927 Flora died and the following year Lofting married Katherine Harrower. Sadly, just shortly after their wedding, Katherine caught flu and died. Possibly as a result of these losses, his own health began to decline and although he had been ready to put Dr. Doolittle 'to bed', readers wanted more and he obliged.

In 1935 he married his third wife, Josephine Fricker, and they moved to California where their son, Christopher, was born. The outbreak of the Second World War soured Lofting, which was reflected in his writing which became rather 'dark'.

Hugh Lofting died in Santa Monica, California, on the 26th September 1947, after a two-year illness. Despite taking up residency in the States, he never became an American citizen, remaining a British subject throughout his life.

In the 1970's, the 12 Dr. Doolittle books fell out of favour and out of print, blacklisted for two decades because some passages were considered racist. In 1988, revised editions of the books were released.

In 1967, Dr. Doolittle took to the screen, starring Rex Harrison, Samantha Eggar, Anthony Newley and Richard Attenborough; a further adaptation was filmed in 1998 with Eddie Murphy in the title role and another is currently in pre-production.

Judie Weedon



  • 15th June - Falling Apart, Ilfracombe's famous Rock Band 7.30 p.m. Tickets £5 & £6 on the door, Children U11 free
  • 21st July - Barnstaple Male Voice Choir, 7.30 p.m. Tickets £5
  • 6th October - Polperro Fishman's Choir, Tickets £5
  • 7th December - Military Wives' Choir Christmas Concert 7.00 p.m. Tickets £10, £12.50 on the door, children U14 free with an adult

Drinks will be available during the intervals.

Tickets may be obtained from Hairport, Alan Jackson or Turton's in Ilfracombe High Street, or David Beagley at Holy Trinity and Bob Newman at St. Peter's, Ilfracombe.


Artwork: Angela Bartlett



This view of the Post Office and Village was published by F. Frith & Co. Ltd. of Reigate, Surrey, around 1961 and has the number BYR59. This photographic card shows just how many large trees were then growing near the church and beyond, and appears to have been taken during the summer, June/August.

I wish that I could identify the car outside the shop, and note the public telephone box which can only just be seen.

©Copyright The Francis Frith Collection

This particular card has been sent to Miss N & J Herbert of "Mayflower Cottage", Gold Hill, Chalfont St. Peter, Buckinghamshire on the 11th July 1963.

The message reads: We have just had coffee here which is a mile from the hotel up a country lane; we passed the farm from which we ordered your cream. Hope it has arrived. Sorry it was too small, we will send or bring a larger one next time. The sun is shining this morning but it looks unsettled. The village, buried in a valley, was completely cut off by the snow but seems to have survived. Love from Daddy."

Betty Davis was the Post Mistress from 1958 to 1961, and Keith and Margaret Walls Joint Post Master and Mistress from 1961 to 1977.

Tom Bartlett
Tower Cottage, May 2018
e-mail: tomandinge40@gmail.com



28th to 1st June: Primary School & Ilfracombe Academy - Half Term
2nd Tea and Talk, Manor Hall, from 2.00 p.m.
6th Post Office closed - end of month reconciliation
12th Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m.
Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
13th Village Shop AGM, Manor Hall, 8.00 p.m.
26th Defibrillator Awareness Training, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.
27th St. Peter's Church: Annual Gift Day - Lych Gate
Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.30 p.m. All Welcome
1st Berrynarbor Dog Show, 11.00 a.m.
4th Post Office closed - end of month reconciliation
6th Military Wives' Choir, St. Peter's Church, 7.00 p.m.
10th Mobile Library in Village from 11.40 a.m.
Parish Council Meeting, Manor Hall, 7.00 p.m.;
11th Berry in Bloom: RHS Judging Day
21st Berry Revels, Manor Hall - for further details see posters
22nd Tea on the Lawn, Middle Lee Farm, from 2.00 p.m.
24th Ilfracombe Academy: End of Summer Term
25th Friendship Lunch, The Globe, 12.30 p.m.
27th Primary School: End of Summer Term

Manor Hall Diary
MondaysUpholstery, 9.00 to 1.00 p.m.
Craft Group, 1.45 p.m.
Badminton, 7.30 p.m.
TuesdaysN.D. Spinners [2nd & 4th]
3rd: Craft Art Group, 9.30 a.m.
WednesdaysPilates Body Workout, 9.00 a.m.
Primary School p.m.
ThursdaysWatercolour Painting 10.00 a.m. [10 week terms]
Pilates, 7.00 to 8.00 p.m.
FridaysToddlers Soft Play and Activity a.m.
Primary School p.m.
Penn Curzon RoomPre-School: Daily - Term time only
Morning Session: 8.30/9.00 - 12.00 p.m.
Afternoon Session: 12.00 to 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m.
All Day: 8.30/9.00 a.m. to 3.00/3.30/4.00 p.m.
Mobile Library
Village Shop: 11.40-12.10 p.m. Sterridge Valley: 12.25-12.55 p.m.

School, Pre-School and Toddler Group - Term Time only


Image © The Estate of Cicely Mary Barker
Reproduced by permission of Frederick Warne & Co.